If your country vanished off the face of the earth, how would the rest of the world be affected?

If your country vanished off the face of the earth, how would the rest of the world be affected?

They'd have to ship the blame for everything somewhere else.

fucking Australians

Russia and china would conquer the world.

no more coke

Israel would get annihilated by the sandniggers. Europe would uncuck itself.

kek magic is real

The horror

Nobody will notice.


That's true, please don't go anywhere.

Israel has a lot of nuclear weapons, it would completely destroy the middle east before falling.

europe would be safe from russian land invasion :')

Sheep would go without a good fucking.

No money for the EU

Other european countries would need to take the YUGE amount of drunk englishman we get every fucking year in summer.


The Samson option is a load of bullshit

They are a tiny country.

You could nuke every square inch and destroy the launch facility

Who would nuke it? Arabs don't have nuclear weapons and Israel got a lot of land-air and air-air tech, Ahmed.

>launch facility
boomer subs, mate. land-based nukes are for suckers

Rest of the world would be fucked.

America will pull a darth Vader

Just trick the navy into a celebration day for all sailors and then nuke them

No more quality shitposts, just Canadians.

Pakistan has the nuke actually.

Communist utopia.

>Implying India and Pakistan wouldn't destroy each other

No more World Police.
gg no re

I hope you all paid attention is Russian Language


America would nuke itself out of grief

If Pakistan and India went to war, China would BTFO India.

British will not be able to pride about the last time they win something I guess.

US and UK economy both go in the shitter. US starts getting really really concerned about the holes in its defense.

Nobody else really cares.

Not if china destroy them first

If China is smart, it will wait till Indian and Pakistan destroy each other, then divide the world with Russia.

nukes don't store well. you have to keep them maintained. without aid, israel would begin a long process of decay, until it eventually lost capability.

not to mention, religious jews breed like flies, and israel will soon turn into just another mideast shithole, but one that stones people in public instead of beheadings. israel's future is bleak because its secular ashkenazim will flee the country, leaving the rubes with toys they don't have the smarts to use.

I am pretty sure, the bitter jews would kill their enemies before that. And the scientists would probably get asylum in China or Russia.