Do you COMPLETELY deny that there's ANY white privilege whatsoever? Are you sensible enough to at least accept that there's a wee bit in western society?
To those who think white privilege is completely made up, explain yourselves.
Do you COMPLETELY deny that there's ANY white privilege whatsoever? Are you sensible enough to at least accept that there's a wee bit in western society?
To those who think white privilege is completely made up, explain yourselves.
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I didn't choose my parents and it's irrational for me to not take advantage of my situation.
Not at the expense of others, of course.
Being white is better in societies where most people are white. People have a tendency to like people who look like them. Anything beyond this simple fact is probably bullshit.
Kill yourself
There is absolutely no such thing as systemic white privilege.
No. acceptance is the first stage
It's real, and completely deserved. We made the system, so we get the benefit. If you play along (like the Asians) you can beat us at our own game, as they have. If you don't play the game we've created you have to settle for crumbs from the table. You can't have a WE WUZ KANGS and saggy pants-based economy, and until you figure that out, sorry — not sorry.
White privilege exists, but the bigger deal you make out of it, the more the rest of us will see you as an idiot.