He's already polling at 13%. Should he get to debate?
Can Gary get his 15%
Will get less than 5%
Screencap it
honestly having another person on stage only helps trump. makes them focus less on his stupidity and rambling.
screencap these trips faggot -->
>How can he get to the debate
Say some outrageous shit. Maybe it's because I'm a britbong but he's literally never been anywhere near the headlines.
>Would it be good for him to debate
Yeah. He isn't particularly like either of the candidates but he probably shares more of a mindset with Trump than Hillary. Libertarians and conservatives/nationalists are linked somewhat, so it outnumbers Hillary even more.
Some people just want to throw their votes away.
At first I thought his presence at the debates would waste precious time, but then I realized that when Trump has too much time to talk, he starts rambling and says stupid shit.
I have a funny feeling Trump is going to boycott the debate again if Johnson gets in.
Open borders is fine when you don't have any significant welfare system. It's only when the two are combined you get things like what's happening in Germany.
>Open borders is fine when you don't have any significant welfare system
No, it's not, it's still cancer and it will still destroy your country.
>b-but it's okay to be overrun with niggers and spics because I'm not paying for them directly, they just run down wages and do petty crime
>Running down wages.
You do realize they need to actually get into your country to do that, right? Jamals and Juans still won't be able to afford property prices, and if they don't live there they can't commit crime. The most realistic result from open borders without a welfare system is a bunch of middle class european families moving in, which I don't think many nationalists would have a major problem with.
>implying this is 2012
He won't get 5%.
There's what people tell you, and then there is what they do. The shy tory effect is real
That's not going to happen.
>candidates must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to have a mathematical chance of winning a majority vote in the Electoral College, and have a level of support of at least 15 percent of the national electorate as determined by five selected national public opinion polling organizations, using the average of those organizations’ most recently publicly-reported results at the time of the determination.
Honestly, every presidential candidate should be able to debate the others. Just being on the debate stage could do a lot to break down this two party system. More ideas the better. Except leftist ideas... Those are kind of rubbish.
No he's a loser, fucking stinks of defeat and sage
>Jamals and Juans still won't be able to afford property prices
1. They live 10 people to a house and just spend all the daytime in the streets. Illegal immigrants live somewhere. It's no worse than they live now in their own countries.
2. They sell drugs, and pay for their property prices with crime.
3. Once a few move in property value starts going down so the rest can afford it.
he used to be CEO of a company called Cannabis Sativa, he also said on camera that he "wont consume marijuana if elected president" because "I'm a disciplined cat"
it's weird that that bothers you
forgot link
>2. They sell drugs, and pay for their property prices with crime.
I'm gonna assume if Gary was in control he would allow us to buy nukes with the heroine money we got from selling to toddlers. Drug revenue would be taken out of the hands of criminals and given to legitimate enterprises.
He's not a real Libertarian.
it doesnt bother me im from washington state we all smoke weed out here.
Was meant for
It should be a 4-way debate with Trump, Clinton, Johnson, and Stein.
>Gary gets to the debate
>Splits up Dem voters by sucking up all the Bernouts
>Trump wins by a landslide
Works for me.
I mean same, and I also just think it would be generally healthy to have some parody in the debates
Open borders are fine when you have another prosperous nation around you not when you have a third world shit hole full of retarded cockroaches who also have whole continent of them below them trying to get into your country.
lol why you so scared of South Americans
afraid they might take that fruit picking job you've been working your way up too all these years?
What illegal immigrants do you know? I knew a few kids from Mexico (both legal and illegal) and they all worked throughout high school. I would care more about spics if they were taking good jobs.
No, Hillary needs to dominate Trump 1 on 1
the spics will only vote us back into slavery
>Gary Johnson: he's also running
I actually hope Johnson makes at least one debate to cannibalize Hillary's support. If he took a state it'd be New Mexico, which loses the Dems at state.
thats what black people say about Trump supporters
No. Third parties historically crash and burn after the DNC/RNC. This year will be no exception. He might have a chance at 5% if he doesn't get totally bulldozed in media coverage once the Hillary-Trump debates start. Jill Stein will be lucky to pull 1-2%.
A 3rd party candidate can only help him gang up on Hillary
sorry folks, 3rd party libertarian would harm trump
And when the leftists, niggers and now the even larger flood of spics out vote you and reinstate all those wonderful gibsmedats AND keep the borders open? What then?
anyone that votes for this guy deserves to be shot in the face
I know so many idiot "conservatives" who are voting for this fucking clown
That's kind of true.
It's just going to be Gary, and Hillary patting each other on the back, and ganging up on Trump the whole time though.
Not that I don't think The Don can't handle it. That's def what it will end up being
With that said I doubt Gary Johnson is going to be a part of the debates.
Btw all the polls I see have Johnson at 7%
Not 13
Trump will probably invite the major 3rd party candidates to a debate, Hillary or not, and then open with "I'm glad to have you guys here, all of you are fine candidates and I'm proud to debate candidates that have integrity and a greater vision for america, unlike my democrat opponent Hillary Clinton. To the american people there are X amount of excellent candidates on this stage tonight, I implore you to vote for any of us instead of wasting your vote on a corrupt criminal clinton