Kill Six Billion Demons - KSBD

Kill Six Billion Demons

>Grip of Fear

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oh so that's what happens to those girls


oh dear

Will be posting part 2 and 3 of Aesma and the Red-Eyed King, since part 2 was posted a few days after the last update.

>Aesma and the Red Eyed King
>Part 2

>Ogam was perplexed, but he was saved when Boratus of the Silver Scales smashed into him with his six-wheeled chariot and knocked him off his feet, sparing him an answer. The other ten gods of justice leapt upon Ogam at once with their clubs and staves and holy rods, and began to beat him savagely. Aesma found this uproariously funny.

>“You, wicked one!” said Ys-Perator the Crown of Truth, “How can you stand there and cackle? Begone. We are punishing the tyrant Ogam for his drunken transgressions with the Mistress of the Petal Tower.”

>“You’re doing a terrible job of it,” pointed out Aesma, snorting with laughter. It was true. Ogam had grown ten stories tall, so that the strikes of the gods of justice were like matchsticks upon his mighty hide. The gods scramble to pin him down with shards of moonlight, but before they could impale him he grew a score of arms and plucked them by their cloaks and rained blows upon them that would have pulverized normal men into gruel.

>Perator gripped her stave with white knuckles and gave Aesma a scornful look. “Well, go off then. Don’t you have better things to do?” she growled. She was of half a mind to drive Aesma off with the rod, as she had done many times before.

>“Not until Ogam tells me who my equal is!” protested Aesma.

>“Fool!” said Perator, “Anyone would be hard pressed to find your equal in wickedness. There are none with such a soul stained with evil save the Red Eyed King who is kept in the Crucible of Punishment, and he is singular in his accomplishments!” Perator realized her mistake a moment too late, for Aesma had already leapt into her chariot and taken to the skies.

>The Crucible of Punishment was a terrible place. Once, the old god Muam was discontent with the angle of the sun upon his mountain lean-to. To this end, he made an arduous journey to the end of the universe, where he found one of the ancient trees that held up its corners, and stripped one of its branches into a mighty pole two and a half billion leagues long. He trudged all the way from the edge back to the center, where he thrust the pole deep into the earth, and using it as an axle, turned the world by five degrees, and was content.

>The world-axle was withdrawn, but the hole it left remained. And halfway down that hole, was the Crucible, which was steeped in perpetual Chthonic gloom. It was a mighty fortress, an iron vessel full to the brim of the worst and most despicable beings to defile the earth, and for this reason it was kept deep and out of sight of the innocent.

>The Crucible was lashed to the walls of the hole by great chains large enough for a man to walk on, and it had one hundred and five watchers – powerful saints of justice clad in white funeral robes. Each saint had dipped their eyes in quicksilver, rendering them blind to worldly concerns, but able to keenly discern the impurities within the souls of any visitor. It was for this reason that when Aesma arrived, all one hundred and five scrambled with great speed from their watch towers and arranged themselves in battle formation.

>At first the saints were aghast, for they perceived very clearly that a being of tremendous evil was upon them, and wondered for a second if one of their prisoners had in fact escaped. But then they recognized Aesma, and a collective groan went up among them.

>Red petals, that weird sort of plant/flesh material on the ground

Oh shit, I can only imagine what we're gonna see when the view pans around

>“I’m here for the Red Eyed King!” proclaimed Aesma.

>“The King shall ne’er see the lands above again,” said one of the saints. “He has proclaimed his enmity against the forces of good in clear terms. He is a sun swallower and a world destroyer, a tyrant and a demon of pure malevolence.”

>“He sounds dreamy,” said Aesma, “when can I see him?”

>The saints narrowed their silver eyes and set their spears as a thicket of blades against Aesma, for they knew her well.

>“Never!” they said in unison.

>“Great saints!” wheedled Aesma, “Please, have pity on a poor and desperate girl! I merely want to lay eyes upon this wicked king. Surely there must be some task I can accomplish to prove my worth to you?”

>With great reluctance, the saints raised their spears a fraction of an inch, for there was an air of true desperation in Aesma’s voice. They entered into a hushed and grim discussion, for there was among them a general belief in redemption, no matter how small the chances. It was considered among many of the great gods of justice that Aesma was in fact an idiot, and shouldn’t be blamed for her wide and colorful list of transgressions against the common good.

>“Very well,” said one of the saints, “Here are your tasks. First, you will find the names of forty two men who truly have not sinned. For if you do not have the discerning eye to find purity amongst the decay of this world, then you do not have the means to pass through these halls with true intent.”

>“Ok,” said Aesma.

>“Then you must bring us the heart of a leviathan, which is only given to those righteous of purpose.”

>“Ok,” said Aesma.

>“You must know,” continued the saint, “You can not cut out the heart, or bring it by violence alone. It must be living, and we must see proof of its offering. Even the greatest of questing knights have been turned aside by one of the mighty beasts, for the smallest of evils.”

>le patriarchy

When did abbadon get so reddit?

Lisa time?

>“Next, you will travel to the holy mountain of Saboth-Ur, where the monks of the Empty Voice keep the silence. For a year and a day you must dwell on that mountain and utter not a word. You must discard your possessions and go about naked as the day you were born, but rid yourself of all lustful ambitions and aspirations of the flesh. You must cast aside your battle consciousnesses and ancillary violence forms. You must rid yourself of the poetry of destruction, break your weapons, and purge the breath of death from within your lungs. Bring us then a token from the abbot there that proves you have undergone these trials. With the heart and token both, we will let you in to lay eyes upon the wicked King.”

>“This sounds too complicated,” protested Aesma, “Let’s fight instead.”

>So they did, to their great dismay. The battle lasted a day and a half. So much of Aesma’s molten blood was spattered above that it melted through three of the iron chains that held the Crucible in place and caused it to tilt. Later this would cause the Crucible to swing against the wall of the pit and crack, releasing a hundred and fifty of the world’s most evil beings onto the surface, who caused so much trouble that it took several wars and the participation of no less than twelve supreme gods of battle to recapture them.

>The saints were very powerful, and were able to slay at least five of Aesma’s war forms, but by the end of the fight, Aesma had hurled all of them into the pit, where they fell for seven hundred years before hitting the bottom and starting their arduous trek back up. She plucked the spears from her flesh and caved in the iron gate of the crucible and limped into its cramped and labyrinthine interior. There, inside, in the deepest pit, she beheld a tiny prison cage with bars made of red hot iron, so that they constantly burned their inhabitant. And kept inside that cruel cage, with charcoal-like flesh smoking, was the Red Eyed King.


getting sick of your husband mutilating girls and ignoring you doesn't automatically make you a feminist

Can. Not. Wait.

>He was truly, as Aesma saw, a being of quite singular evil. Though his skin was black from the fire, and cracked and red-raw from his prison, he did not flinch a bit from his torture. Tendrils of dark and oily vapor rose from his charred body, and he had the cruel face of a tyrant. But by far his most notable feature were his eyes, which burned with an insane and hungry red light. As Aesma saw his eyes, she saw instantly that they were sparks of an awful dark flame that would grow to consume the world if they were given kindling.

>They were pinpricks of the light of destruction that would shine at the end of the universe. It was for this reason that Aesma instantly fell in love with him.

>Aesma and the Red Eyed King
>Part 3

>This was a massive problem for Aesma, for she had never before felt love of any capacity, so at first she thought she had fallen violently sick.

>“Stop that at once!” she gasped, clutching her chest, “You are using some foul art to explode my heart!”

>“What misbegotten wretch are you?” said the Red Eyed King. He had a voice like drifting ash and it was said the moment you heard it you would not forget it for the rest of your life. It could reduce a normal man to a babbling, terror stricken mess. Aesma merely fell in love a little more.

>“You!” she screamed, panting and sweating, “I demand you become my husband!” There was no response from the Red Eyed King, and Aesma was taken aback. For most of her problems she had solved quite easily by beating them to a pulp, and her usual approach didn’t seem to apply in this case. She was thoroughly stuck.

>“I’ll beat you to a pulp!” she said, hesitantly.

>“An odd threat to make to a man in a cage,” said the Red Eyed King, “I refuse.”

>Aesma’s heart jumped again, and to her immense surprise, her face screwed up in a tight and pained expression of grief, and molten tears began to pour from her eyes in great rivulets, searing the iron floors.

>“What are you doing to me?” she wailed in confusion.

>“Nothing,” said the Red Eyed King, perplexed.

>Aesma did not hear, for she ran, blubbering and wailing from the deepest pit of the Crucible to its exterior, her tears burning holes in the floor the entire way. And once she was outside, through her steaming eyes she groped for and found the tiniest particle of matter she could and smashed that particle into an explosion so violent it sent plumes of white fire shooting up and down the shaft, and hurled her up and out of the pit, where she grabbed a passing shaft of sunlight and broke it into a door she could travel through. When she hurtled through that door, the light in her destination was clear and unwavering, for she had returned to the only place that knew anything about husbands in her esteem, the Temple of the Disc of the Sun.

>When Aesma landed, she ran right up the temple steps, leaking molten fire from her eyes, and knocked on the great temple doors so hastily that she bashed them right off their hinges. They flew right through the mid-day congregation, sending worshippers flying and completely demolishing the large and stately Altar of Philosophy. In any other time Aesma would have found this hilarious, but the matter of her leaking face and jumping heart terrified her, so when the hundred manly priests of the temple came to beat her away with their staves, they found her apologizing profusely and were thrown into great confusion.

>“What’s wrong with me?” wailed Aesma.

>The priests had a hurried and argumentative conference, and then the Hierophant said, “You appear to be suffering from a broken heart.”

>“I think I will die!” said Aesma.

>“I assure you, you will not,” said the Hierophant, with very little sympathy. “How did you come by this condition?”

>“I found a husband, as you asked,” said Aesma, “but he will not take me!”

Whoah, shit, that's...unexpectedly dark.

That explains what she's doing with all those maidens.


True, but claiming that you're oppressed when you rule 1/7 of the universe does.

>It can't be that she just killed him, that'd be too boring!

>When did abbadon get so reddit?
Buddy, are you new to this comic?


Damn, what a portrait.

...and I'm pretty sure that Mottom is still evil as fuck, just using past tragedies as an excuse for her behavior.

>True, but claiming that you're oppressed when you rule 1/7 of the universe does.
Mother Om is in fact a character within the comic, and not the author.

This isn't to say that there aren't feminist tones in this comic in which:

1.) The protagonist is a woman--
2.) --who felt pressured by society to herself from a chubby nerdy girl to a blond ditz--
3.) --and began the comic about to give up her virginity to her boyfriend because "cool girls weren't virgins.
4.) Her boyfriend was then kidnapped in her place because the kidnappers took it for granted that the prophesied heir would be male.
5.) She's protected/hunted by an angel who's struggling with her gender identity.
6.) She had been sold to a sex slaver who likes to kill girls and fill their hollow bodies with demons.
7.) And there's a reoccurring theme about the lust for power and the plight of the downtrodden.

If your only now catching on that this comic has feminist tone, then you are dumb as hell.

I could handle stronk woman allison, don't need no man cio and tranny angel. This is too much.

Sounds pretty lame of you.

>A great discordant cry went up then among the priests, and they threw themselves into furious debate. Some of them wanted Aesma out by the stave immediately, no matter the truth of her words. Others could not believe that such a wicked being could find love. But the sentiment that won out in the end was the rather self indulgent and completely wrong notion that if Aesma had indeed found a husband, she would be far better served by having a man to reign in her wanton and vile habits. The priests were very firm in their belief that the moral authority of a good husband could tease out an enlightened womanly virtue from even the most wretched of creatures, and therefore they ceased to see Aesma as a base and vile creature beyond redemption, and began to see her as a great conquest and affirmation of their own righteousness. They began to imagine in their enlightened minds the power and prestige of a tame and demure Aesma, the most infamous and despised of goddesses. This was a fantastic mistake.
>“Aesma Ten Yondam,” said the Hierophant, “Do you truly desire a husband? Have you found such a man, with a nature to guard against your womanly vice? The priests of this good and holy temple can hardly believe that you have.”
>“I have!” protested Aesma, and wiped her eyes clean of fire, “What should I do?”

>“You must promise to submit to his superior will,” said the stern Hierophant. “It is accepted in this society that a woman should do three things for her husband: tend to his meals, darn his clothing, and obey his every command without question. In return he will be your protector, guide, and counselor, and will not lift his hand against you in violence. Go to your prospective husband and promise him these things, and he will surely take you as a wife.”
>Aesma was very tempted to beat up the Hierophant, for she hated commandments, and she hated things that came in threes. But for once in her life, her desperate desire for a husband overrode her natural instinct to apply violence directly to her problems. This was very uncomfortable for her, but Aesma’s desire was the strongest among all divinities, for she was the Master of Want. So while the priests saw her twitch at their commandments and readied their staves in fear, Aesma merely knelt and bowed her head quite awkwardly, for she was unused to such things. “I will do as you say,” she said, and in quavering voice recounted the things the Hierophant had said to her.
>The priests were ecstatic. “Go and bring your husband here,” they said, “And we will join you in holy matrimony, under the light of the great Sun Disc.” They were very firm in their belief that a great moral victory had been won, and saw Aesma off with great pride and vigor as she grabbed a passing sunbeam and rode it all the way back to the Crucible of Punishment.

>I could handle stronk woman allison, don't need no man cio and tranny angel. This is too much.
Why this, specifically?

>See you on Wednesday, and next week we’ll definitively be wrapping up the first story arc of this comic, and on to the next, which involves
>– unbound devils
>– 82 drinking fire
>– an angel that rides a motorcycle made of skeletons
>– preteen Allison
>– Maya’s first story
>and most importantly, a Terrible Tree.

I'm hype for Maya's first story, but this Terrible Tree is probably going to be super sick.

>I'm hype for Maya's first story, but this Terrible Tree is probably going to be super sick.
Just in time for the Final Fantasy Five Fiesta, too.

>Go and bring your husband here
Ohhhh boy, when I read this I could see the carnage forming in my mind's eye.

Aw shit man I'm ready for that turd storm, so fling it on me

I honestly don't know what could possibly be so shocking. I'm anticipating he's just a tree but it would have to be more than that. A #gamechanger.

>claiming that you're oppressed
That didn't happen though.

He didn't die though.

I would've figured the Terrible Tree just referred to the tree that guy got turned into. Also, what's 82 drinking fire? is that White Chain's thorn name?

I think Abby is more implying that a big bunch of everyone is about to do a whole lot of kung fu fighting, and they're all gonna be a bit something like fast as lightning

I got inane lore questions here

Do you think man-trees can reproduce? Could I grow a cannibal forest? Do man-trees feel happy if they feed people with their fruits? Are any new saplings grown from them more like children, brothers or clones? What does their wood smell like if your burn it? Could a man-tree subsist in a wild forest?

I think it just refers to 82 collaborating with the thorns despite how they're evil and stuff.

But maybe we'll get some actual fire-eating too.

So what? All art that represents phenomena that have relation to something political inevitably means representing said "political" phenomena with a certain view point. Art isn't a reflection of objective reality; art is only a reflection of the artist's perception of it.

The very act of participation within the "political" presupposes taking a position. There is no such thing as an absolute apolitical. Everyone has beliefs, conscious or no, political or no, and they're inevitable. It's impossible to deny your prejudices in approaching politics without consigning yourself to them.

The problem is when art that should be more than just propaganda. I'm not denying the potential for propaganda's artistic merit, of course, but when art is reduced to nothing more than a political screed (a la Dumbing of Age) when politics should only be contingent to what is portrayed, then there is a problem. Especially when said politics distorts how reality really works.

>7.) And there's a reoccurring theme about the lust for power and the plight of the downtrodden.
Lust for power isn't portrayed completely negatively. In fact, from what we've seen so far, I'd say it's portrayed fairly positively, but just not without nuance. And there's nothing to be said for the "plight of the downtrodden". Mostly it's just shown that the society of Kill Six Billion Demons is fucked up, and their "plight" is just a part of it, if it's shown at all. And when it is, the "downtrodden" aren't portrayed as "victimized" in a moralistic sense, anyways.

>>– 82 drinking fire

This is actually very, very interesting. Juggsy is an Igneous angel, while White Chain is, I recall, a vapor angel.

IE, White Chain is the weakest sort, while Juggs is two steps above her.

Does this imply that White Chain is about to metamorphose to a higher state of being?

That would be super cool! In a fire, hot, sort of way....

Maybe angel tea is made of fire.


>White Chain is, I recall, a vapor angel.
82 is a Liquid Angel. Delicious was a vapor angel.

>tfw Abbadon will never get to team up with Guillermo Del Torro, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Stanley Kubrick, and Dan Simmons to produce a full length live action K6BD film anthology

just kill me

And why exactly not?

Because Del Torro is already struggeling to convince a studio to grant him to do Hellboy 3


because we can never have nice things user

I wonder if he knows about K6BD, he'd fucking love it. Oh also if Abbadon did hit the jackpot, Wayne Barlowe would have to work on it too.


I'd actualy be pretty pissed if it cut to white chain with this clifhanger.

oh wow, I love the last panel. I think I'm starting to grasp her fury

Even the dead can not be free of this boner

Jesus Christ, I want a Sunday update so badly

Who the fuck did she marry?

ahahaha fuck
she turned him into a tree! and his fruit grown from the desire to have ever more beautiful and youthful wives is what keeps her young!
its why shes so bitter! because even has a godqueenmother of a seventh of all existence she still relies on her husband to provide her with sustenance and energy

Holy shit. That last panel.

I wonder if Mottom is subconsciously keeping her husband alive to torment her.

Yeah. They look like pustules to me. NOT a good sign.

No, Delicious is a liquid angel. White Chain is vapor. Here's the progression rate for angels to remind you:
Plasma > Vapor > Liquid > Solid (Metamorphic, Igneous) > Crystal> Neutron


Plant a shitty husband, get a shitty husband tree.
This is just horticulture.

Mottom? She married Om, the Demiurge from whom she took her key.

I took it Om was a family name.

Yes, it is. Why? I'm just referring to him as Om.

But what's his first name?


I like how Abaddon takes the characters to a new setting every couple pages or so.

No time to settle down, there's still another 777,776 universes to visit. Kinda feels like a theme park ride, in a good way

777,775 you mean. We've already seen Allison's world.


Om Nomnom

>The problem is when art that should be more than just propaganda. I'm not denying the potential for propaganda's artistic merit, of course, but when art is reduced to nothing more than a political screed (a la Dumbing of Age) when politics should only be contingent to what is portrayed, then there is a problem.
Are you suggesting that K6BD is propaganda, then, or are you merely making a statement about art as a whole?

still a pretty good comic
still not as good as its name

>Kills her husband to prevent more women being tortured and maimed
>Now fertalizes her huspland with young women reguarly to keep her power

Check the wiki. You are mistaken.

>spent the last few days reading this comic from the beginning
>so much ancillary lore shit, ancient legends and god history and fucking weapon manuals
>fucking incredible art from someone who clearly has a good level of mastery over color theory
>catch up on a fucking cliffhanger
Fucking Christ

Welcome, Preem user

>Incubus represents the sin of lust
>comic starts with an insecure girl trying to lose her virginity
>plot revolves around her trying to rescue boyfriend

I can't wait to see what his arc is gonna look like.
>tfw no ALL-YISUN cosplaying gf to read K6BD with
end it

>Om Nomnom
It all makes sense now.


Well, it kinda sucks for everyone that a woman got hired for her fat tatas & cleavage rather than her experience and job-related skills.

If Hastet Om isn't some sort of weird tentacle tree thing, I'm gonna be upset.

I'm actually looking more forward to the Mammon arc next chapter. We don't know a lot about him, and Abbadon has said there is something special about him being called a monster
Plus, we get to see Himself, devil king supreme, next chapter as well

Getting kidnapped into sexual slavery is actually a shitty thing, user.
Like, it's legitimately a shitty thing.

It's weird because I feel like "girl kidnapped into slavery/slave trade/personal sex slave, overthrows husband/owner/master and becomes powerful ruler" is an incredibly pervasive trope that I've seen happen seven times before, but for the life of me I can't recall a single instance
Am I just going insane? Can anyone else back me up here?

You could make an argument for Daenerys being in that I think.

Game of Thrones kind of had that. Daenerys was pretty much sold to a warlord to secure a political deal.

I get what you mean.

It seems like a trope, buuuuut I can't think of many specific examples.

>I can't recall a single instance


You're right. It seems like a plot that would be out there, but I can't think of any examples either.

Wow, has Abaddon actually stumbled onto something fresh here?

Not really. What he described sounds like a character archetype. Characters who go from slave to ruler by hook and crook seem common. If you can't think up an example on the spot, then you simply just absorbed it in passing.

>It's weird because I feel like "girl kidnapped into slavery/slave trade/personal sex slave, overthrows husband/owner/master and becomes powerful ruler" is an incredibly pervasive trope that I've seen happen seven times before, but for the life of me I can't recall a single instance
Consort Daji from Investiture of the Gods was a 16th century example, kind of.

Dowager Empress Cixi was a real life example.

>Wow, has Abaddon actually stumbled onto something fresh here?
Mottom is pretty much a magical Empress Dowager Cixi, an actual person.

>Consort Daji from Investiture of the Gods was a 16th century example, kind of.
Some of you weeaboos might be more familiar with the Japanese take on this story, Tamamo no Mae.

>Sup Forums - Comics & Analytical Approach To Human History And Literature

It's better when the girl dosn't have to kill her husband to be the most powerful woman alive.

If this evil cunt becomes a good guy because "MUH OPPRESSION" I'm going to be pissed.

It seems pretty evident that, in-narrative, Mottom using her previous hardships as an excuse for her own atrocities is just craven nonsense.
Allison literally says "That's bullshit."

Abandon said all the Demiurges would be partly sympathetic. Sympathetic villain =/= good guy.

but then what will i complain about

I don't disagree with you, but Abbadon's twist on it is that Mottom is still a rotten conniving bitch, and she knows it. Hell, she said to Allison "I never said otherwise." If anything, it's kind of refreshing. Mottom has not been put in a positive light.

Complain about how Cio is progressively becoming less demony and therefor less attractive

>Power-loving super-cunt
>Gets rid of problematic people who challenge her power
>Husband constantly flings himself at other women
>Subdues and keeps control over him while supplying him with a steady supply of whores
>Still claims to sympathise with other women
>Secretly knows she's a hypocrite but doesn't care
>Sucks out the souls of others to keep herself sustained

Where were you when you realized Mottom is the Hillary Clinton of the K6BD universe?