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This shit is weak. It should be common knowledge by now that the US gov't armed jihadists in Syria.



We know, but real evidence is the key

I've never been more convinced she is a robot

Is... is this news?

>common knowledge
Normies are retarded and the leaks are for their benefit

We all fucking knew it. The jew is funding them to destabilize the region and take territory.

Is she on drugs?


obama let go of arms to mexican drug cartels. no one cared then. no one will care now.

The liberal media will try to bury it. They want that evil bitch to be the new god emperor of America.

Simple explanation is she's hiding some neurological disorder that makes her twitchy.

Real explanation is that she's a lizard-person and impersonating real people is hard.

>implying Hillary will go down on perjury

its funny how hard she tries to be youthful and "connect with the younger voters" but she always ends up just acting cringey as hell and driving them away.

That what happens when you watch youtubers as your reference point for what young people like but really have no fucking idea.

This. Media is willing to risk war with Russia to cover up rigged primary. Its going to take alot to get her out.

it begins

>More to come

hopefully. our House and Senate is full of these little co-conspirators like McCain and Graham on both sides of the aisle. and that's the real reason we've gotten no traction on her being tried for treason. they hang together, lest they hang separately.

You're missing the point. If WL can prove it, then Hillary can be charged for perjury.

she did it with the best on intentions, no one is perfect we make mistakes.

im with her. the most qualified person running for president

You mean the leak showing her committing a felony? Happened weeks ago, media won't touch it.

the beauty of it is it is the same people who incessantly cry about perpetual war in the mid east who are now supporting her.. and they don't even recognize the hypocrisy


(((The Media))) WANTS war with Russia.


Likely has brain damage from an aneurysm suffered in 2012. She has also had mild seizures in public while campaigning. The news never mentions this.


Did she say she didn't arm them?

Yes, we know this. Thanks Assange, you fucking moron. But then, Americans are so fucking stupid they still believe ISIS is a naturally-occurring, independent muslim army, when it was already admitted to be created and controlled by America and Israel and so painfully obviously was even if they hadn't it's retarded.


God damn dude give up. He actually can't be charged because the laws don't apply to her. Do you not understand this? Laws are for people like you and me, Hillary can do whatever she wants.

>bill sticks his hand up her ass


be a libtard has nothing to do with principles, morals, stances, issues or anything else, it's entrenched us v them pure politics. There can be no end to their hypocrisy because they are above all intellectually dishonest.


Just imagine a pretty girl doing it.

Am I broken?

insinuations, insinuations, insinuations.................

>Yank normies will defend this
Like this would be the first time USA done something like this

Most likely.

Anybody have that photo of McCain, Graham and Rubio hanging out with terrorists?

As far as I know, The Gateway Pundit isn't the most reliable source, not that I doubt the allegation. But for more credible red pilling do any user's have an alternative source?

>mfw young hillary was adorable

It's sad she grew up in the midts of the Illuminati and now she's a cold hearted lizard person who worships Moloch.

the media won't pick it up. weeks old

The American and French antitank weapons kind of showed up, bro.

So spread it.

>Julian can't talk about stuff because 1% of the population on Sup Forums know about it

Conspiracy theories are shit without proof.

that's months old.



This is how the evil boomer generation wants to "deal with the millenial problem."

They want to thin your numbers through death and war.

God help you.

>"“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”


Then fucking release them you Aussie shitposter.

>You mean the leak showing her committing a felony? Happened weeks ago, media won't touch it.


The felony stuff was mentioned by Assange on July 25th, that was only a couple of days ago you fucktard.

It's literally nothing the FBI can't sweep under the rug.

I thought we all knew Hillary is above the law?

What am I looking at here

not familiar with the graham and rubio pics

several of mccain

Its for the Normies dumbfuck leaf

>wanting to do anything except play golf, drink wine and set morphine drip to kill at age 85, after squandering any inheritance they might have to pass on

Thanks for confirming once again that all Australian s are idiots.


It was a pretty funny post though

She personally created ISIS as a cash cow for the U.S military industrial complex (ensuring they'll have an enemy to throw weapons at).

Arming them is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hillary violating the law (i.e. Criminal Intent).

The reason Comey did not recommend prosecution is because he said they could not prove Criminal Intent. He lied.

Thanks for confirming once again that all American s are idiots.

ISIS stands for "Islamic State In Syria".

The reason Obama and Hillary don't like the term is bacause they started and supported ISIS. And now thay wish the whole world would forget it was they who did it all...

June 14, 2013
U.S. Military Aid To Rebels In Syria To Include Automatic Weapons, Mortars, And Rocket-Propelled Grenades

WASHINGTON, June 14 (2013) (Reuters) - The United States is likely to send weaponry like rocket-propelled grenades and mortars to Syria's rebels after President Barack Obama approved arming the insurgents, sources said on Friday.


June 26, 2014
Obama asks for authorization to provide direct military training to Syrian rebels

The Obama administration asked Congress on Thursday to authorize $500 million in direct U.S. military training and equipment for Syrian opposition fighters, a move that could significantly escalate U.S. involvement in Syria’s civil war.
Money for the assistance, which would expand a CIA covert training program, is included in a $65.8billion request for the Pentagon’s Overseas Contingency Operations, or OCO.


This was another one of those "wow user that's just a crazy conspiracy theory don't forget your tinfoil hat" things without hard evidence

boomers are a money pit and a blight on America

Hillary Clinton sending a fax

This is a crime according to Repuglicans

>June 26, 2014
>Obama asks for authorization to provide direct military training to Syrian rebels
>The Obama administration asked Congress on Thursday to authorize $500 million in direct U.S. military training and equipment for Syrian opposition fighters, a move that could significantly escalate U.S. involvement in Syria’s civil war.
Isn't there a hearing about this on YouTube?
Some general had to tell a committee they trained 3 fighters and basically wasted $500.000.000
Wherever the fuck it went...

Aww, you seem a little butt hurt aussie. I think I hear a dingo eating your baby.

not posting the real one

Based Rand Paul

>boomers are a money pit and a blight on America

Through their investments they also profit heavily though war and the military industrial complex.

Blood shed has been very profitable for them, despite their initial objections to the subject.

War is bad when they had to go through it, but for everyone else it's perfectly fine.

she can already be charged w/ perjury on the email server alone.

Did she kill Vince Foster?

1) Assange is a fucking attention whore whose got Cabin fever from being couped up in that shitty banana republic's embassy. He said the last leak was supposed to put her in prison - guess what, nothing of substance.

2) Nobody in this fucking thread understands what the State Department does....


He retired

May I ask: Did that woman really think that the police/nation/prosecutors were going to buy that a dingo must have just up and eaten the baby?

Or we she a retard/abo?

And about 50 other people.

Oh wait, those were all "accidents" and "suicides" and "beheading that was ruled death by natural causes."

>lied under oath

And this is what will happen:


You don't really think laws apply to Shillary? When it's something stupid like emails or just lying a little bit? Everybody lies sometimes! Trump lied in his speeches!

you're dishing out some low grade banter m8

i don't come to Sup Forums for the decorum


Does this have potential to indict her? Or anything at all? Will Trump acknowledge it and redpill the public?

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, I believe

>but but but memes!

Confirmed butt hurt. You should get some cream for your tender anus.

stranger shit has happened in this retarded fucking country

>american law
>lel anything is legal depending on the (((context)))

I'm 100% sure she and Bill got drugged up before their speeches. 100%. Don't know what kind of medication/drugs they used, but they took something.

>all the people saying ths is old news

No shit you spend 24/7 on the happening board of peace. Imagine the fucking normies that never pay attention to this getting the red pill.

Yeah so where are the leaks then?
I am giving up hope that assange has anything more than what he already released. Hes just trying to get his name and face in the media.

>>all the people saying ths is old news

But this happened literally days ago. You dumb abbo cunt.

I keked

Common suspicion isn't the same as knowledge

Thank you for correction the record.

Meanwhile, everyone knows he's just going to keep dropping stuff every few days and weeks until November.

It's going to be glorious.

that's three counts of perjury now. how high can it go?

this is some uncanny valley shit

It's not even news.
Julian is only trying to drag hillarys name through the mud because he hasn't got SHIT.
Hes nothing more than a liar and media merchant.

Honestly I'm just sick of this media targetting hillary to ruin her reputation. Keep hearing "Ohhh the next leak is going to ruin her!! we've got more to come!! trust me"

:^) This is what normies think when he constantly gets his face on television and never delivers.


ISIS is an extension of AQ in Iraq made up and lead by former Iraqi military.

>a CIA covert training program

President Obama. I am CIA.

No, everyone outside of this echo chamber knows he hasn't released anything aside from the DNC emails and some 29 voice messages.
The rest is just a pathetic claim because the guy has a huge ego and an even bigger hatred for clinton.

Either hand over the leaks or stop shilling, there is a reason this hack had a show on RT.

zitto animale

I got nothin good, but are there videos of obama or hillary that can be used to show her supporting isis/etc ? I'd love to interweave vids of them throwing gays off buildings or shit like that if so

He locked up and wants some attention and to stay relevant.
Stephen Hawking does the same thing.