Give one good reason to vote for this piece of shit other than "I don't want Trump"
Give one good reason to vote for this piece of shit other than "I don't want Trump"
There are no reasons to vote for her
That's the only reason.
She is an evil and corrupt harridan.
You forgot:
>protip: you can't
Because you literally fucking can't.
Anyone who votes for her is a complete fucking moron
Case closed.
If he's elected (((they))) will just have someone shoot him in his office.
There are no good reasons, aside from mental illness.
Giving Hillary the presidency gives the left control of the Supreme Court for the next several decades at least. A lefty court filled with activist judges is enough to ruin the country all by itself.
i only know two people who are actually voting for Hillary, and that my mother and my grandma and the only reason they are voting for her is because she is a woman.
Because she has a Vagina
Oy Vay
Democratic super majority would result in a seismic shift in American politics, the US has been dominated by conservatism since Reagan and really, it's not working.
She didn't help delay Boko Haram being classified as a terrorist group for money.
Oh wait, yeah she did.
She didn't delete 30,000 emails that she sent from a private server instead of her government allocated email.
Oh, yeah she did.
She didn't help the Russians get hold of Kazak uranium.
She claimed the Clinton foundation recieved $0 for several years when in fact it recieved tens or hundreds of millions.
She never piad millions to have armies of shills lie about her on the internet to create a false positive perspective of her.
Oh, uh, hehe, she did.
Beat me to it.
We can go to war with russian
Well, considering there are only two options, why is "I don't want Trump" not a good enough argument?
I mean, at least she's not Trump.
She's got her minions flooding regular internet pasting shit from $oros' and Brook$ propaganda sites.
As a male feminist it is my obligation to vote for the candidate who is more likely to help women. Hillary will help women break through glass ceilings. Prove me wrong.
Posting some Hildogs
If womyn are superior to men then why do they require any help?
This is how the evil boomer generation wants to "deal with the millenial problem."
They want to thin your numbers through death and war.
God help you.
>"“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”
you have spent a lot of money in her becoming president and expect favours.
lol I like how it implies she knew about it ahead of time but had to play it off like "whoa what's goin on here? What a tragedy"
She's infinitely worse than Trump even if you think he's an egotistical meanie, so there's no reason to vote for her.
Well, they were always a team and admitted they could've taken UBL out earlier but decided it wasn't worth it.
Trump is more than enough reason.
>gives the left control of the Supreme Court
Cool less chance of getting raped by fascist corporations and police
They aren't superior, they are our equal. Unfortunately they aren't treated as our equal in our male dominated society. Tell me this: How will anyone trust a female CEO's leadership if we haven't had a female president? The US needs Hillary.
>She didn't help the Russians get hold of Kazak uranium.
But I thought the Russians were our friends. Papa Trump told me so...
Hillary couldn't even win the Democrat Party nomination without cheating. She had to cheat against a man to get it.
She's living proof that women are simply not equal to men.
Kek confirms it. The US needs Hillary.
Decent ecological plan that she'll likely get passed
That, and Trump, are the only reasons I'm voting for her
Bait and sarcasm have become so far intertwined that there isn't even a point in making posts like these.
And I thought I knew how to bait
Nonsense. And equality is a myth. Men and women were meant to be complimentary, two joined as one to rear children, not to be at war with one another (thank you femnazism 3.0)
Have fun when the Supreme Court declares that the second amendment is metaphorical and sanctions a mass collection of guns.
Really the woman card is the only reason. "Give little girls something to aspire to!"
There's lots of female CEOs though, you dunce.
that's not even a good reason
He's a beta nu-male, he doesn't care about guns.
The whole Bill of Rights is in jeopardy.
because she will close the gender wage gap!
Clinton - Passed many laws aligning with liberal ideals
Bush Jr. and Sr. - A FUCKING NEOCON
Obama - Where do I start?
honestly her economic plan is better and she'll likely do better in foreign affairs
Hillary will preserve the American empire, Trump has openly stated that he will piss away what your forefathers have died for.
What is this supposed to prove? US is built and run by men, same with China and Japan, EU isn't a country, Germany does not have high GDP because of Merkel.
Haven't seen a Crumb in a while.
bernie was the better candidate for this,
but at least
>There's lots of female CEOs though
ecological plan
elaborate you ducking fuck
>her economic plan is better
more complicated =/= better
>she'll likely do better in foreign affairs
Only if WWIII is your goal
>Muh climate change
She's so cringey at literally everything
>honestly her economic plan is better and she'll likely do better in foreign affairs
>more welfare
>take bribes from countries that hate us
I can only imagine what kind of indoctrinating bullshit you cucks are fed to be so completely out of touch with reality and American politics. Your once great nation truly deserves its fate.
She does have a bloodlust for war.
ACA, the crowning achievement of the Obama administration was the Republican health care bill.
Clinton like Obama had to deal with Republican obstructionism.
Sure there were a handful of bills that might have been slightly centrist with huge conservative edits. But Republicans have held the narrative, and you cannot deny this.
shilling with a picture because words can't do it
trying to pass as standard shitposting
welcome newfriend
>she actually has a plan and it's got too many words so it can't be better
>trump better at foreign affairs
c'mon. We'll lose the middle east to russia with that guy and he's gonna make enemies of any allies and neighbors.
>couldn't even google search policies of either candidate
It's poetic how the on the 100th anniversary of women's right to vote, otherwise know as the 19th amendment, we will have a woman president
Something something "current year".
Bernie loves her.
(cough gag barf sputter)
Instead, let's give the keys to someone who will disband NATO.
10/10 bait
or the bots are learning
dont know what to fucking belive anymore
really hope someone is keeping an archive of shillbot arguments. looking back on them in 5 years will be hilarious
That's global data.... One would assume in places that female infanticide is a thing there would be less female CEOs
There wasn't obstructionism, that's the problem. It was basically one party rule since '88 and pols use the illusion of division to bilk donors and score favors. Both parties became too corrupt, thus the groundswell of support for Bernie and Trump. We the people have a voice again.
Then get raped by refugees
>female president
everyone of your grandmas is probably voting for this bitch because shes a woman
if only the Secretary of state used her non-existent military authority to order the Delta force to rescue Stevens
>I take Hillary Clinton for her word
Give me one good reason to vote for this piece of shit other than "I don't want Hillary".
Hillary already lost us the Middle East. It's a mess because of her policies. And she wants to take us to war with Russia.
Do you castrated beta males even pay attention to politics before putting your balls in Hillary's purse?
>one of the most incompetent and unlikable political campaigners in modern history
>only got government positions because she married a powerful man and looked the other way when he cuckolded her publicly
Why do women need this? They already know that fucking a powerful man is a good way to gain undeserved power and success.
She's literally bred for the job. Trump being elected would risk burning the whole house down.
Trump has never said anything about disbanding NATO. He wants NATO member states to pay their NATO dues, as is required by the North Atlantic Treaty. That includes you, Canada, deadbeat fucking losers.
this is the truth, and anyone who denies it is obviously an ignorant pig
Her paid army of media control:
Also he delayed northern fracking for 5 years
I am lead to believe that at one point she had a vagina.
see? women create economic growth losers
She destroyed the middle east and created ISIS.
You want this incompetent bitch should finish us all off?
Fucking this leaf
its all politcial theatre you retard. liberals play the weak pussies that always lose somehow even though they dominated the election. Republicans are the unyielding assholes that literally never have enough.
on and on it goes as the spectrum has been drug to the right.
Cap and trade was a fucking republican plan and now they talk about it like its Obama and Hilary lovechild
Romney did the same shit as ACA, but the repubs need to try to repeal ACA literally like 200+ times
and foreign policy. nuff said there.
literally anything she did as sec of state. democratic administration selling fraction fucking LOL
where the fuck are the liberal war haters? They were in sanders pocket untill he shilled them out.
after he shilled them out of millions of dollars in small increments of 27 dollars of course
guns are the only thing that may budge coming up here, which is sad because its not going to be something reasonable like background checks its going the fucking floodgates of Noah broken open again
It's tough for anyone to have a voice when a small group of people (far-right extremists) can decide that the government isn't listening.
Enjoy Russians on the North American continent :^).
50% of her voters are "cuz muh vagina"
other 50% are "bbbbbbut tromp is a racist!!!!"
wants to pressure large energy businesses to start moving to green energy by cutting tax subsides.
Wants to change the US energy consumption to 50% coal-neutral sources by 2050.
Wants to install over a million solar plates to generate green energy by the end of her term.
plans to pass more reform further prohibiting fuel emissions.
I think it's decent, not fantastic, but a decent enough start.
That's never going to happen. And if you're so worried about Russia and the integrity of NATO, then how come your country isn't meeting its NATO obligations? Canada is a nation of deadbeats. If you care about NATO, then pay your fucking bills.
>dat moose knuckle
Oh, then we should probably not even have a military then. Thanks America!
She's lying isn't an argument. Every politician is lying about a good amount of shit. I either believe her economic plan lie or trumps. At least her lies are closer to actually possible and not fucking the country into as much debt.
No single person in government is responsible for that mess. Nor is one the savior. But for all the fucks up that is that shitshow she's got experience and when you look at the reality of it all isn't that horrible.
I don't believe any politician, trump or hillary or cruz or bush, truly want the country ruined. She'll have incentive to get us out of that shit just as much as Trump would. She just actually has knowledge and experience whereas Trump is pretty dumb as fuck in that matter.
We're also already at a proxy war with Russia. Been that way since Bush. Actually it never ended if you pay close enough attention. Russia will never be at peace with us. They have such horrible propaganda against us there that they have to believe they've beaten us for their to be peace. You'll know there's peace when there's an official treaty.
Her 30 plus years of experience in government.
Besides fabricated controversy there really is no reason to not vote for her. Especially considering the oppositions ineptitude.
>"Wait, you are telling me the President does not usually pick his cabinet before being elected."
He's a laughable candidate.
What's even more laughable is that the same people who shit all over Obama for being inexperienced are now completely ignoring the same thing in regards to their own candidate, who, even compared to Obama is inexperienced.
Stay mad.
Say what? Bernie bros and Trump Independents aren't far right. Being the latter, I say fuck both parties. We turned out en masse and won Trump (a non-Neocon non-Globalist) the primary. We'll do it in the GE, too.