is she right?
Is she right?
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how no
dumb bitch doesnt even know what borrowing is.
this is why women cant into economics
No goyim. Would you like another loan?
Change socialism to "being a woman".
do you mean
>white people's money
like the banks did in '08?
Want a mortgage? Here's 800K in free computer money. This is the socialists' fault
wasn't that a milton friedman quote
socialist societies have always gone into complete economic failure and/or failed to provide good living conditions.
Look how many times the Soviets had starvation problems, they just couldn't even supply basic food for the people at a certain point.
The only difference is China but China is a capitalist economy with a red flag.
>b-b-but what about Modern Europe?
They are trending downwards in a hurry now. Sweden is on pace to become a 3rd world country, officially. If they do not change.
>Muh Hitler would've worked
>Hitler da best, jews lose!
Then why did fascist Spain go into economic collapse and need to be bailed out by capitalists during "The Spanish Miracle"?
Who cares he invented basic guaranteed incomes and ayn rand took social security theyre all loons
Nordic democracies. Canada. Central europe. Russia being akin to venezuela economically
muh nordic model
Because it's [CURRENT YEAR]
>Look how many times the Soviets had starvation problems
Are you stupid? Soviets ended the chronical food shortages in Russia. Stop living your life trough memes.
Canada is regressing greatly with the oil market, and selling oil is a capitalist notion.
Socialism should keep all resources inside the borders "for the people"
So Canada is clearly a hybrid, but one that is not doing particularly well lately either.
>Nordic democracies. Canada. Central europe. Russia being akin to venezuela economically
None of this are socialist
Well, we discovered in 2008: the problem with CAPITALISM is that you eventually run out of other peoples money.
>Socialism should keep all resources inside the borders "for the people"
>Unlike the previous famine of 1921-22, Russia's intermittent drought was not severe in the affected areas at this time.
couldn't even blame the drought like the Empire could.
who could be behind this
selling things for profit (especially to foreign nations) is the way of capitalism, but you're the guy so stupid he didnt even realize the soviets had multiple famines.
>selling oil is a capitalist notion.
what the fuck
socialism =! communism
fucking rednecks, read a book
gb2 >>>/trump/
It was undergoing massive industrialization. But it's a fact that after USSR rebuilt his country after WW2, USSR never had a famine, something that happened every other decade in Russia up until.
>one year after WW2 ended
This one pretty much explain itself
Holodomor is the same as the first famine you showed me. It is just used by ukies to create a national identity and brainwashe ukies to hate russians
She was a stupid globalist cunt that sold British sovereignty.
Can someone post examples of some capitalist, socialist, and communist countries? I'm tired of the No True Scotsman for everything.
>selling things for profit
Who said it had to be for profit? You have apples, they have oranges. Trade apples for oranges Everyone is happy. What makes you think trade is forbidden in socialism?
>of some capitalist
Pretty much the entire current world
> socialist
If we go by marxist definition, then none.
>and communist countries?
completely wrong.
They borrow Socialist elements but are ultimately mixed economies.
Pretty much every country. Best examples are America and Victorian England.
Venezuela, Nazi Germany
Cuba, Soviet Union, North Korea, Maoist China
Keep in mind that while those countries were in a phase of the transformation of Communism, according to Marx they would eventually transfer into a stateless and classless society. That was the intended outcome of Communism.
in a true sense, there are no truly capitalist countries, but America is a close one. There are no open market or private Firemen or firehouses that you could pay for other than the government's. Same with roads, but that's life.
Europe. All of it.
China, N. Korea, Cuba are the closest
>Venezuela, Nazi Germany
lel. Nazi germany was a perfect example of capitalism
>muh foreign labour
>muh jews to work for private enterprises for free
>Cuba, Soviet Union, North Korea, Maoist China
Now i know you literally have no fucking clue about what you are talking about.
>mixed economies.
What is this?
>in a true sense, there are no truly capitalist countries
define this. What is true capitalist?
>China, N. Korea, Cuba are the closest
Americans are so clueless
>he invented basic guaranteed incomes
>ayn rand took social security
After she paid into it her entire life. It'd be dumb if she refused to get her own money back.
It applies perfectly to capitalism too.
Nazi Germany was not capitalist. It was a Socialist nation. The original intention of the party was to be extremely far left. Also I said that those countries never achieved the stateless society that Communism promised. They achieved the revolution but not the final outcome. A mixed economy is an economy that has elements of both Socialism and Capitalism.
>Soviets were chronically starving
The last famine there occurred in the mid 1940s. Stalin actually ended the cycle of famines that plagued Imperial Russia. have to go back.
Listen to an individual who has suffered from socialism here:
Depends on the type. Singapore and Hong Kong are examples, as is the USA. The less pleasant examples are like India, Haiti, Indonesia, or Guatemala.
Depends on the type. Cuba, the Soviet Union, and the Eastern Bloc had socialistic elements but weren't totally socialist. More strictly defined examples would be Tito's Yugoslavia, the Paris Commune, Makhno's Ukraine, Revolutionary Catalonia, or Israeli kibbutzim.
Communist state is an oxymoron.
>Nazi Germany was not capitalist. It was a Socialist nation.
Explain. Did the means of production happen to be in the worker hands?
>The original intention of the party was to be extremely far left.
You said it yourself
>that has elements of both Socialism and Capitalism.
What is socialist elements?
Except that wasn't due to capitalism. That was due to an economic bubble and Labour having a huge debt after spending all the money the Tories had saved. Then they raised income and VAT to cover the people they'd hire and programs they'd funded through tax money while getting off scot free.
I am currently suffering from socialism. I just did the math and I currently pay less income taxes than an American with the same income.
Sorry Americucks, you lost.
>screw up
>lel, just blame it on the preceding government
Seriously, is this the first year you guys watch politics?
Yeah. Just look at the Sanders' campaign.
Ask Venezuela.
Corporate socialism =/= Capitalism
If the US was truly capitalist the government would have no reason to bail out the banks, they'd just let the free market correct itself.
The means of production did not end up in the hands of the workers. You're looking at Socialism as one thing. Democratic Socialism and National Socialism don't have the workers owning everything but they are closer to Socialism than to pure Capitalism.
>What are Socialist elements?
12.) Confiscation of all war profits
15.) We demand an expansion of old age welfare
21.) The state is to care for elevating national health by protecting both mother and child, by outlawing child-labor
So government programs are socialism? And what about national army? Is it socialism?
I know about the 25 point programme, don't worry.
wouldn't that be capitalism??? rather than socialism
"The problem with capitalism is that you eventually run out of your own money."
No. The point isn't that those are government programs. The intention of the programs is to bridge the class divide by giving money and such to the poorer classes and capping how the rich can make money and use money.
>Says the lady that turned Capitalism away from actual material production and into infinity finance debt.
Also the USSR had lower debt per capita than any western country by a fucking mile, the reason the USSR collapsed was actually mostly political and a lack of diversification before oil price crash because Brezhnev was completely incompetent.
>No. The point isn't that those are government programs.
No? why not?
> The intention of the programs is to bridge the class divide by giving money and such to the poorer classes and capping how the rich can make money and use money.
Taxation is socialism?
According to Sup Forums, any government whatsoever is socialism.
You claimed the Nazis were Capitalist. True Capitalism would never have any form of taxation. That isn't to say taxation isn't found in Capitalist nations. That's to say those Capitalist nations are closer to leftism and are not purely Capitalist.
Bridging class was a major Nazi ideology.
>KdF was supposed to bridge the class divide by making middle-class leisure activities available to the masses.
>True Capitalism would never have any form of taxation.
Capitalism != free market capitalism
>Bridging class was a major Nazi ideology.
>What is propaganda for 500$ Alex
The free market is a defining feature of Capitalism. The point is that it's a spectrum. Some ideologies are closer to Capitalism or Socialism but very few are actually completely within the frame of those ideologies.
Oh look, that quote again by people who do not understand what the basis of a Socialist economic model is:
>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production
That means you don't take anyone elses money, it means that the means of production are owned collectively, therefore the money belong to the community, not any individual.
Here's a real quote:
>"The problem with Capitalism is that the wealthy don't ever run out of other people's money"
>The free market is a defining feature of Capitalism.
The market defining prices, yes. Ancap and lolbertarian are just ideologies with no basis on reality