Okay, meme's over Sup Forums. We all had our laugh but it's time to stop memeing and act like rational adults here.
Okay, meme's over Sup Forums. We all had our laugh but it's time to stop memeing and act like rational adults here
Other urls found in this thread:
says the man who stole $200 million from his followers
>and act like rational adults here
But Jim Webb and Rand Paul are out of the race. Sorry, Ameribro, but you're stuck with Trump and Clinton, with memes and destruction no matter who you choose.
He's completely right imho.
I support the Republicans but Trump is batshit crazy and very unpredictable. I would have loved to have Rubio or Paul be the nominee but now I just don't know. Clinton is a corrupt bitch but at least she has the experience and you what to expect from her..
>Trying to argue anyone is more dangerous than Hillary Clinton
James Woods was right, the only reason Clinton is surviving is because of the leftist media and corporate shills.
>I'm a cuckservative
Batshit crazy is what America needs right now.
Fuck off, reddit.
He looks tired. Poor guy
He's right though. The left has been building up their cuckdome the past couple of years, trump might be able to destroy their masterplan.
Says the man who looked forward to beating trump in november.
But OP I want a dangerous president.
In the very same clip he says that Donald Trump insults latinos and african-americans. What did he mean by this?
>Bernie Sanders
>Thinking he's relevant anymore
Kek. Donald Trump is the only hope for the country. If Trump loses, I'll be counting down the days until the collapse of this poor country. At least we'll be able to rise from the ashes.
Every pro-HRC post is funded by Correct the Record, an HRC super PAC.
Kek has spoken. Trump is our last chance and our savior.
>people against Trump criticize him for "fear mongering" while doing it themselves
Fucking hypocrites.
Why are all the anti trump articles posted on Sup Forums are also the top articles on /r/politics?
Drastic times call for drastic measures. Our country is being poisoned by illegals and muslims. You'll wish you had voted for Trump when, in 50 years, America is a shit-skinned hellhole.
Why would I want the Jeb of democrats? Rumor is Hilary is seeking a deal from Trump to avoid prison. I'd believe it looking at those poor crowds.
I consider the deliberate nonenforcement of our immigration laws to be much more dangerous than Trump offending some people so why the hell would I vote for Clinton?
Trump is such a bad idea.
Note that the people who call Trump dangerous never say to whom he is dangerous.
Protip: It's globalists, cultural Marxists, zionists and Islamists, the people who should absolutely be put in danger.
They aren't rational adults, they're either kids or NEETs.
I don't like Trump. He's definitely not the worst candidate ever. Hillary is walking criminal and a liar. She is reckless.
She can delete well over 33,000 emails with classified information after being demanded them and still run for President. Meanwhile, Nixon wire taps himself and deletes around 20 seconds of tape and is nearly impeached.
Wake the fuck up
Wait he has a good opinion? Too bad he is a shit actor.
You don't understand. Sup Forums really is this juvenile and stupid like much of America.
They really want Drumpf as president. Frankly he is not fit for the office. He neither has the intellectual ability nor the temperament.
Those are probably the 2 most important things in reality. Congress will keep you from installing your brand of crazy so politics while they matter are not the most important. We want to be sure a president will not say something incredibly stupid or talk off the cuff and piss someone off and make a dumb decision without thinking.
Hilary is a piece of shit but she is a professional politician and is well versed in the art of deflect and keep your mouth shut until you need to open it which matters.
>tfw I'll never live in a reality where Webb vs Paul is my general election choice
Such a reality would be just too fucking good...we dont deserve it
Still gonna vote Trump, though. MAGA
Not quite Jeb!-tier but damn that is sad
Paul would still be in the race if he didn't suddenly start acting like a genocidal lunatic
The most dangerous game is the best game though
Clinton is the most dangerous candidate, she already said she wants to intervene in Syria and appears to want a large war against Russia.
Supporting her is like playing russian roulette where millions die if you lose.
bernie looks like a comfy grandpa
Problem with Bernie is ENERGY. Just look at him. I will tell you, he's exhausted and he's had enough. Bernies tired, he wants to go home and sleep! This guy's lost his energy, he's finished Believe me.
This one always makes me kek
>it's a Sup Forums is anarchist thread
>James Woods
>shit actor
Go fuck yourself. The reason why he doesn't get any good roles is because he's politically outspoken and doesn't kiss ass.
I can't believe Bernie still shows his face in public. He may have bent the knee but he still crashed the DNC and Hilarry won't forget that. I hope he loses reelection so badly. Get that fuck out.
Gonna have to one up (You).
>its time to stop
That was in September. You have no idea how far we've gone. The ride has begun. It cannot stop now.
>Jeb of Democrats
Hernie atleast has supporters.
why do you know what's on /r/politics
fuck off, reddit
Could you please elaborate why is he 'batshit crazy'?
Oh no let's be terribly afraid of of saying mean words to people who are walking into public places to gun them down!
Your treason is showing user.
Poor sanders probably has a gun held to his head by the DNC at this point. It wasn't his choice.
I legitimately feel bad for his supporters.
>le experience meme
No more career politicians. The establishment is a nightmare. You either need new influence ti try and take the thing in a new direction or burn it to the ground. Someone rooted in the current modus operandi is not what America or any western nation needs anymore.
Looks like there's more press and officials than actual common people at that Jeb-tier rally.
There were more spectators on my sons play in elementary class.
He's right. Memes aside Donald Trump is a man who is economically illiterate and doesn't understand how the world works.Fortunately for him his opponent is perhaps the weakest Democratic nominee since Dukakis.
God I hate that man.
Thanks, even more proof Trump is the only good choice this election.
Sad isn't it.
They also portrait him as dangerous to foreign policy, all while they continuosly push warmongering agenda against Russia.
>Professional politician
You are a faggot. Saged and trashed.
>let's help the working class by giving their jobs to China and Mexico
Here's my question for you:
Dangerous for who?
it surely causes one to engage in thought
>the woman who set the middle east on fire and wants a war with Russia is not the most dangerous presidential candidate in the history of this country
this fearmonger all you want its the shillbot that's the dangerous one
Whether OP is shill, troll, or leaf behind proxy, the world will never know. Sage and move on.
>or leaf
You take that back right now asshole
You can't even vote in the election
>smart businessman who wants to nuke the establishment from orbit says parasite who has been latched onto the government his whole adult life
>Hilary is a piece of shit but she is a professional politician and is well versed in the art of deflect and keep your mouth shut until you need to open it which matters.
Why does it matter, tell me. Do you think world politics is like the baby sitters club, where they start wars over mean words? All nations put on a friendly face in public, but behind the scenes they're constantly trying to fuck each other over
You have fucked the world, everyone already hates you, not because of your outspoken politicians, because of your foreign policy of constant proxy wars, arming terrorists, fueling civil wars and completely fucking the middle east.
You know who helped create that foreign policy? HILLARY! Look at the mess she created in 4 years as secretary of state, just imagine her with no one to answer to.
Trump could tell the rest of the world to go fuck itself and no one would be suicidal enough to declare war on the USA. Trump might say some outrageous things, but Shillary as POTUS guarantees war.
>people LEGITIMATELY think Trump will start a Nuclear War
Bernie Sanders Honey dicked millennials who had no interest in Shillary by garnering support through free stuff memes and now that he has them on a leash hes handed them over to her
>but Shillary as POTUS guarantees war.
This is what people really don't seem to understand. She's much more hawkish than Trump but puts on a public face saying she loves retards in wheelchairs and niggers. And all the while she's feeding the military industrial complex to murder people.
I need to see genocide with my own eyes.
my soul aches for it.
Yes. No hyperbole please.
>She's much more hawkish than Trump
This is why she will never release her transcripts of speeches to corporations
Bernie fon have supporters anymore. He was a banner of lib sjw network, and he betraied them. Dumpfucks may be not even notice, but active part who actually pushed all this shit are not dumb and just let it go.
And I bet there were heat debates in Ohio bars about bernie-trump issue, and now a bunch of old blue collar dudes were pissed in a face again.
Dangerous to the current political system, which if you measure it by what elected officials on the federal level are able to get done, and the overall public's approval of them and their decisions, is almost completely worthless.
So the best thing that could happen to this country is a "dangerous" president.
No, you shills don't get it.
The magic is already done.You can't stop it. We can't even stop it now even if wanted to. Kek's power has returned to this world and you normies will feel his shadow engulf you. Praise REEE to Kek!
I love how leftists say that the right is fear mongering and then go like "DONT VOTE FOR TRUMP HE'S DANGEROUS IF HE BECOMES PRESIDENT WE'RE GOING TO HAVE WW3 HE'S LITERALLY HITLER!!!"
really makes you think
people think Trump would start a war when he talks about making deals and extending our hands to Putin
people think Hillary WOULD NOT start a war when she oversaw the arming of terrorist jihadist organizations across the middle east and africa, she stamped her seal of approval onto wars of neocon aggression across the middle east and sells confidential government secrets to enemy nations like Saudi Arabia, China, globalist multinational corporate overlords like George Soros--all while claiming Trump is a traitor in the Kremlin's pocket! Oh and she claims "women are the greatest victims of war"--not the men who died fighting wars or men left physically mutilated from war wounds.
Okay, go back to shillet and eat a bullet.
Off yourself you neocon piece of shit
got it wrong: good actor, shit political commentator. i'm curious to see the actual political quote now tho.
>well versed in the art of deflect and keep your mouth shut
that only matters when you're trying to get yourself elected. as far as i'm concerned lady is much more dangerous to the public discourse than trump. she lies, muddies the narrative, confuses people. meanwhile, el trumpo's trolling is always fairly obvious.
>The one candidate trying to avoid WW3 is batshit crazy
>1 post by this ID
muh hyperbole
jesus christ democrats stop being such drama queens. this is literally "kid crying and making a scene in the supermarket cuz mom didn't get him that thing he wanted" tier.
bernie is sad, he got treated bad. he should be mad.
Trump is very dangerous for people like (((Ethan Jacobs)))
This is how the evil boomer generation wants to "deal with the millenial problem."
They want to thin your numbers through death and war.
God help you.
>"“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”
How is it a hyperbole if it's true
Name one more dangerous presidential candidate
Appeals to authority are about 20 years late, retard.
Nobody gives a shit about some bigwig opinion anymore, people work this shit out for themselves.
So fuck off.
the DNC kinda stole them techically when they fucked Bernie in his rectum and then anal feeded him.
>Ignoring that Trump wants to start WWIII with Islam
beat me to it ;)
>if he didn't suddenly start acting like a genocidal lunatic
the fuck. what did he say?
>Let's bomb civilians and give more reason for ISIS to kill us, because Murica!
>B-but, muh wall
>Implying the terrorist cells in all 50 states won't retaliate