Sup Forums will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dad giving a Baseball bat to his boy'
>Black man actually being a Father figure

I dont see the issue


Here's a (you).
This will be your second and last (you)

Is this news because a nigger was being nice or because the niglet has a dad?

>Hurr durr muh racist Sup Forums

Do you honestly think we'd have a problem if blacks weren't such terrible people? If they're turning their communities around, power to them.

Hell yeah, good father.

>mfw they aren't afraid to be "too white"

Fucking niggers appropriating white culture. Can't wait to send them back to fucking mud huts so they can take part in their beloved culture.

My Country. My Taxes. My Choice.

Or just spam this (1 post by this user) thread to the top of the catalog, like you have been doing for the last 2 weeks.
I swear Sup Forums is fucking crumbling under all the replies to shitposting and some reddit cuck is somewhere laughing and posting a thread about how successful their raid has been.

Wrong quote

This. I don't hate black people, I just hate black people that behave like their negative stereotypes aka niggers. Just like how I hate white trash.

He's such a 'great' father but he's gonna smoke a cigarette in the car with his kid?

>Posts without saging

It was page 6 when I left nigger.

This guy gets a (you) for FPBP.

Op is a faggot tho. He gets nothing.

>Just like how I hate white trash.

Most trump supporters are 'white trash' (a term invented by niggers), ironically


>comparing poor whites to niggers

You stupid fucker

Oh relax you pussy

But he isn't you idiot.
poor white=/= white trash

>Sup Forums will defend this

Yes? To the end of time. That guy is being a good dad by both loving his son and trolling him.

Sup Forums's idealized version of America is the 1950s, where white fathers smoked in front of their kids all the time

'White trash' is a term invented by niggers to describe poor whites. Only cucks and shitskins use it

what are we defending?

>Sup Forums's idealized version of America is the 1950s

No it isn't dumbass. The 50s were the beginning of mass degeneration in society. Absolutely disgusting

Do you even realize how big/fast Sup Forums has become in comparison to even 1 year ago.

People are hungry for real news without fabrication of facts and Sup Forums is the only place that gives them it.

Any self respecting father wouldn't fill a small box with cigarette smoke and then place their child inside

>Do you honestly think we'd have a problem if blacks weren't such terrible people?

I still wouldn't want them in my country.

Nobody on Sup Forums actually hates black people. We just joke about it and shit.

>Father does father thing
why would we print th-
>he's black

>People are hungry for real news without fabrication of facts and Sup Forums is the only place that gives them it

>Sup Forums
>not having an ideological bias

You're dumb as a rock. Just look at all the trumpfags fanatics who think trump is an infallible demigod and anyone who criticizes him is a 'shill'. This place has tumblr tier bias sometimes

>OP tries to "prove" Sup Forums is racist by making a bait thread
>Gets BTFO when nobody plays along
Death to cultural marxism

if the window is open its a non issue

like big deal its just cigarettes

Poor doesn't mean white trash. White trash are people that are on welfare, but still afford to smoke two packs of smokes a day. I live in the country, half my neighbors are rednecks the other half are white trash. Knowing the difference is very important if you're going to make it out here.

looks like the windows were down

inhaling a bit of second hand smoke as a kid makes you strong anyway


>smokes cigarette in car with his kid
>can't even bother to snuff it for his shitty video
>also evidently speaks at a third grade level
>leads his kid to believe he forgot about his birthday all for the sake of shitty virtue signaling vid/stab at viral internet points
>didn't even bother to wrap the fucking gift
>kid doesn't hold the bat correctly, Dad obviously didn't practice with or teach the kid about baseball
>literally only reason this has any traction is because the father is black, reversely reinforcing the absentee stereotype

This half-assed display is from being worth praise.

We need more of this
Especially in America especially with black folks

This is how you get women acting right
When a young man has a role model he can smell their bs a mile away

These SJW women feed of the fact so many males don't know how to be men
When you grow up with someone to teach you this and that you are less likely to Fall for some bullshit

Sup Forums doesn't have an ideological basis, can you point me towards a rule or a guideline that states this?

Oh wait you're a fucking retarded cuck leaf who can't stand that this isn't reddit to control posters.

>u chill mad a't me?
>i aint 4get abowtchu

What did he mean by this?

Does it really though? I remember absolutely hating the smell of cigarettes as a young kid when I'd walk by a smoker on the sidewalk, let alone being forced to sit in a car with one burning right next to me.

I just want to point out that someone at Yahoo is so impressed with a black guy acting like a dad they wrote up a little blurb about the video and put it up in the news section of the site along with videos about the election and Syria. Human interest stuff always gets a spot, but if this were a white dad there would have to be video of him seeing his kid after coming back from Iraq or something for anyone to take notice.

Spot on my man

If that video didn't make you cry then you're dead inside.

d e a d

>ideological basis

>doesn't even know what an ideological bias is

>Oh wait you're a fucking retarded cuck leaf

Was that all you could come up with? Of course it is. You're the type of low IQ scum that makes up 90% of the board. All you can do is spam 'cuck' and 'leaf' and suck trumps dick

considering how rare it is, yes.

Good to see a black father doing a damn good job.

A-fucking-men brother.

I swear some people cannot keep themselves from making the worst possible decisions and fucking up in every way imaginable.

Being born poor is circumstance. Doubling down on it with shit decisions is plain stupidity.

>tfw dad has arthritis
>tfw you will never play catch with your dad again

That's not the definition of white trash

Niggers and cucks use the word to refer to poor white people

1.a member of the class of poor whites, especially in the southern U.S.

2.poor whites collectively

>the word


That was cute man.
Good on that guy, hope that kid won the game later that day.

lazy nigger didn't even wrap it. I wonder what decent person's porch he stole that off.

>aww look at this video that is completely unrepresentative of what blacks are actually like
>wtf I love black people now
>why can't we all just be friends and shit

I'd bet money that the nig in the video supports BLM. You cucks are conditioned to find this shit touching in order to undermine legitimate concern with blacks

You think because I think that black guy is alright that suddenly I think all black people are like that? That's not how it works.

I recognize the trends, you should recognize that there are exceptions.

This is a black father with his kid, a rare negro. Relax user.

It's funny, I look at this as a cute video, just like if it had been a white father and his boy. Obviously no one would see it if they weren't black, but that doesn't negate the fact that it's a sweet moment. It doesn't change the way I see things about the black community at large. If anything, it confirms my idea that a nuclear family is essential, and that men can often experience far more profound emotions with each other.

Who knows, that man could be a damn dead beat dad, and he's trying to change his shit around, and make his kid's life better. probably got a sheboon for a mother, and he only sees her occasionally. you could tell there was history of disappointment between them, and that this was a gesture of a father who probably doesn't always have a lot of time or chances to connect with his son. All in all, yeah, it's a couple of blacks. So what? If blacks acted more civil and could craft comprehensible societies, and stop being fuck ups in general, a lot of us wouldn't give a god damn about race. We need to encourage these poignant moments, it's sad that we have to encourage them, it's shitty that this is what we've come to, teaching blacks how to be human, but at least this is better than sitting on a forum and bitching about muh day of the rope.

Fuck the niggers and gas the kikes.

*only sees his father occasionally

>I recognize the trends, you should recognize that there are exceptions

He isn't even an exception. He speaks like a bumbling nigger and says 'sheeit'. He's more than likely a BLM supporter and voting for clinton for the gibsmedats. The only good blacks are the ones that assimilate to white culture and pretty much act like whites. People like Ben Carson or Neil degrasse Tyson

I'm sick and tired of people appropriating white culture.

No Sup Forums will report this... Get the fuck back yo Sup Forums

>breaking news
>father gives son birthday present


That kid is gonna smoke crack and kill someone. 50-50 at best. Kill him now and save the misery down the road.

Not gonna watch the video, but did the dad say
if not, it was probably just his wife's son.

>black father
Now that's newsworthy.