I was unfairly attacked, so I argued back with this PC crowd.
There is a lot more.
Battling a FB post
I'm not reading all that
This is also why I deleted Jewbook. Useless paragraph essay writing contests over shit that doesn't really matter.
>goybook debates
kek, send her your dick
Whenever I openen jewbook I can literally feel the liberal radiation emanating from the screen.
>meet with your Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Black, and Hispanic friends
Ok, done.
kys brian
that woman is right. she didndu nuffin
I haven't used Facebook in 6 years. I made one after some coercion from some old high school friends. After about 4 months I built up a hefty list of friends I knew from high school but havnt talked to since graduation a few years before. I started seeing stupid fuckin posts about what they were having for dinner. Or about how mad they were from what someone said to them at a store. I got into a few arguments that resulted in others I had no quarrel with disliking me. Deleted that useless waste of server space and never looked back.
What I don't understand is the disdain u recieve from others when you tell them that you don't use Facebook and that's why they couldn't find you when they tried looking you up. It's almost like we are required to use it
>white people are inferior to every other identity group
>you are bad for being white
why arguing? just say
>shut the fuck up slut and make me a sandwich. the screams of your gargoyles is disgusting.
I deleted my Facebook last year, several of my friends have too. My girlfriend never had one to begin with. It's becoming more common to not have one. It's also more "acceptable" to have a linkedin account and no Facebook, rather than having neither.
Don't use social media unless it's a completely fake account for debating.
>Different color than white
Nice, which one ?
But mate my gay and Mexican friends are more right wing than I am and that's saying a lot. Theyd call you a white splaining nigger oppressor and laugh as you try to whitesplain yourself out of it. I bet you actually think all of your lgbtq Muslim and Mexican pets all think the same way don't you? Talk about insulting. You wanna vote for me massa? I'm just a gay Mexican Muslim and you obviously know what's best for me.
what the absolute fuck
>having a facebook in le current year
Sure is normie in here
Honestly you did better than 99% of these threads that I see. Your 'disbelief' mocking did decently for the moderates reading the exchange. You have to be a bit more harsh to shock them into flipping their shit and making a fool of themself thus making you the clear winner and justifying your mockery.
Yeah I didn't want to say anything incredibly insulting.
I definitely could have incited something though.
Seeing how clueless she is.
They always hit you with the "wall of incredibly annoying entirely false women's issues"
Cunts like this are always coddled upper class daddy's girl. They're fucking children and it's disgusting how they justify treating people like shit while claiming to have the moral high ground. The only way to win is crush them with twice the shock and wit they could ever muster.
It pisses me off so much. It got to the point where I was contemplating posting her full name so she could get raided.
Don't get mad they're just lashing out for attention they need a strong man in their life. The problem is they don't consider 80% of men to be viable mates. This is how their biology dictates that they attract a strong man to put them in their place - be a bitch (since physically teasing men attracts betas too). Only an alpha will put her down on social media with all of her friends there to back her up.
It's war man you have to be ruthless. Also don't use your real name to argue with libs The attachment and anger that comes along with it just isn't worth