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The devolution of the film industry

Bottom looks more real in motion. You'd know this if you'd actually watched the film instead of shitposting all day here.

"Muh CGI"

The only thing that looks good in motion is your mama's ass.

>Bottom looks more real in motion. You'd know this if you'd actually watched the film instead of shitposting all day here
oh that explains the unusually good reviews this movie got despite the shitty screen shots placed all over the web

I love practical effects and everything, but c'mon the top totally looks like plastic and putty.

Mortal Kombat

Why is everything blue and covered with lens flares nowadays?
Anyway, the second one looks worse both static and in motion. I watched over half of that piece of shit until I had enough.

>First pic
>A robot man they made to appear in a film

>Second pic
>You will curse the day you did not do! All that the Phantom asked of you!

The bottom one would look perfect if Cameron were the director because the CGI artists know that if they don't deliver perfection Cameron will penetrate their assholes with his fusion cam.

>better in motion
ITT forced memes


why is the bottom one so shiny?

it's the T1000 copypastad on his face



>mfw they desecrated the Rock

Liu Kang

This wouldn't have looked so bad if they just animated his face.

>it look beter in motion guise, i swaer JUS WATCH DA FAKIN MOVEE

discord for open discussion with relevant text and voice channels: discord.gg/bPGfhT4


Well done you badly photoshopped his face over the webm to make it look shit, now show the original.

why not just strap some rubber claws on Rockman and cgi everything below his waist?? why make the whole fucking thing cgi? what were they thinking?


Because Jews just care about profit margin, and don't actually give two fucks about the "artistic value" of film or anything other than profit margin. A film can look like complete CGI shit, but it's cheaper to make and if the profit is there, they simply don't give a fuck. Jews gonna Jew, either accept it or say something about it

I bet the CGI cost more than actually getting The Rock on the screen with props and appropriate makeup and a few basic CGI touches.

1. 2004
2. 1997
3. 1997

God i hate CGI

Johnny Cage



04 looks better but the color grading is shit

Here at Hollywood, we have textures, shader, and anisotropic filtering.

ASM2 is beautiful especially that suit.

cgi is better than prac

I think the issue was that they couldn't afford to hire Dwayne Johnson just to do a small scene like this, so instead they decided to make it all cgi.


Tobey's suit will always be the best suit. I don't care about "MUH COMIC BOOK ACCURACY", Tobey's suit looks awesome.

The art of film making is dead, bury it. Consider this mercy

Its a great suit but Garfield's is the best one. Those eyes.

>not posting the actual best example of animatronics that still looks better than most CGI

Sub Zero

Sonya Blade

Scary as hell

you can see in one of the trailers or promo videos, I don't remember, I'm not sure if they "fixed" it in the final movie

the op pic still exactly like that in the movie though, and in motion it still horrible

I never understood why Jabba in SE and TPM was a completely different color scheme. What was their rationale?

The Pebble hadn't done anything in Hollywood yet, he was still just a mandrama wrestler back then.

Who are these executives screaming that the kids these days want bargain bin cgi over practical effects? I want names.

I just can't fathom how the original Jurassic Park looked eons ahead of Jurassic Worlds crappy cgi.

CGI Arnold doesn't look too bad here, but I don't know why they dropped the ball on duplicating the hair on the goons.

Lucas woke up one day and decided to change something, it just so happened that it was Jabba's turn that day.

This looks really good, they could just cgi the face a bit and normies would eat it up

The best CGI moments in JP was during night. If you just look at the daytie shots and the CGI stands out like a sore thumb.

The original Jurassic Park was good at hiding CGI and mistakes;
while new movies glorify CGI and make it a spotlight.

Old Hollywood crews were humble and restrained, which made them intelligent in how they used their tools by maximizing potential, minimizing damage, and creating a balance.

New Hollywood crews are arrogant and self-absorbed, which makes them reckless idiots who don't care about balance and just stuff bloom and effects everywhere.

Makeup with some CGI is the best option
Full CGI will look like shit unless you are Marvel and full makeup you will end up with an ugly plastic doll.
You should be somewhere in the middle

>practical effects sometimes look like rubber (which they are)
>cgi looks like someone pasted badly something on the frame (which is what they do in a way)

if both options look like shit, wouldn't it make sense to always use the one that's actually there for the camera to register?

Funny, Garfield>Holland>Maguire in terms of suit but I'm 90% sure the movie quality will be the other way around

>i want practical

pretty much all the shops who did past kino are gone

That's some amateur level masking going on there on the bottom. It looks like they just slapped the skull there and didn't even bother to check if the light levels match on the scene itself.

ASM 1 was as good as the first Maguire movie, which wasn't even that good. Is it nostalgia?

Jews have controlled Hollywood for almost 100 years. If Jews just care about profit margin, how did any good movies ever get made in Hollywood?


this basically
the night scenes still look fucking great, only thing off about that t-rex photo is the feet look odd against the set
also, the lighting was really well done, CGI now always looks like a slightly wrong shade, which seems like it would be fantastically easy to fix so i never understand why,...

also they draw too much attention to the cgi now

One of the neat tricks they used with Audry II was that the would film the puppet at a slower speed and speed up the footage.

Doing that allowed them to make more deliberate, careful puppetry and get more detail into the lip syncing so that it looked more natural in motion.

Fucking right. Everytime his head gets close to that mouth my heart skips a beat.

I don't know why that isn't a common practice, they managed to completely eliminate the jerky movements you normally get from animatronics.

>ASM 1 was as good as the first Maguire movie
Green Gobby> lizardman

nice puppet

the best example
I wish there was a "How not to fuck up tv and film for execs" 3 minute powerpoint that would save us all a lot of pain

Whats going on here, can someone give me a quick rundown? Why is the group of guys different and why did they cgi arnold?


Or probably they just don't care, since 99.9999% of the audience won´t notice it.

Anyways they are meant to be pop corn flicks, no pretentious masterpieces...

So actually, who will care?


>CGI looks more real in motion even though the practical effects were ACTUALLY REAL

How could anyone think right looks better? When I first watched LOTR the Orcs actually creeped me out.

>a movie maker shouldn't care about the quality of his work
>just like a doctor shouldn't care about the quality of his operation
>like the nurse shouldn't care about the quality of her care
>like a builder shouldn't care about the quality of their construction
>like a car maker shouldn't care about the quality of their car

It's faggots like you that slow down the advancement and evolution of Humanity.

Left side of pic related is an actual human in a costume, that makes me appreciate practical effects much more than CGI.

they remade the scene in genisys


>tfw terminator is now pg-13 cgi driven action schlock with a shit for brain plot and techno babble replacing the heart of the originals
I find it hard to bring myself to hate Arnold, but the Terminator franchise is dead to me after Genysis. I really want to know how much money they paid James Cameron to say Genysis was good.
The only way I could ever see another Terminator movie would be if Cameron came back, but seeing that he only wants to make more Pocahontas in Space movies, I know that's probably not going to happen.

Left looks like he knows how to file tax returns

35 year difference between the movues

>but the Terminator franchise is dead to me after Genysis
Well it's dead anyway.

cgi models can be changed at will and animated in any way, the freedom and precision in animating is practically infinite. compare practical effects which often have only one or two points of articulation and limited range of motion

practical effects obviously beat cgi in lighting because they are physically present in the scene

thus cgi looks better in motion and practical effects look better standing still




best one if with this fat guy

>Jabba could've been a fat Scottish guy
>instead we got a slug

Truly the worst timeline

reddit leave

>thus cgi looks better in motion and practical effects look better standing still
wich is something know already in the 90's
check relic for example, the close ups are practical, the movement cgi
and that's how it should always be



now you can fuck off

In motion it definitely looks a lot better

The Thing has the best special effects of any film, full stop. Anyone agree?



the top one actually looks like its part of his face

Nice meme

That's exactly how your skin looks when it's not covered in blood.

When you have a cut and you clean it up nice and well it looks like that.