>tfw most patriotic Americans on this board support Putin
I thought patriots weren't supposed to engage in treason? The guy is literally an enemy of America kek. It's like being an American commie in the 1950s and supporting the soviets in the Cold War
How is Russia the enemy of America? We were enemies in the Cold War because the Soviets were communists hellbent on supporting communist revolutions all over the world to undermine us. They are no longer communists, and they are no longer supporting communist revolutions across the world. So how are they our enemy?
After the Cold War ended, our attitude toward Russia should have been welcoming, or at the very least neutral. There is no good reason whatsoever to take an adversarial posture against post-communist Russia. None.
Camden Roberts
Nice argument there bud
Samuel Peterson
god this man is so attractive
this, and now were doing something similar, refusing to attack isis in defense, refusing wild fire help, trudeau outright calling him a bully like a little bitch, and trudeau going to ukraine and saying "russia needs to be stoppppppped"
get trudeau into my bed or out of my life completely. impeach impeach impeach
Dylan Lewis
No. He's an enemy of Obama. Obama is an enemy of America. Ergo, Putin is a friend.
Jeremiah Morris
Newfag here. Why do people dislike Putin? Was invading Ukraine justifiable? Did I just answer my own question?
Kayden Fisher
no you didnt you faggot, russia didnt invade ukraine.
Nicholas Flores
You only answered one of my questions user
Colton Hill
I also heard that the US did not like the Russian airstrikes in Syria. Is Putin dropping bombs on innocent people?
Asher White
Oh, sorry:
>why do people dislike putin? because they're ill informed and following the popular opinion without doing proper research. most people wont admit they're generally just disinterested in russian politics, and will use words like kleptocracy and sovereignty and nation state that they ripped from their highschool history teacher to sound like they've done the research. it's the google effect
>was invading ukraine justifiable? it would have been had he fucking invaded ukraine, but he did not.
Easton James
US doesnt like russian involvement in syria, yes that is true. but the syrian government wants russia to be involved.
but why would the us, supposedly anti terrorism, be against another strongarm country doing the dirty work for them? because the us isnt actually anti terrorism in syria, and they know russia has a history of doing very will in their occupation of the middle east.
afghanistan was a thriving monarchy under russian occupation
Evan Peterson
Maybe because people don t want to die in a nuclear winter ya know , and Putin is based . And pic related
Brayden Martinez
he is a nationalist
that's why your (((globalist))) government hates him
Joshua Reyes
>it would have been had he fucking invaded ukraine, but he did not.
What is Crimea?
Jeremiah Bell
>tfw most patriotic Americans on this board support Putin They aren't """"Patriotic"""" anymore. They lost their minds when Bush was revealed to be militarily incompetent and we elected a nigger.
Easton Myers
Red scare cuck, there is no need to be enemies with Russia anymore, indeed I think we should cooperate in trade. Together our might will be unstoppable.
Kayden Rivera
Crimea is Russian. Crimeans are ethnically Russian by over 90%. Crimean property values went up by like 800% as soon as they were annexed.
Funny, isn't it?
Gavin Moore
>it would have been had he fucking invaded ukraine, but he did not but he did, similar to Finnish war in 1939 under false pretense of helping local rebel goverment
Brayden Green
>afghanistan was a thriving monarchy under russian occupation If you're going to shill for Vladimir Vladimirovich, at least get your timeline straight. The Russians weren't propping up the already deposed Afghan monarchy during the war.
Levi Peterson
The enemies within are numerous enough that the enemies without have become friends of circumstance, desu fampai.
Christopher Peterson
$0.02 AUD has been deposited to your "Hillary Victory" Goldman Sachs account. Thank you for Correcting the Record.
Carter Morales
>Maybe because people don t want to die in a nuclear winter ya know We didn't want to die in a nuclear winter in the 1980s, either. It still didn't mean giving Ivan everything on his wishlist.
Liam Davis
that does not justify military annexsion
Jaxson Williams
>I thought patriots weren't supposed to engage in treason?
Its not treason.
>The guy is literally an enemy of America kek.
He is a rival. HRC is an enemy.
>It's like being an American commie in the 1950s and supporting the soviets in the Cold War
No, its like being an American in the 50s and endorsing 101 capitalist dictators. Remember?
Henry Cooper
The commies have eventually won, haven't they. Maybe this time, we'll be on the winning side.
Jaxson Ramirez
Russia and US are best buddies, we are truly just estranged brothers who need to make up and lead the world to a better, manlier, and more productive and peaceful place!
Charles Gutierrez
>The guy is literally an enemy of America kek Putin never done anything to harm America, despite USA actively trying to sabotage him. Hillary, on other hand, committed plenty of crimes against country while being secretary of state.
Adrian Stewart
Aren't people also skeptical that the airstrikes are actually targeting ISIS strongholds. Like they're using it as an excuse and targeting rebels instead?
Hmm, guess I didn't read about the Partition Treaty before. Troops under 25,000 were mobilized so it's not technically an invasion?
I've heard that Putin is a smooth talker. I heard him speaking about America basically paying mercenaries and dropping bombs on ISIS where they are paying them. Sounds like he's calling out America's bullshit. youtube.com/watch?v=OQuceU3x2Ww
Charles Thomas
t. Gus Hall
Mason Ramirez
The man is not our enemy.
He may even become the savior of western civilization.
Jaxson Green
You goddamn shit fucks, you do realize crimea allowed russian soldiers to be there on a trade. those soldiers were allowed to be there, and when the riots started the people WILLFULLY ASKED FOR THE SOLDIERS TO PROTECT THEM
Matthew Lee
Soviet union is dead, terrorism is bigger threat
Ian Scott
He's an enemy of the US government, who themselves are an enemy of the US people.
Luke Nguyen
>enemy of America
That ended in 1991, old man
Nolan Allen
This plus Putin kills Muslims en masse so he's cool with me.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Hillary's campaign is so desperate to control the narrative they are willing to create an enemy out of a formidable country who is acting in self interest, no different than we are
Leo Jackson
Are shills really this naive?
Jeremiah Gonzalez
jokes on you id blow ted cruz too
Colton Barnes
>Place well armed Russian military units in Crimea >Take the whole peninsula under control >Start a referendum in controlled Crimea >"Win"
Angel Williams
>referendum had been attempted several times years prior without russian presence >ukrainian government rolls tanks onto peninsula, tears up votes >true sovereignty
Adrian Young
>These are not the "duck and cover" generation >They actually live in their parents home (average Sup Forumstard age is 20)
Dylan Bailey
I feel likes its level'd bait but really Russia is clearly intervening in Ukraine and Crimea affairs just as we did. While I dislike obongo, I don't think Putin is the greatest.
Camden Morales
>Russia is clearly intervening in Ukraine and Crimea affairs just as we did
the difference is it is totally appropriate for russia to be in the affairs of its surrounding states, and they have a track record of being fair and wanting to uphold culture above all else.
usa has no place, is essentially coming in cold as a stranger with strange motives, doesn't speak the same language, never shared culture or religion, etc.
usa and russia are not equal when it comes to ukraine.
Owen Brown
No they arent in terms of culture but they are in terms of global influence. Tbh if its strategic somehow they why not try and take it? Im pro USA before Russia any day
Juan Ortiz
can you even name a single reason why ukraine would be strategic to usa
but russia has the historical, cultural, economic, military ties etc etc
russia wins everytime
Ayden Perry
Can I? Not off the top of my head. But there has to bee SOME reason they are involved.
Ayden Gray
Trump jumped on his dick and now all of Sup Forums do too.
Before Trumps dick riding no one here would support Russia. Now all of a sudden we want them as allies despite them adding nothing to us as allies and russians hating the US.
Jack Powell
Gee I don't know maybe the majority of sane people want good relations between the world's two super powers. >btw $.02 for your hard work
Liam Torres
Russia in the current state of the world, would be the only good ally US could get.
The others are all brainwashed by globalists and leftcucks.
Connor Garcia
because the us is constantly trying to add to its vital mission list to stay relevant. they are constantly looking to find reasons to demonize russia, even if that means faking a freakout when russia legally takes a piece of land they created and gifted to ukraine in the first place
us russian policy is just anti russia, at every turn. even when russia fighting against radical islam, after proving they can keep their own muzzies in check.
us has no business in ukraine. they need to stop feeding the people there lies that they absolutely have to be western and european. ukrainians are slavs, theyre eastern european, and that is 100 perfect excellent great.
western europe is not the end all be all
Jordan Gutierrez
I don't support Russia but I think Putin has good qualities as a leader. I've posted supported him before but the only response people do is hurrr manlet
Camden Edwards
stop embarrassing my nation you cuck, right now, under obama, AMERICA is the enemy of the world, and putins crimes pale in comparison, if trump wins, this can change.
The russia of today is a great ally to have, the USSR of yesteryear was a monstrous organisation.
Matthew Carter
Squating slavs in tracksuits
Asher Hernandez
Putin is anti globalist
Kayden Lopez
Gabriel Barnes
I love america Fuck all faggots including putin
Jaxon Hill
There is none unless you are degenerates like Pussy Riot
Russia is anti gay and we should support this, but globalist liberals cannot
William Barnes
how is russia americas enemy? theyre not trying to spread gommunism anymore theyre fighting kebab, which has been enemy of civilization since forever
David Brown
His people suffer and live in shit. He has some qualities of leadership but his best is that he's great at propaganda.
But before trump dropped on his dick few on Sup Forums were buying it as much.
Eli Collins
there's more pics of him kissing men then his own wife
Tyler Robinson
Ukraine was self-cuckolded, there was nothing we could do for them, not with dickless Obama and the pussy Democrats in charge
The Democrats don't have the balls or ruthlessness to play the world map
Elijah Gray
They're all Muslims so, no innocents
Evan Hernandez
>Putin is an enemy of America
No he just hates Muslims & Obama is literally one. He was bros with Bush.
Coincidence that Russia went to shit as soon as Obama stepped into office and kept forcing sanctions on them?
Aaron Williams
Enemy how?
Oh you mean an excuse to start WW3? Yeah you're right Gevalt, the goyim must never know.
Matthew Turner
Trump has his nose shoved up Putin's ass and /pol is slobbing on his knob.
Elijah Russell
i wish russia and usa would team up against terrorists
Liam Russell
Shut up faggot Sup Forums has never had a problem with Russia
But then again you wouldn't know because you just showed up last week
Sebastian Wright
pol has an issue with every goddamn thing that's not american and hates slavs. before the election it was just a racist circle jerk and after it will go back to the same until another 4 years
But you keep pretending you know shit cause you've been here all summer. You weren't here making fun of the disgusting slav motels during the olympics
Adrian Lopez
>t. Gus Hall Wtf does this t. thing mean? I see it everywhere all of sudden
Sebastian Powell
>t. it stands for terveiset
which stands for regards in finnish
Hunter Russell
Thank you
Why the fuck is a finnish word so popular?
Isaac James
>implying patriotism > racism Race before nation.
Sebastian Jones
Russia's involvement in Ukraine was for its own people. There is a serious rise of facism and hardcore right wing values in Ukraine. Russia was stepping in to help it's people.
It's the same shit the west does. Only difference is Russia actually did it quicky and succeeded.
Putin ain't no saint but he's not as bad as western media makes him out to be.
Only reason western powers are getting pissed at Putin is because he's not a little bitch like they want him to be. He actually is a strong leader and not a total cuck.
The west also needs a excuse to ramp up military spending. A big scary red threat is a perfect excuse.
Jose Phillips
They're doing the same shit we do but we're complaining for some reason. Got it.
Cooper Brown
Since when was it treason to say something positive about a foreign leader regarding his honesty and for doing the right thing more often than not?
It's not like he's killing thousands of people in the ME every week.
Isaiah Murphy
Russia is bombing Isis, meanwhile Obama bombs hospitals and civilians "mistaken" for Isis troops No wonder why they are mad at russia, they are the ones killing Obama's troops of terrorists
Daniel Hill
>russia didnt invade ukraine how much evidence you must ignore to believe that
Kayden Morgan
Hes a tyrant who stomps out any semblance of free peach or political opposition while annexing the shit out of neighboring countries.
Levi Nelson
Lol again with these Canadian diaspora cucks shilling for based boudine
Asher Gomez
He stomped a free peach? That bastard!
Jaxon Rodriguez
The US government is the traitor siding with the jihadists. They are insulting the victims of Islamic terrorism. To hell with them
I'm trying to get the message of your post. But I can't get over how cool Georgia's flag is
Lincoln Gutierrez
So what you are Implying is that presence of Ruskie soldiers in no way effected the outcome of the "referendum" or anyone who might have "voted" remain, or that the quote on quote referendum was lawful in any way shape or form? Ask your self this my Canuk friend, suppose Russia did not get the results it expected in this referendum, do you think that would stop them from doing what they did? Did they hold a referendum in Aphasia or Ossetia?
Adrian Butler
You do realise that the commies have been kicked out of Russia? Putin paid off all Rothschild debt then banned him from Russia! USA is the new communist state just look at the democrats ffs!
Matthew Brown
what happened in Ukraine was a coup of a democratically elected official by nato for American interest much like what is now happening in Turkey.. It's all a lead up to ww3 that Hillary will declare over her resource interests in Africa sounds crazy but that's life
Aaron Roberts
>free peach. Oh fuck I just noticed, sorry for that.
Dylan Gomez
Thats 'murrican education right there. Tell me, did you know that the Crimea was always russian clay until Khruschev came to power and reassigned Crimea to the federal soviet state of Ukraine. Since the fall of the Soviet Union Russia decided to leave Crimea to Ukraine BUT with an exemption of having russian military bases in the Crimea to keep russians on the Black Sea and protecting Crimea in case of war. And as user said, past referendums have stopped the native russian population from gaining independence. I thought this was common knowledge, dont they teach this stuff in schools in USA?
Joshua Rogers
Evan Mitchell
Count on an aussie to explain european history better than a european
Jose Scott
>support Putin
I literally don't give a fuck about Putin, or what Russia is up to. They are economically and militarily behind the US by so much that it really shouldn't matter to the average American.
This whole "well well hes like a dictator and like RUSSIA MAN, THE COLD WAR NEVER ENDED" shit is retarded
Juan Rodriguez
>literally an enemy of America Not really. Even with how tense it is recently we still work with Russia. A real, solid agreement or even alliance would be amazing though.
Benjamin Williams
We don't support him. We just don't want our government to keep up with this fight against him. It would be better to make allies.
Blake Brown
>Why do people dislike Putin? Have you ever lived in the post-soviet states, lad? Putin fucks Russian common people very hard and your American leaders just envy of this great ability to live like a king among poor nation while this nation love you because of a total control of media, etc.
Levi Cox
They were bombing ISIS, a US asset.
Jeremiah Lopez
Go on.
Alexander Jackson
Obongo, Shillary, both party establishments, and Soros are more of an enemy to me than Putin is. They have all done more to destroy this country than Putin has in his life time.
Putin is at least anti-globalism, I won't have to watch as my country is raped and blown up by sand people as cucks bend over for them in the name of globalism and tolerance.
Fuck Europe, the EU, Canada, and the UN, they will be the doom of western civilization. I would rather speak Russian than African tongue clicking noises whilst being gang raped by black bulls singing praises to Allah.
Blake Powell
>american patriots
the only type of american "patriots" that really matter are the ones who's god, honor and country can all be found on the $ note.