Sup Forums told me that IQ is the primary factor explaining outcomes, but the Nazis had IQs higher than 98% of the population.
If IQ matters so much, how come they lost?
Sup Forums told me that IQ is the primary factor explaining outcomes, but the Nazis had IQs higher than 98% of the population.
If IQ matters so much, how come they lost?
>IQ is the primary factor explaining outcomes
t. Literal brain dead retard
because their daughters were getting BLACCED
>average Nazi IQ = 128
>couldn't win a war
Sup Forums eternally btfo
>b-b-buh IQ doesn't matter
said like a true SJW, how can Sup Forums ever recover?
All of them look legit retarded.
>italy pussies out
>japan did nothing to russia
>going against the world by themselves
>they lost
Gee, I wonder.
>>b-b-buh IQ doesn't matter
t. Literal braindead retard
we all know how her life ended
>Göring as smart as Dönitz
I have a very hard time believing this.
>repeating yourself
literally no comeback, Sup Forums wrecked by 15 dimensional icebergs
Just because you are intelligent does not mean you are infallible.
lmfao no we're doing fine
lel bitch has a different nigger in every picture.
burning the coal has only one outcome, user.
>I'm a braindead retard
t. braindead retard
When you consider that they were outnumbered somewhere in the ballpark of 30:1 and yet STILL came close to winning on multiple occasions, their conduct was impressive despite glaring issues that are easy to see after the fact, such as putting far too much production effort into light bombers while ignoring the concept of air superiority until it was too late.
>tfw the second dumbest Nazi at Nuremberg still had 1 IQ point higher than me
Most world leaders have high IQs and even higher drive.
Many US leaders had genius IQs. Many English leaders had genius IQs. Many Russian leaders had genius IQs.
Göring was very smart, if you read "Germany Reborn" you can tell he spent a lot of time dumbing himself down to be acceptable to the common man.
she burned the coal, and the coal burned her back
if they were actually smart, they would've killed Hitler before the end of 1944 and surrendered to the Soviets. Literally any peace would've been preferable to continuing the lost war, and 1.2 million German soldiers would die in the last months of the war for no benefit, just because suicidal Adolf literally wanted the German people to perish with his government.
Or maybe it was the drugs.
Some sort of acid no doubt.
Acid to the face
Lye, actually
>written tattoo
This was already a dealbreaker before I saw the coal burning
I had a feeling that's what it was but...oh my God I think I might actually have nightmares from that face. That's some straight up /x/ shit
>how come they lost
You have an IQ much higher than the average chimpanzee (i assume). How well do you think you'd fair against 100,000 of them?
>surrender to the soviets
The soviets didn't even allow their officers to surrender to the Germans; you got the death penalty for surrender. They never would have accepted surrender, since Stalin wanted Germany and planned to take it for almost a decade before Hitler attacked him. There would have been no surrender there. Maybe with the West, but after the few attempts they should have stopped trying. Even Hitler tried offering peace from the moment he occupied Poland. People forget the allies declared war on him, not vice versa. How he didn't see it coming, and how such smart people didn't avoid it, or win the war once it began, is beyond me.
So lye is a base?
Your gonna find most elites in positive of power in most 1st world countries will have high iqs
>Adolf Hitler
>not on the list
>below 106 IQ
>worshipping a literal retard
>If IQ matters so much, how come they lost?
Because like 50 countries declared war against them.
Should they have wrapped his body in golden chains like Darius as well? Allies had already decided they were gonna stay in it until "muh unconditional surrender", and even more of their soldiers died for no benefit.
>just because suicidal Adolf literally wanted the German people to perish with his government.
You're thinking of Roosevelt.
Hat dich deine Mutter als Kind auf den Kopf fallen lassen?
This list of from the Nuremberg Trials, you should be able to figure out why he and Himmler aren't on the list.
Then again, this is from the same source as the shrunken heads and lampshades, so it's probably not reliable in the first place.
Because the Nazis were shit on the strategic and operational levels.
Because OKW (Wehrmacht High Command) was half-full of political appointees who spent about as much time demanding cute ukranian maids as they did thinking they were tactical geniuses.
Because Hitler was actually *really goddamn bad* at running a country. As an administrator, he pitted his subordinates and their departments against one another, and as a military meddler (ex. "Personal orders from the fuhrer") he was a rank amateur.
No, IQ is not a substitute for training and education. Put the smartest man in the world in command of an army and he'll have half a clue what to do with it and get outmaneuvered by a professional strategist/logistician.
Seems like it checks out.
not an argument
it won't be long before having an IQ greater than 100 will be labeled as racist
make my words
>How could a single country not win in a war vs the rest of the world
>TFW when 137 IQ
I was born at the wrong time.
It's not IQ it's culture.
Germans build centrally controlled top-down organisations with multiple point of failure that collapse under the weight of their own bureaucracy.
Was smart enough to surround himself with geniuses [spoiler]and then ignore them while fucking up his invasion of Russia.[/spoiler]
Every coal burner should suffer this fate.
No. Her black husband poured lye all over her. It's apparently the most painful thing that can happen to a person.
Very much so.
The whole world piled on Germany. Their K/d ratios were off the charts, especially against the Russians.
If it was just Germany vs Russia, the nazis would have steamrolled them in a 2 years
He built the Luftwaffe from nothing and at time when nobody knew how to use air in war or if it was even worth anything.
He also fucked up the battle of britian and stalingrad.
oh shit a wehraboo.
>>The soviets didn't even allow their officers to surrender to the Germans; you got the death penalty for surrender
>They never would've accepted surrender
Only they did accept the surrender of the German 6th army in 1943, The Soviet Union had agreed upon the text of the surrender at the European Advisory Council in 1944 along with other members of the allies. and absolutely no state in the world would ever reject an unconditional surrender.
>Stalin planned to take it for almost a decade before
Maybe it had something to do with the German head of state's autobiography blatantly spelling out war with the east. Stalin believed in Socialism in one state, and whether or not Stalin was a meany, he still won. this is about what Germany should've done knowing this.
>He offered peace after he invaded, People forget that the allies declared war on him
Poland had been in alliance with France and Britain since March 31, 1939, and Both nations had been screaming their intention at Hitler for months that they would defend Poland from German aggression. Hitler also knew that Japan was planning Pearl Harbor, and gave his full support, and issued his congratulations when it had taken place, so blame him for getting America involved too.
Blame stupid japan for pissing the USA instead of invading russia , blame stupid italy for being so fucking retarded
He did technically declare war on the US first. But that was years after the start of the war, they where not a member of the allies at the time, and the US had just declared war on Germany's ally (for valid reasons).
Given the situation at the time in 1941, Germany behaved rationally. I don't see how they could have responded otherwise given the situation.
Daily reminder that the HACK Shirer literally calls each and everyone of these men 'dumb' 'stupid' 'psedu-intellectuals' in his shit 'history' book despite most of htem scoring in genius and sub genius range UNDER DURESS.
Yeah I'll never understand the plan to prod America into joining the fucking war against them.
>the soviets agreed in 1944
the Germans had high enough IQs to know they would sign it, and then refuse to abide by it, and slaughter 80% of POWs in Gulags like they did, that must be why.
Fucking retard, lel
Maybe because all the fucking world ganked on them from all sides.
No, IQ isn't a way to measure outcomes. IQ surely helps, but there are millions of other variables that affect everything.
Germans are smart people but they seem to fuck up every time they do something a bit more radical, sadly.
Cuckold spotted.
>no benefit
They won the war and enforced surrender.
>Roosevelt wanted to German people to Perish with his government
Roosevelt was probably the most merciful of the big 3 towards Germany, he wanted honest Trials. Churchill wanted summary executions, and Stalin asked that 50,000 German officers be shot. Roosevelt jokingly asked if he might be alright with 49,000 German officers.
They needed oil and scrap metal to support their ongoing war, but they couldn't get any because of the trade embargo, so they had to attack to get them.
You realise Hitler was dead by that time. What I find interesting is Albert Speer wasn't higher. He was talked about as being Hitlers successor so surprising he wasn't extremely high.
I.Q doesn't matter much when basically the rest of the world is at war with you
Even if the soviets were going to gas all of them, that doesn't change the fact that the soviets were going to win no matter what, and continuing the war only killed more people. if the soviets and poles were going to kill 200,000 Germans, that's a better price to pay than 200,000 germans +more than a million war dead. If they were actually smart, they would've begun evacuating everyone to the west much earlier, like Doenitz actually did during the Flemsburg government, saving 1.8 million German soldiers from soviet hands.
>IQ test
>at their trials
what the hell for?
you are so wrong lol
>karl donuts
>herman fucking goring
There's no way, these two fuckers were way too incompetent to have had a high IQ
You would think I.Q. might play a part in starting a war with the entire rest of the world by setting hallmark in running the most belligerent state of all time.
They were hoping they would all be dumb thugs for easy propaganda purposes.
This hack never mentions the iq tests and calls them all idiots.
So that it would be harder to claim insanity or incompetence. the people administering the test had a motive for inflating the results.
because having a higher IQ doesn't make you unable to make mistakes, or are you too low iq to realize that.
to prove they were competent to stand trial
Average of only 128? Christ, I don't think I've ever seen a single person on Sup Forums claim to have a IQ below 130.
If it makes you feel better, it pissed Goring off immensely that he lost to Schacht. Seyss-Inquart was so quiet and unknown, and he could have taken von Papen, but he was given Schacht's job and actually lectured him on economic matters. He always had a bit of an inferiority complex around him because Schacht really was quite brilliant, and this came as a kick in the dick.
>iq matters and it has a large affect on what your potential is
>yeah, well if IQ matters then why isn't 140 IQ guy a fucking superhuman that can solve everything
Every world leader has an above average IQ.
Even King nig Obama probably has around 110 iq. If all the nazi opponents had sub 100 IQ's then they would have won.
Fucking hell, I know this is bait but whatever.
They were surrounded and under too much pressure from allied forces. They weren't in a strategic position geographically.
If they were allied with the soviets the world would be a very different place right now.
They were militarily and economically superior and almost impossibly efficient.
>almost impossibly efficient
There were a bunch of inefficiencies of the Nazi's and dumb shit that happened, just like other countries.
But they had pretty good technology and industry.
>Genius IQ
>mfw I'm 131
>But they had good technology and industry
That's what I was referring to
guess you're just stupid then
Picking a fight with the whole world seems like a dumb thing to do
Italy invading Greece
Japan attacking US instead of Russia
The whole world against you
Even if they were some kind of demigods there was no possible way
Wow the new DOOM dlc looks good.
Thanks carnal
You're still making arguments with the benefit of hindsight, and ignoring the fact that Stalin wouldn't have offered quarter. There's absolutely no reason to believe that a man who ruled by randomly liquidating even his own supporters for the sake of internal politics, would have allowed his ideological antihesis to just "say sorry" and go serve a prison sentence. The attrition rates for german POWs in the soviet sectors were so high as to be considered extermination.
Your line of reasoning is so absurdly flawed, you should be embarassed you even tried it.
Wasn't Schacht working with the Rothschilds?
When Hitler took power he basically made every major decision.
If 138 is genius level, then I must be a "lvl12-intellect"
>145 here
Hitler called the shots on almost every occasion militarily and he was by no means a genius
I know you're joking, but the number of people who think that self-administered internet tests are as valid as the actual ones always surprises me.
They're fun and all, but about as scientific or meaningful as a quiz that tells you which Harry Potter house you're in.
That said, I find any information surrounding Nazi trials suspect. Both good and bad, there's obvious motivation to massage the truth even before the obfuscation of time sets in.
Hitler was doing the right stuff
It was the merchants that threw the whole world on him by merchantry tactics