Germanic Americans: Move Back to Europe

After putting a lot of thought into it, I believe that Germanic Americans - provided they are of good stock, intellect, and health - should move to Europe.

America's 'nation of immigrants' mentality means that - even if Trump wins - we will still be absorbed into the melting pot. It will just take a bit longer.

Europe is our homeland and it is being invaded.

So why aren't we trying to move there?

Why continue fighting over a country that we don't even have a blood & soil connection to?

Just look at how sickly White Americans are: obese, lots of skin cancer, etc. We were never meant to grow up on a corn fed diet and live here.

This isn't where we belong.

Good, the master race doesn't want you here anyway

>Europe is our homeland and it is being invaded
>So why aren't we trying to move there

Germans hate us. Even the ones on this site and Sup Forums. Theyd literally rather have niggers so long as they "understand the culture"

Fuck outta here. I own 7 acres of land in a state with no income tax. I'm not moving to some tiny little apartment in Germany so I can pay out the ass for a bunch of marble mouthed leftists and revolting Muslims to collect welfare.

No. They have gay laws. We have better free speech and gun laws in America.

There is actually no contradiction.

Germanic people come from Northwest Europe - which is being invaded by foreign people - so why shouldn't young, strong Germanic people fight for our real homeland?

I want to go to the place where my ancestors come from and help kick the mongrel invaders out.

I'm tired of living in a country that I don't feel attached to.

>welcoming back traitors

The only ones that should be allowed back are the ones that migrated after 1945.

I'm actually moving to Austria I think. Fuck Germany, it's doomed, they want to become America 2.0. But at least this way I can still be part of the former empire.

We don't want you.

I really hate entitled faggots like you that think they can just move wherever they want.

Fix your own shit and stay out of ours. Especially the last part, you Amerilards have trouble with that.

Fuck that, we left for a reason.

>be OP
>Johnny Jefferson, 1/102993575 German
>move back to the motherland
>gooooben tagg :DDDDD
>get raped by migrants

b-but I love y-you

Nah the Germans here should stay, I would rather see them here with us than getting kebabed into oblivion with their cucked fag cousing Europe.

I know that many of you guys hate 'Americanism'... and so do I.

The goal would not be for Europe to be 'Americanized.'

What I want is this:
he best Germanic blood - maybe 100,000 youngsters of exceptional intellect, health, will, etc. - moves to Germanic Europe and assists local nationalist movements.

>Ugh, you're German blood? We don't want you.
>Refugees welcome

only German Americans should do this, Scandinavian Americans should not do this.

Nobody wants to live in Austria anyway, faggot.

German-Canadian with German mother, Canadian father, here. Am I welcome? I seriously have more attachment to my mother's culture than my father's. He abandoned us. I also don't feel anything in common with Canadians, hence why I fucked off to Japan for a while...

I would like to contribute to Germany if I can.


All white Australians should move to America and then America can send all the niggers and other trash here. How is this not a win-win situation?

I am not ethnically German, so I have no desire to move to Germany.

I am Germanic though (half Swedish and half English descent) and want to move to either Sweden or England and kick out the local kebabs.

but seriously bro, can I move to Austria? I'm probably more right wing than 99% of your countrymen.

Anglo Americans welcome.

>black guy meets an aboriginal for the first time

DNA test required.

this. beggars can't be choosers.

Euros want to bitch about having right-wing white people migrating to their country when the alternative is more brown 3rd worlders

Yeah no, Germany is a shitole that openly chose its path

No more Jews. We took in way to many in 1558 and they took London. Now the English yet again are left to deal with it.

Ethnic Anglos only please.

This is something that I agree with 100%.

There really are mixed race folks who try to pass as White. You don't want them in your country.

your a dorable

The best part is how triggered gercucks will be at the mention of this. Meanwhile they let in millions of completely foreign and unasdimilable arabs that will destroy them.

You think i'm jokng, cute.

Let's us come home sir's. We'll be honast' boys we will. We'll work real hard and we wont even fuck your daughters like those nasty sand folk.

Fuck you, m8. I'm probably more English than you.

We dont want you dirty roo buggers round our women.

i think it would be a better investment for germans to leave their homeland and move to the US. why would anyone willingly move to a continent that's being invaded right now when you don't have the right to protect yourself and your family?

-germanic murican in canada

But we aren't eligible for gibs since we're not dirty sand people. I'd be all about it otherwise.

Please explain to me, from the beggining how you are "probably more English than you".

I have some time so I would like to hear your story.

As one of my ascendants said before his children moved to America: "America is the grave of the Germans"

That may very well be but you moving here sets a precedent that's going to be abused by the left, and therefore you'd do more harm than good with your one right wing vote.

You probably don't even speak German, let alone one of the many Austrian dialects.

>wanting to move to Europe

enjoy living with pathetic cucks kek, I wouldn't even visit that 3rd world continent at this point.

I've also considered moving to the UK. Sure it's a downgrade in genetics but the Brits always seem to pull through at the last minute and continue marching forward. Germans never half ass two things, they always whole ass one thing to the brink of suicide. Unfortunately baby Prince George is a quarter Jewish, and that's kind of a problem. I don't really want to live under a Jewish monarchy again.

Actually just taking the piss, I'm like 60% English; but then again, you're probably 100% Paki, so it's whatevs.

>hold up, a million brown people are moving to Europe, better flee to the place that's 62% white!

Seriously, why is it so hard for everyone to stay where they fucking belong?

fuck off to Germany with your autistic posts.

what's with the hostility? I recognize the problems with America and I want to help preserve white Austria. why won't you just love and accept me

This is a good idea.

The problem is our ancestors left for a reason. Europe's an overcrowded shitballoon that's about to catch fire.

i want the same thing, however the current political climate is fostering the opposite of that.

the west has become the dumping ground for minority swine. white people have to end up somewhere else in large numbers eventually.

Well, there's some in you with those bants.
>downgrade in genetics
Did you even into history? Do you even know what a puritan is? Your Gene pool is literally smaller than
's penis.


>he has more live for a country he's never been
>he doesn't speak his mother's tongue

What's awful is that a shit ton of Americans believe this bait.

All white people who arent cucked should just move to Alaska then we can succeed from the US. Its too cold for niggers and I don't see middle easterners clamoring to migrate there.

I completely agree. All Germanics who can should move back to Europe. And have at least 3 or 4 kids per family.

Celtics should too, to their parts.

>Seriously, why is it so hard for everyone to stay where they fucking belong?

I'd recommend that Europeans avoid immigrating to America. This place is a death trap for the White race.

'Americanism' = a meat grinder that destroys traditional European culture all while expanding like the Borg from Star Trek.

That is why I brought this issue up:

Germanic people don't belong in New Mexico, or Arizona, or Georgia, or North Dakota.

We are not American Indians. This is not the land that our ancestors come from. And if we stay here, we will eventually be assimilated into a giant brown horde.

I'm trying to salvage a very small number of top notch people from this country, and have them help people in your country.

You act like modern Europe doesn't have the exact same "nation of immigrants" mentality that we have. The melting pot problem is not exclusive to the USA. There are literally no white countries that believe in and practice ethnic nationalism. Might as well stay here where you can own a gun to defend yourself and where our laws afford us at least some freedom of speech. It's practically illegal to be right wing in Germany, and the rest of Europe isn't much better.

>I recognize the problems with America and I want to help preserve white Austria.

"White" Austria. We're South Bavarians and Allemanns and we have some naturalized Hungarians and Slavs from the times of the monarchy. That's all an Austrian should be. Not "white", fuck off with that melting pot nonsense, just look at where it led to.

Do you want to help? Prepare to assassinate whatever politicians you have to that might decide to get involved in Europe in the future.

>TFW I live in NM

White people here are not as stuck up where I am from


Fuck off. Your ancestors moved to America from their Euroshit country because they wabted a better life in a land of oppertunity where they could make somthing for theirselves with hard labor. You need to stay in America and follow your own dreams to sucess or you are a disgrace to America. God bless the USA.

>"""""""""German"""""""" Americans

>America's 'nation of immigrants' mentality means that - even if Trump wins - we will still be absorbed into the melting pot

You are an immigrant, you are the meltingpot, you fucking retred.

The guy who started an argument with you had no idea what he was talking about (many Brits have, imo, top-notch genetics).

However, to be fair, many Anglo Americans are not descended from Puritans. My Anglo ancestors were originally 'Southern Aristocrats' living in the Yazoo delta of Mississippi.

As a general rule, Anglo Americans from the South have a wider variety of backgrounds. Some descend from indentured servants and others from wealthy plantation owners.

cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe

>America is less than 50% white within the next decade
>hurr hurr Europe's about to catch fire

Europe's been around for thousands of years. Sure there might be a huge fucking war soon where millions of people perish, but that's just what Europe does. They'll keep marching forward come hell or high water. I'd rather fight for the homeland.

I'm coming to Austria bro. Get your laderhosen and stein ready. We're going to cling some boots and lick some schnitzels together.

For example, take a look at the typical European post.
Snobbish and repulsive, this is European culture. Our ancestors recognized how shit it was, and it was shit then it's shit now. Wanting to go to the lands these people are from and interact with people like them the rest of your life is disgusting. Sure, they're pretty entertaining to look at and laugh at, but they're not somthing you want in your everyday life up close.

>all this reddit
You got your answer OP.
Do you really want to spend your time around these faggots?
Might as well just let these cucks get replaced with muslims and then clear those guys out.

You're an idiot

Get the fuck out of my thread

Fuck europe, don't let the door hit you on the way out...


Oh fuck off. You're only alive because your grandfather's were too cowardly to die in the wars like the real men.

The more repulsed you are and the more likely you are to stay out of it, the better. You know that's what I want, right?

I do enjoy the butthurt some basic rejection causes amongst the Americans though. No, you're not welcome everywhere and if what this lard here says is true, then you shouldn't even have a problem with it :^)

When Alaska would inevitably get a reputation for high quality of life (due to its population), trust me, everyone else will demand to be let in on it too.

Dude, literally no one in America cares or ever did care about Austria. Whenever Americans talk about moving to Europe, feel free to fuck off. They aren't talking to you.

Enjoy living in mexico faggot

Nah, I'll stay here, defend my new homeland.

I was born here, and I've lived here my entire life, that's all the soil connection I need.


>the homeland
Fuck off faggot, you're not an American if you still think of Europe as the homeland

Never been out of the US never going to, I think anyone who wants to emmigrate should fuck off and never be allowed back.

>he's staying in America


I could get behind this. Too bad it will never happen.

I'll admit, most American whites are retards.

But sophistication can get overrated when it gets so relativistic and comfortable it can't even maintain its own definition. In this way, the Slavs are truly the real deal these days, the ones to admire.

Again, why do you act as if that isn't the greatest thing ever? If you don't want to come here, then you WON'T come here, which is fucking awesome! Thanks!

I mean, it would mean a bit more if there wasn't this one guy in this thread that does - better fix whatever is wrong with him.

Poor people have to live somewhere, you shouldn't judge a country based on where its lower class live. The places middle class people go to are substantially better than that.

Wouldn't that be grand! Or ship their asses back to Africa to live in mud huts and shit in holes in the ground. Then we'll have two pure white countries.

>Europe isn't the homeland of actual white Americans
we're just a colony experiment bro. a colony experiment that failed. If you're not dedicated to preserving Europe and our people then stay in America and have mulatto grandchildren, I don't care.

>I think anyone who wants to emmigrate should fuck off and never be allowed back.

I agree with that sentiment completely.

The man in that pic is the reason why 'White Nationalism' will always fail:

- Obsessed with 'Americanism' and too stupid to realize that America's zeitgeist of hyper- individualism + consumerism destroys true ethnic nationalism.

America is gorging itself to death on 'freedom'.

Alaska is not an option its in america. The federal government has control over Alaska and niggers and spics will have control over the federal government

There are too many of them for that. The only good plan is to go back to sterilizing them.

That's why you keep your mouth shut about it and live simpler lives in off grid intentional communities. This should be a primary goal for all blonde haired blue eyed Germanic "Americans". Save your money, network, buy land and live happily every after. Sort of like the Amish or the Hutterites.

This is only acceptable if you give up every ideal you know and hold to, and accept the German way of life as your own. They do things differently and are very deep rooted with doing things their way.

Would you wait at an intersection and not cross until the little man is green even if there are no cars coming?

Would you take the time out of your day to pull the weeds in your apartment complex because you and your neighbors expect to have a nice kept living space?

Would you carry food wrappings with you for hours until you can find a garbage to put them in instead of simply throwing it on the ground?

>implying we would let you in
no can do, mister. you don't fullfill the necessary requirements to cross our borders AHAHAHA..
uhm sorry, lost it there for a second, so where were we?
Ah yes, to be accepted into the land of the germans you must be of islamic faith, must be not white (as long as you're not white it doesn't matter what race you are, since race is part of a ridiculous NS-ideology and thus not real). Bonus points if you are illiterate and neither speak german nor english.
tl;dr if there is even the slightest chance that you could one day be a productive member of our society you can fuck off.

Lets ship the people out of the 95% white country and into the 60% and falling white country????

Glad we can agree. I don't know what the deal is with that guy.

you can straight up suck my dick, I'm legitimately moving to Austria. don't like it? too bad. I'm German, you can't even tell the difference. I probably care more about Europe than you.

America is my fucking homeland.

I don't want to live where the population density is 233 people/km^2, or 269 people/km^2 when I live in a perfectly good town in a state with a population density of

It is literally against the law to have all white states or cities in America. STFU you jew quit trying to derail this thread

Why are you deutschlanders not moving out of mallorca, but now seriously, stop it, we re full and in summer i cant rent an apartment bcuz they re all taken by german summerimmigrants, mallorca belongs to spain"

Have fun paying 50% of your income towards reparations