sup Sup Forums
Also SJW hate thread
sup Sup Forums
Also SJW hate thread
If asians are entitled to in-group preferences, than so is everyone.
Fucking white males included.
2/2 her comments are in red
>Can someone please give me an Asian hunk to drool over on a Hollywood blockbuster already?!
as soon as one exists, I'm sure they'll get right on it
>Asian hunk
they all look like children
Honestly, Americanized Asian females are the most outspoken SJWs I have ever run into.
Agreed. she posts stuff like this almost on the daily. openly hates white people but thinks she cant be racist because she's half asian.
thats what happens when you go to a fancy school in the uk and study some social bs.
Exodus flopped because it was a shit tier movie.
Why did ghostbusters flop?
too little colored people?
Or maybe movies succeed on their merit
>Chinese director wanted Matt Damon
How is this a problem again?
I think it's important to not that Matt Damon is playing a European explorer in search for gun powder. Historical records show that white europeans where quite abundant in ancient china actually.
Their version of Jesus is chinese.
What's their explanation?
Not all chinese actresses (in american productions) are idiots.
This chick from marco polo is based.
They get real butt hurt when their own kind shun them and the white boys they are chasing only fuck em for a semester before quitting it. lol
>Wearing a choker
>anything other than a literal asian fucktoy
I don't understand how people like this are taken seriously...
Is that qtpi Kokochin?
Top fucking kek
It's a Chinese movie. Not a Hollywood movie.
oh she has this whole other post talking about how asian women are strictly sexualized in white movies etc etc.
will post if you want but it's kind of tl;dr
she does go off on some dude throwing out the key word;
Also Asians in general love their white people. This is probably some westernized Asian that doesn't know jack shit about her culture.
Jay Chou from Curse of the Golden Flower.
Sadly, he looks Japanese now.
She doesn't know much about Chinese culture. Chinese LOVE white people. They LOVE Europe. They will hire a white guy to sit in at their business meetings to show off to the competition: "look, we got our own white guy in our company!" So that's why Matt Damon is in this movie. White guy tags along = prestige to the chinese big boss businessman.
She's just a hypocritical typical narrow minded, first world problems, social justice retard.
What she dosent know is that this is literally a Chinese movie made by Chinese. What she also dosent know because she has no awareness of anything outside her country is that Chine actually has a movie industry, and if she wants to see some Asian hunks then she she watch that shit. But oh wait, China know this stupid westerner would never watch a foreign film unless the trailer was shown at Comicon so that why they put A white guy in it it in the first place because they knew no Americans would watch it other wise.
>these Chink sjws not realizing that the director (Zhang Yimou) wanted Matt Damon for this movie because he is marketable.
Westernized Asian females.
Not even fucking once.
She only bangs white men though. Must be a self hatred thing.
fuck it, posting anyways.
here she is again flipping out over more white privilege undermining asian beauty.
she did for a time. though now she has an asian bf. she actually went after me at a time, told me her fantasies and shit and they were actually incredibly submissive, contrary to what she posts on her fb. then i didnt go for her which broke her heart apparently.
did i create this monster Sup Forums?
Because she is female, I know the extent of her activism will be posting powerful emojis on social media. I can rest easy knowing she will make no great contribution to her retarded cause.
>A fantasy movie about defending a wall & killing giant monsters
>must be historically accurate
liberals everyone
I wonder what its like to be able to engage in this type of racial ego masturbation in full view of the public.
I guess its a feel that a fucking white male like myself will never know.
top kek
>Doesn't date asians
>muh asian movie roles.
this guys obviously mentally retarded but at least he isn't openly hating an entire race.
she claims that she can't be racist because of her half asian genes. she claims racism is only the systematic oppression of another culture/race. where this definition came from i will never know.
As a white guy, the first thing i thought when i saw the trailer was 'you gotta be fucking kidding me'.
Chinks can take care of their own as long as its not against us. But the movie wouldn't get any attendance if the cuck from walking dead was the lead character so you can't really blame them for this one.
No, jews did obv. Asians outside of jew influenced california are usually pretty bro-tier.
we actually grew up outside of the US most our lives. though we did live in "western" cultures even still.
Jackie chan was in old west movies and nobody fucking complained
>Chinese film company
>Chinese director
>All Chinese production team
How is it whtewashing if it's the Chinese making these decisions?
idk man, i've just never met any asians like this person. grew up playing nintendo with some japanese dudes, they were bro tier. played league with some hmong (or w/e they are called). guys were bro tier. I think asian culture sort of makes people try really hard not to deviate from whats considered normal, so naturally, when they move to california, it fucks them up, whereas when they move to other places, they end up okay. Even outside of the USA, hollywood movies can have a big influence on people.
Most Asian-American women are gigantic insufferable cunts with pent-up sexual frustration because truly alpha white guys won't touch slant-eyed pan-faced gooks or shitskin poo-in-loos. They only get the betas and they're all salty about it.
I can't even count the number of times I've encountered these ugly cunty fucks in my entire college career.
Would she have preferred Jackie Chan?
oh believe me i know. I've so many asian bro tier friends. I mean she went to school at like Oxford or some shit and I think it plagued her mind.
>literally died of laughter
If only.
she's asian-british but same difference
These people appear as robots, they're so brainwashed.
She also hates taylor swift.
here's a post she made a week or two ago.
I thought it was one of those big Chinese movies that hire white actors because their audience loves that shit? Maybe I'm thinking of a different movie, but I swear this is just another "big-budget" Chinese movie where they grab famous white actors like they always do.
I suppose I should've used "westernized asian women" instead. They are such fucking cunts.
Matt Damon can't play as a soldier from Ancient China.
But it's totally for this to play as Hermione.
>All those made up words
Maybe she should stop yellowsplaining.
>Our heroes don't look like Matt Damon
Matt Damon looks like he has Down's syndrome, so actually your heroes very much look like Matt Damon.
sour grapes as fuck, and she's literally only capable of thinking in terms of the victim pyramid
Isnt immigration nice, our ancestors build the best societies on the planet, we graciously open the door to foreigners only for their shitty offsprings to constantly shit on our culture and everything we do.
It's not Hollywood it's literally a Chinese production.
Sexy Chinese girl.
They have a point. Why the fuck is he in a movie about Ancient China?
But don't blame Hollywood for this. Most of the production companies making the film are Chinese. They probably want a famous Hollywood actor to make more chinashekels at home and abroad.
Well yeh it's a good point
>guy in movie should be asian
>cast a white actor
obvious fuckup
Just like how the james bond nigger was an obvious fuckup.
There's no double standards here.
the character is a european traveler in search of gunpowder. white europeans were quite frequent in ancient china actually.
But the great wall is a fictional movie about giant lizard things and shit.
She forgot to mention "perpetually single" and "childless" as well.
why should a european traveler in search of gunpowder (what this character in the movie is) be played by an asian dude?
I have no idea what the fuck the movie is about, I just assumed it's supposed to be an Asian person because of her complaint.
Is what you just said actually the case and this bitch is just crazy?
Yes lol, matt damon is not portraying an Asian. He's supposed to be European. Along with Willem Dafoe
>Matt Damon
Y u mansplaining tho?
Central Asians can be a CUUUUTE.
Pic related.
Isn't that movie being made by Chinese though
Greek girl go back to /balk/ and swoon over the chink cunt over there
Nice quints though you stupid malaka.
Can we nuke this gook also?
Are you the same greek cunt that spergs when non white women are posted?
White people are so horrible.
If only there were countries not run by White people that she could go to.
>history is on outside not theirs
post says CENTRAL asians not half ugly gook half ugly white
>says the wypipo who threw a shit fit over Idris Elba getting considered for James Bond
supposition, baseless, no proof, no evidence to back up claim
But as long as her comments are directed at the right people, it doesn't matter
but john cho is korean ???
Constance "literally who" Wu
I don't care about her shit. Adapt to the country you live in or gtfo
BRB gonna watch Myatt Dayymin play better asian heroes than asians
There's nothing worse than Americanized Asian women.
Asians are so racist
There are plenty of asian movies with leading asians, so...
Where was she when they decided to replace an all-male cast with women for no reason? (Ghostbusters)
Where was she when they decided Harmine needs to be black for no reason?
Why complain now? This shit has been happening.
China bought Damon to attract more chinks to the theater. Who gives a fuck that he's white, he's likeable as fug.
Is wypipo an acronym or is it just how Asians pronounce white people?
Cutest middle-schooler I've ever seen.
>flat face
>Those dead little eye holes
>High crotch of his pants proves he's actually a she
>Completely indistinguishable and unrecognizable trust-fund baby vibe
>Has the "I'd sue you but then I'd have to talk to my dad" face
This is really what you greeks are into these days? Those refugees are messing with your minds.
they're bitching about Scarlett Johannsen playing a fucking robot.
feels > reals
>Our heroes don't look like Matt Damon
they're 5% of the population, i couldn't give less of a shit about their complaints.
>that pic
>asian hunk
Such a thing does not exist
AMEN. where would chinks, nigras, arabs and spics be without wypipo
wypipo = white people. she thinks its hilarious.
She literally just wants anybody other than white people. She'd probably be happy if it were a black dude.