pol BTFO by white girl
Pol BTFO by white girl
asians aren't white
Is she 18+
Thankfully she is a female. Therefore I know she will not be contributing to her retarded cause in any way outside of posting on twitter.
Live in the USSR at any point and tell me how great Communism is.
You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?
what.... other reason is she looking for? the stars told me its not a good idea at this time? the decision to adopt a behavior is based on whether or not it WORKS.
or should be.
Can anyone properly explain why communism is good?
It's unprincipled and it also doesn't work.
Communism is a description of a utopian society. Of course it sounds great but its all false promisises and requires a violent revolution with piles of millions of bodys to accomplish and even then it still doesnt work. why do these people want commusim anyway? they wouldnt share shit they prolly dont even give change to homeless people.
>Communism is bad, it doesn't work
I'm sure the tens of millions of people that starved/ murdered under communist regimes would agree, and the fact every time it's been tried it has failed spectacularly.
There is no reason to excel....
it doesn't.
Well, they have a point, add in it kills large numbers of its own people to that and yeah pretty much.
pic related
She isnt asian. She is the women version of Shaun King she doesn't want people to really know she is just a white girl so she edits her profile pic.
How would crime be handled in communism?
This really makes you think
>says I simplified version of the argument against it
>doesn't even explain why the simplified version is wrong
Also I'm fairly convinced that commies don't understand the moral difference between the willing charity of individuals and government taxation for social use.
could say the same about anti-facist or anti-nazi fuckwits.
Sure those bitches can stay communist, just don't spread it to us. I'd rather have my capitalist made technology, my capitalist made internet, and my capitalist made videogames, thanks!
part of the rulers, immune
not part, instant gulag / execution
communism the mystery, probably doesn't know why she loves it so much either
Fascism is bad because it leads to a false sense of superiority of other people, and fascist leaders feel like they should dominate weaker countries. It's a nationalistic dictatorship. Fascism always leads to murder of opponents, and invasion, and superiority over other peoples.
Innovators didn't come this far using capitalism so that this idiot can post bullshit about capitalism.
They get the "rude" treatment because there have been so many examples of why communism doesn't work in real life (Russia, most of Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, South America, etc). And even the ones not directly targeted by American intervention inevitably collapse or just transition uneventfully into a capitalistic democracy/dictatorship because the economy of communism was never sound to begin with.
It's like making the same mistake over and over again without learning a goddamn thing.
THIS is why we hate communism, you uneducated, spoiled bitch.
>I don't understand why people hate us commies!
maybe those 88s will help her understand.
this is the only appropriate response. /thread
Because a great central government to control the means of production is good, as long as people control the government.
I was too young to, but millions of former Soviets can eagerly tell you.
The fact she's posting on Twitter using her iPhone BTFO her agruments.
Rule of law. That's the point of communism - that all people are equal in the eyes of the law
haha no I wouldn't be working in the factories or in a cramped office haha, I'd be a card holding member of the ruling party :)
The Soviet Union practically built that part of the world as we know it. The life expectancy, employment, and literacy rates increased incredibly and the country industrialized.
Equality is always attractive when shit hits the curb. It gives a false sense of hope that everyone will work together and be on the same page, but it just never works and due to the fact that you can't get out of it, it's a shitty cycle. When it's not working, you don't just vote for a change, it's usually a rough change, through collapse and poverty unlike in a democratic nation. In America, if we want "communism", we can just vote for a socialist. If it doesn't work out, we can vote out of the socialism.
For that reason, communism is dumb. It shouldn't be forced.
Ask any "anti-holocaust" person to explain why the holocaust is frowned upon and their exact explanation will be "holocaust was bad, many jews died"
There is this petty hatred towards the holocaust when in reality no one even knows why they dislike it so much...
You would like to send federal troops to my house with guns and have them threaten to send me to a cage where drug addiction and sodomy are common if I don't give up 100% of the things I've worked for in my life.
>Im "rude" for calling you stupid
Ask any "anti-hyperdrivist" to explain why hyperdrives are frowned up and their exact explanation will be "hyperdrives are bad, they don't work"
Look at all of the people enjoying the glorious red of communism! I'm sure this privileged white girl who lives off her daddy's money would LOVE to live here!
Why don't communists live by example and give away everything they own to someone that doesn't have what they own?
It caused the death of 100 gorillion people.
As hideous as the Ukrainian famine was, anyone could easily list equally nasty famines that occurred under capitalist or colonialist regimes.
I always reply with "how can you pay a shitty brain surgeon as much as a great one?".
it'd work if people were robots
but people are not robots
doesnt even work in china
That image is from 1921-22, before the Soviet Union even existed.
Some cunt wrote a book comparing utopian capitalism vs utopian Communism and even honest Commie faggots(so probably around all three of them) responded to it that utopian capitalism is better as well.
Book is "Why not capitalism"
Look at this little girl! I bet that girl in the tweet would love to be in this position!
I went to one of these protests once and told this bitch to give me one of the hair ties in her hair. I said "You have two hair ties, you need to share with me since I don't have a hair tie." She said no so I called her a fake communist.
>rude treatment
Every nation under Soviet rule is significantly poorer than they would be if we listened to Patton and threw the Soviets back to their nation instead of occupying half of Europe for over half a century.
Just since the fall of the Soviet Union former member states have seen an increase in wealth larger than all growth under Soviet rule combined by more than a factor of 5
But they didn't happen because of collectivization and the government literally stealing food, land, and farm equipment from people resulting in 5+ million deaths
do this people even know what it means to be communist? what kind of education are they being taught in school?
NO, you couldn't.
>hat kind of education are they being taught in school?
Critical theory IE soft marxism
Kek seriously communism was meant to support working folk who wanted to stick it to the bourgeoisie. Not trust-fund kids who've never worked a day in their life.
>Implying this bitch has read the untold thousands of pages written just by Mises absolutely shitting on communism
Polishing up a turd that inevitably collapsed under its own weight isn't exactly an achievment. Look what they accomplished under communism vs what the U.S did under capitalism.
And the dead ones are getting off easy. They're free from that hell. Its the living that have to continue to endure the rampant stupidity and inhumanity of authoritarianism.
inb4 real communism has never been tried
watch Doctor Zhivago bitch
>imblying the people are in control of anything under a communist government
It doesn't work though.
It's not perfectly infallible even in a perfect world. Humans are greedy and self-centered by nature, which means communism will never work and there will never be true communism anywhere.
Anybody who thinks communism could work, has worked, or it hasn't been tried is a brain dead moron.
Communism as a rule, usually results in a sort of "omni-poverty" condition for all of the citizenry of the state in which it is implemented. All currently existing communist nations have a lower quality of life for the lowest, and middle classes as compared to those in power, in relation to the quality of life disparity in non-communist states. Cuba is possibly the best and most stable communist state that currently exists. Yet no self proclaimed communist on twitter or facebook would volunteer to give up their capitalist luxuries to live there.
Because the burden of proof is on the communist to prove why communism is good.
Please provide an argument so that we can counter it.
explain people dying of starvation while living in one of the world's "breadbaskets", some of the most fertile farmland on the planet.
Except that every fucking implementation of it failed.
Even reforms to it failed.
Its legacy of failure costed upwards of 160 million lives, drawn from all classes, backgrounds and ethnicities and the ruination of hundreds of nations.
Who knew the price of equality could be so fucking cheap?
You can give people the best education in the world but if people mindfuck themselves into thinking everything they learned is a lie it kinda makes it all pointless.
>Social media account
>Narcissistic profile image
>Depicting herself as a victim
>Not backing her argument
Really nothing to see here except stupidity, move on.
Everybody knows that wasn't real communism, otherwise it would have worked.
>implying it not working isn't an argument
Communism is frowned upon because it is an ideology based on a utopian ideal that is unachieveable due to the human condition and applications of the ideology result in totalitarianism and oppression.
"Communism is bad, it doesn't work". Already explained.
>anyone against drinking bleach want to give me a reason not to other than "it kills you?"
It doesn't fucking work, educate yourself on the history and application of communism before jumping into the debate on it.
Holy fuck everyday I think about how I love capitalism.
Everything south of our border is a socialist/communist shithole and their solution is more fucking communism (except Chile due to based Pinochet)
I could go to walmart right now and be greated by stacks of produce, technology all over the shelves, and really anything I want.
also all their scientific progress was because of the soviet version of operation paper clip where the smuggled nazi scientists out of germany at the end of ww2
WTF that really made me ponder my existence and send money to Bernie.
>160 million
Robert Conquest pls
She called another white girl mayo lmao this commie bitch has lost her mind
I never denied that.
Look up the famines in British India or Ireland.
Communism works good on paper. Only problem is that it fails in reality...
Omfg im dying. Someone please tweet that bleach comment to her
Monetarily that might be true, but is it true of gains in infrastructure, education, and similar fields?
(One free helicopter ride has been deposited to your account)
Look up the East Timor killings of 1975-98. Some of the images look like they could have been from the Holocaust.
Why is it good for the people to control the means of production?
>frowned up
>Black Book of Communism
That's blatant propaganda.
"If you ask mathematicians what 2+2=, the only answer they will come up with is 4"
No... it fails on paper too. See Mises and the Socialist Economic Calculation Problem.
This blog tries to break it down for a layman:
Under a socialist/communist system, economic efficiency is innately impossible. The only reason why the USSR could last as long as it did, was because they were surrounded by market economies that they could "mooch" price info from to do economic decision making.
>British India
Totally different.
>or Ireland.
Again, totally different
ask any "anti-alchemist" to explain why alchemy is frowned upon and their exact explanation will be "alchemy is bad, it doesn't work"
faggot BTFO by white man
>Central planning inefficiency
>Natural development of hierarchies regardless
>Thinks a million different peoples and cultures can coexist in perfect harmony
now if you would be so kind to kys pl0x