Why is shitting your pants so popular in America? Everyone is doing it these days, from the lowest blue-collar Wal-Mart shopper up to the presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.
Why is shitting your pants so popular in America? Everyone is doing it these days...
>inb4 someone says something really stupid nonchalantly and gets 40 (you)'s and screencaps
I always thought it was a meme because I never seen it when I went to New York or Boston but in the mid-west this is a thing for sure. I couldn't believe it.
It's the fluorinejew in the water. it ruins our digestion system to make us have to go take a shit uncontrollably. they've done this to our water so we have to pay the plumberjews money to get more bathrooms in our communities. also, this is the reason why the left is pushing transgender washrooms. they know people will say "just give them their own washrooms". this fuels the plumberjew. people that shit in their pants are redpilled
pooping your pants is the ultimate expression of murican freedom
She didn't do it, Putin pumped shit in the ass
T-thanks user.
thank god for photoshop amirite?
Dont you have streets to shit in, Pajeet ?
Don't you have bulls to prep Hans?
Did you prep yours already Cletus?
Bruh, total Indian cutie works at a conscience store next to my uni, want to strike it with her, but I have never talked to an Indian women, how are they like? Though she seems westernized, but is from India
As a pixel connoisseur I can tell you that's actually GIMP.
Don't you have to kill yourself Kulervo?
Is that real? Hard to believe, if so, she will probably be a single mother the rest of her life, until maybe she will settle for a cuck
In the US the poo goes EVERYWHERE!!!
Is this Shillary pantshitting pic real? Why haven't we seen it before?
No. Maybe you haven't seen it before because people are tired of Donald Trump's hateful rhetoric and lying.
Thank you for """"""""correcting the record"""""""
Who cares? I shit myself at least once a week, it happens to everyone, all the time.
>hateful rhetoric
Name 1 hateful thing he has said. Go on.
And remember: facts don't care about your feelings.
You should see a doctor. That isn't normal.
This is a fetish account
ass sweat
What? Pooping in your pants is a common thing in my area, no one even bats an eye.
When I'm on the go and don't see a restroom, I just let one loose in my pants. I'm a busy guy, I don't have the time to be looking around for a place to shit.
With modern detergent and washers you can poop in your pants as many times as you like it has literally zero effect on the fabric
Not gonna lie, shitting myself has been a daily occurrence. I know people think this is only an American problem, but they don't realize it's fairly popular here too. I can't explain it, and my peers who shit their pants also have trouble explaining it. It just happens, you know? I mean when you're out and about doing some shopping and you feel your insides preparing to evacuate, what else are you suppose to do? My time is precious, and running around looking desperately for a bathroom like an idiot is simply wasteful. Just let it go and go on with your shopping.
Only place I try not to shit myself is at work. But hey, if theres a lineup and customers need to be helped, my need to shit can't get in the way of that.
but I'm on a crusade to turn "photoshop" into a generic brand like xerox, kleenex etc.
>Indian vote secured
If shitting your pants is cool, call me Miles Davis.
Poo in the loo, not in the bin you smelly animal
Swamp ass is a yuge problem with all Americans.
Those business dresses are so fucking thick. She'd have to be pressing a wet turd up against it for at least a few minutes.
Loud, shrill, psychotic. That fucking accent is like nails on a chalkboard, more than probably nay other one in the world.
>conscience store
how convenient
It's 'pissing your pants.' Get it right, Billy.
I've literally never seen this.