Defend this Sup Forums

Defend this Sup Forums

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Don't really know what this is. But I'm assuming its a Euro symbol next to the amount. So it isn't America's problem.

A sandwich and a piece of Fruit.
Is The U.K a fucking 2nd Word Country?

that's the pound symbol retard.
>fucking A lunch isolation bongs are fucked

Free food woo


Pound of what?

It's a UK Academy, they have to get money somewhere and are mostly private. If you don't like it then send your kid elsewhere.


s-shut up

Punish the kids for being born into poor families...

>Private school
>Poor family
Choose one

Where was this when I was kid? Better than sitting by myself taking a whole table that fits 12+ kids.


lel good one

I eat free meals everyday in school from middle school to high, lunch-lady was my aunt so free cookies and Gatorade.

>Your Faithfully
>Shit signature

Please don't tell me this is real....


Maybe their parents should get a job and pay for their fucking kids or not have them if they can't afford it. Maybe this will teach the children not to have kids they cannot afford.


One thing to keep someone from getting what wasn't paid for, another thing to make a public shaming of your kid for it. But I bet it worked...until now.

I would have much rather had lunch isolation. Shit, I could read the whole time and have peace.

>What kinda signature you want,


Still, not the kids fault. Punishing the kid for the parents actions...kid solitary confinement


It's fake.
>Dear Families
>over due
>a Sandwich
>be allowed into family lunch
>Your Faithfully
>Not on watermarked stationary, standard for all schools and colleges

But then again it's in the middle of muzzie territory

My mom and dad never put me in the school lunch program. I didn't even eat lunch half the time, nor in high school.

Who cares lmao

Yup, I isolated myself in middle school and high school voluntarily. Seriously though, what a fucked policy designed to ostracize the have-nots. This is how you get kids into Bauhaus, heroin, and joining ISIS.

>It's fake.
Nice try Mohamed.

You fucking stupid?
This is what the pound symbol looks like


Kek, inb4 "muh freedom libertarian cucks" fuck this this thread

What is a Pound.

We use Pounds in the states.

Dear a pound. is it weight..WTF?

did you drink any bags of milk?

Nothing to defend, because to defend it would be to imply that I support Britain's schooling laws.

God damnit. North-West London too

Jew headteacher, jew school policies

look at that nose! I want to punch her in the face so bad!

The price of diverse enrichment. Need money for dem programs.

Parent(s) is too NEET to feed kid. Has no business having kid. Its not the schools job to feed kids. Making a fucking sack lunch and pay the man... Or deal with the FREE sandwich and apple slices. Jesus.
fucking retards.

>Lunch Isolation

Fuck, where was this when I was in school?

It's the name of the British currency you baiting ingrate. It's called the pound (£) sterling because it was originally valued by one lbs of sterling silver. Hence pound sterling.

Is it a legal requirement to be a virgin if you live in the Virgin Islands?

Kek'd harder than I should have

Sup Forums btfo eternally