Do the French really hate us? Why? France is literally our greatest ally. You helped us gain our independence, we helped you fight back the Germans. why the animosity?
Do the French really hate us? Why? France is literally our greatest ally. You helped us gain our independence...
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>greatest ally
You misspelled Israel there bud
France is an Islamic state now, why should we care about them?
Dont meme me bro
I don't hate you burger, I like you
I think you got it backwards there, fellow Burger
WE hate France. Not the other way around. France doesn't give a fuck and/or tries to be our friend on occasion. Meanwhile try to pronounce a French word with a French accent here. You will get glares and stares no matter if you're in redneck land or Libshit cities.
France is always at the butt of our jokes, either them being horny or them being cowards.
>why should we care about them?
because they are in trouble just like you said.
requesting that meme with the french poster who posts anti-america shit not being who you think he is
Fuck Israel, our greatest allies are Brit bongers and Canadians. Israel hasn't done shit for us but blow up our ships, sell state secrets and somehow dedicate our domestic policies.
give us back our land, you sweaty pig.
> ho ho ho ho ho
>implying Im not a crypto-frog in Louisiana
>Our greatest allies are Brits
Hah, no. First enemy. Fought multiple times. Happened to wind up on the same side of two wars.
Brits have done nothing for us while we've given them everything. They are utterly worthless. Brits are only good against a bunch of savages wielding spears with no armor while they're armed with guns.
I cannot think of a worse ally than Britain other than Israel.
zitto animale
Are people literally this stupid? This must be the "uneducated white Trump supporters" I keep hearing about.
USA's relstion towards France is mediated through England.
Deal with your identity issues toward England, then USA and France' relation will appear as it is. Non existant.
Just before the French revolution (the build up to it) they were starving because the Bourbon (absolute monarchy that helped you in your revolution) bankrupted France because they lost key islands in the Caribbean, they also had most of their ships destroyed/seized by England and England seized control of the shipping routes so the French had a lot of problems.
The French wanted your help during their revolution and an attempted invasion of England but the American founders refused this out of a respect for their brothers the English whom they didn't want to fight.
England then allowed food ships to be sent to the starving in France to ease tensions between England and France, the Americans sent nothing other than Benjamin Franklin with his fat obese idioms and stupid glasses. Not even so much as a food parcel to them.
So in all honesty? The French have very real and very serious reasons for wanting to hate your nation, not your people, your nation for the betrayal your government inflicted upon them.
That's a long winded and one of many acts of betrayal against France that America has committed.
That's cute, now take off the America proxy Chaim, I can see right through you.
Lol we were fresh out of frogs and snails.
Name a time in war Britain has been of any benefit to us.
Go ahead.
Has Britain ever shilled out money to us like we have to them?
Is their military the least bit competent?
All no.
Fuck Britain, have fun with your retarded libcuck allies with big meaty plastic failures as weapons with a history of failure in combat against equally armed forces.
The Brits fucking suck.
I don't even know what Chaim is you worthless excuse for an ally.
Sorry but I don't want friends with retard accents who don't know how to fight and have a taste for muzzie cock.
i used to spend a lot of time on vacation in Normandy. People were always the fucking best. Not phony nice but just understanding and courteous and real.
France and US always bros in my book.
topkek Tyrone
But you had ships, you had grains in fact you had quite a lot of food that you could have sent to them.
You didn't even send a token force of troops to help the revolutionaries, the French literally begged for your help and you just stabbed them in the back.
The French did attempt a failed invasion of England by landing in Ireland and crossing into Wales where they were rounded up by a lady wielding a pitchfork who locked them inside a pub and then they were sent back to France (very lulzy, Battle of Fishguard).
Lurk moar faggot
Sweetheart your Jewish life is worth less than a flake of smegma under my foreskin.
Do you understand that? Good, I'm glad you do.
Because the French always have great bantz and their humor is so dark that it is impossible to listen to a French person tell a joke or story and not laugh. They are a kind, loving people who treasure tradition (look up rules for AOC-labeled cheese, etc; they mean business) and embrace the history that surrounds them. The Frenchman can appear cold and bureaucratically indifferent at first blush (désolée mes grenouilles mais parfois c'est vrai), but get to know him and your life will be infinitely richer for his friendship.
France, like so many other parts of the West, is watching as even the simplest little pleasures in their lives - enjoying a glass of wine with friends en terrasse, a walk through a park, even going in to the local cathedral to admire its beauty - are being wrenched from them by the hands of savages.
'Vous inquiétez pas, les gars ; on arrive !
> Why the animosity
Sit down boy, I'm going to tell you a story about America's relationship with France.
It started early, when we first won our independence France was pretty much in love with the country, they wanted us to be binded by law to them. It would have been as though we were all one giant country, which was a nice idea especially to those in the South who genuinely hated the British (despite barely fighting them in the revolutionary war) and were eternally thankful to the French.
The problem came about when the French revolution happened and we didn't know what to do. They tried to subvert the country and sent agents such as Citizen Genet to our country to try and control public opinion. We eventually decided since we no longer followed the AOC (it was replaced by the constitution), we didn't have to be binded with France anymore so we didn't bother getting involved with France. Eventually we got pissed about citizen genet and the other faggots they were sending and we kicked him and his likes out. Unforunately they started sinking our ships. This was fucking terrible since America's economy has always basically depended on trade. We tried to negotiate with them on the matter, but they just practically spat in our faces and said "GIBS ME DAT" (see: XYZ affair). Things were not looking good and people were getting pissed. So much so that southerners who originally loved them, wanted their heads on spikes.
But then we got the final laugh by buying up Louisiana from Napoleon years later. So hooray.
Tl;dr France is just America's tsundere gf (sometimes)
but we bought it to help fuck over englans.
>Durr, Tyrone because he doesn't like the dindu nuffin of the white race
Maybe, Britain, everyone hates you because you did everything wrong? Everything you could have possibly done, you've done wrong.
Just a guess.
Brits are truly the degenerates of the White world, you are truly poo in the loo tier when it comes to White countries. My dog's life matters more to civilization than yours you gobbing fucking twat. You stopped being relevant over 100 years ago when other countries got guns and you stopped knowing how to make them. Offing yourself would be doing society a favor and benefiting the muslim nation you degenerate White dindus are so desperately trying to turn your worthless failed Empire into you protoAemerican shit.
modern day animosity is due to the 80/90s
tshirt and fanny pack wearing amerifats vacationing in europe was the equivalent of chinese tourism nowadays
they couldn't help act snobby and in return become hated likewise
You buying it helped England.
Seven Years War was pricey, you don't know much do you?
Also the French got Jew'd hard by you Americans I have to hand it to you, that was pretty funny. French are dumb, always have been, always will be.
Too bad they'll be bred out of existence soon, they are good for a giggle.
how did america jew the french?
Yes we are and you know what? We're proud of it, your hate? It's what keeps us alive.
We feed on it, so keep it coming, your tears, your rage, your impotence at being unable to crush us, it feels and tastes so fucking good.
You know what else feels good? Fucking your whore of a mother and infecting her with the clap.
So good.
We've already established you're a summerfag retard. Literally everything you say is irrelevant.
Buying the land at a very cheap price because France was desperate and in need of cash.
Funny fucking shit, I tip my top hat to you good Sir.
That revolution was a fucking shitshow and getting involved in it would have been suicidal, not to mention the English still had assets and troops all over the continent/Carribean.
There was alot of interest in Napoleon when he seized power and US arms firms even sold weapons to his forces but it became quickly evident that he was a conqueror
>forgetting Australia
You stupid fucking nigger
It's complicated.
Somehow I actually expected to learn something from this post, gott strafe
Why do you place emphasis on allies and "friends".
No government has the interests of another nation at heart, they barely have the interests of their own nation at heart.
Come on now.
But it's the truth, truth isn't nice is it?
Munch a burger, it'll make you happy and be sure to watch Kim Kardashian fuck Kanye West, I'm sure that will make you happy too.
Simply sad.
>Impotence at being unable to crush us
You're doing a fine fucking job of it to yourself.
>Your mum
Also existing on disdain for us =/= blessed ally
Been here since /nat/, protohuman. I'd suggest you advance yourself but the past 100 years show that Britons are incapable of that.
You're the turncoat queer lover here, dough boy.
>You're the turncoat queer lover here, dough boy.
Firstly, turncoat is a term used to describe those that went against the Crown, you are a fucking turncoat. So learn that and accept that.
Secondly, you say it's "sad"? No it's not sad, it's actually really funny, you think me and my people sit here crying over your insults? Our dicks get rock hard and moist over them, we laugh our fucking man tits off at your rage. So keep it coming, just like I keep your mum cumming.
>This must be the "uneducated white Trump supporters" I keep hearing about.
WTF? I'm a strong TRUMP supporter and have a masters degree. We aren't uneducated, just sick of the libtard bullshit.
1. Greatest ally tier-Israel
2. Anglo tier- Britain, Canada, Aussies, New Zealand
3. White tier- Germany and France
4. Buddy tier- A bunch of African shitholes that we're buddies with now
France could've moved up a few tiers had they not been so bitchy back in the day. Still friends, just not as good. They always look down on us for being uncultured but they're just poor LMAO.
You're right, it's a shame that not many people know about this, and about AOC, do you have a french relative or are you just very curious ? Bonne chance with your future elections.
Also, you spelled désolée like you were female
We didn't kick Genet out, but we gave him an empathetic "fuck no, we neutral" and told him to cut it out hiring privateers and threatening US neutrality.
When the Jacobins took power they sent an arrest warrant to the U.S. - he would have been executed so the .gov granted him asylum.
He died in NY
You're using the un-American definition, I suggest you brush up on the Improved English language produced by your evolved form, Americans.
Your existence is sad in the eyes of many. You truly have no friends after you left the EU, who were oh so much like you, only somehow managed to be less degenerate.
The French literally wanted to be conquered by Germany. The head of the Deuxième Bureau was a fuckig kraut. They literally became less and less efficient with intelligence when the Germans were mobilizing.
The surrender of France was as deliberate as the occupation by Germany.
> But it's the truth isn't it
Not really, there's some parts that are actually wrong (at least on some level)
>The French wanted your help during their revolution and an attempted invasion of England but the American founders refused this out of a respect for their brothers the English whom they didn't want to fight.
It's not because they had a love for the British, it was because the founding fathers preached "Commerce with all, entanglement with none". Granted, we would have been heavily affected by the elimination of trade with Britain but that just wasn't the reason that we didn't go on.
> They didn't even send food
Well, yeah we were millions in debt. Most people could barely afford to keep their fucking houses and would often riot and try to shoot up government buildings because of this. How the fuck were we going to help a bunch of fucking frogs across the oceans when we could barely even maintain ourselves?
Also I don't know why you have this image that the French were these innocent do-gooders and we just decided to fuck them over Citizen Genet and the XYZ affair are good enough instances for that. And then they fucking betrayed us later on when Napoleon promised he'd protect our trade ships (and he didn't) which would soon cause the war of 1812.
Oh shit, I though we kicked him out. Honest mistake.
Also fun fact for fuck toys of the Queen and Nigel lovers,
White Americans are predominantly Irish, and not only that, Irish Americans earn more per year than English descended Americans.
This country was not founded or created by Britons, it was created opposing them, and later constructed largely without them.
Your fixation with your subhuman tea sniffing ancestors makes you look truly fucking un-American.
>Name a time in war Britain has been of any benefit to us.
WW2: Go ahead, learn some real history.
Korean War: Yeah, Brits supported us, along with Australia, the Brit hand-me-down.
Vietnam War: Again Brits supported the U.S. war effort.
Since then? Gulf War, where Brits flew many of the hardest & toughest missions. I was there.
War On Terror: Brits again supported America into Afghanistan, and other countries.
Britain has been and is our greatest ally. Fuck Israel, they exist only because of Britain and America.
Frogs are pretty based.
Essentially they, the Dutch, and the Spanish were all bankrupt shitholes in the 1770s from centuries of losing to the British. So when we declared independence, they saw it as a good opportunity to shatter Britain's power, and basically won the war for us (since we were just a frontier society without the means to produce gunpowder or men of war, or the coin to pay our recruits). They expected an exclusive trade deal with us in exchange for this, and Ben Franklin led them on in thinking that, but in the end we just negotiated under the table with the British and gave them the trade rights. Ever since then the French have regarded us as retarded Jews basically. Read Toqueville for a more indepth explanation of how they see us.
The French do not like anyone, they do not love themselves.
>Get pushed back, retreat from Germany
>Bomb their women and children to feel better
>Get stuck fighting the Dagos because of how poorly they handle Germans
>Stage some campaigns due to being unable to fight
I know history, Burger, you clearly do not, or your British bias warps your view of it.
"Supported" for Korea, yes, that doesn't mean we benefited from them. They truly did fuck all.
"Supported" and even less than last time.
I keep seeing you use "Supported" while ignoring their competency. You need to understand that waving pom poms and cheering does not make you best ally.
Poland, Japan and other more competent allies supported us in the War on Terror too, friend. And since Britain didn't really do anything of benefit to us prior, I guess they're about equal to animeland and plumerland.
Britain has, as stated, been the second worst ally we've yet had.
>pretty based
The Irish are the niggers of Europe
>anime faggot
Ah. Haha.
>hate brits because we fought 200 yrs ago
>watch cartoons (repeat WATCH CARTOONS ) made by literal roaches that murdered thousands of innocent civilians just 60 yrs ago and 3 of my great-uncles died fighting
Lol wow
They are a confused, very emotional, and easily offended people.
It is not a good combination.
Dis moi Ahmed, ça te dirais pas d'aller te faire enculer pour voir ?
If there was any ultimate proof that Americans aren't Anglo it's that they love the Frogs
Then why do they out perform the English?
That's pretty fucking sad on that logic. Thanks for proving my point like a true American.
I used a representation of British firearms for simpletons like yourself. Of course you would hook onto the cartoon as an argument you invalid.
Fun fact, Brits murdered thousands of women and children 60 years ago with intentional bombings on German towns and villages.
Maybe if you're talking Hawaii, but even then they don't compare to the British attacks on German civilians.
I suggest you read some history books, Burger. yes we fought them 200 years ago but they've also been incompetent as shit and poor shoddy fighters, as well as ungrateful for what we've given them. That is more of why they are terrible allies.
Non, je ne suis pas catholique.
It's all past now, most people don't care about it, whether because they're stupid leftists who hate history, or rightists who realize it's pointless to hold feuds about times you weren't born, they only keep the best and focus on the present.
So yes, France and the US are allies, and we remember that. But the French see America's interventionism as very negative, just like they do so about France itself. People are generally well aware of the difference between your government and the people, but really, they don't like your government.
They don't like much your companies either, that have a habit of coming with their big money and buying everything, and French investors who would be stupid not to accept. As a result, France turns into America every day a little bit more: music, tv, movies, consumer goods, and Starbucks/McDonald's/Subway at every fucking corner of every fucking street. Then comes the degeneracy.
We're allies, but we'd like it if you could keep your burgers and porn within your borders.
J'ai hâte au jour ou je serai appelé a aider mes frères à vous repousser dans vos pays de merdes sales racailles
The French have twisted souls, they are no one's ally. They are probably the most hated country in Europe barring Germany and Sweden.
We make fun of each other's stereotypes and occasionally tell each other to fuck off, but we have each other's backs at the end of the day.
Peace to you, baguette
>I know history, Burger, you clearly do not, or your British bias warps your view of it.
British bias? LOL, I'm German by birth and couldn't have less of a British bias.
Yet you limit or discount the contributions of Brits in the wars America has dragged them into.
Been to Afghanistan? Brits have been there, fighting deadly battles to support the American effort. "Supported" means just that, with their own forces and blood.
Just because you can't see it or are biased against Brits and won't admit it, Britain has been the closest ally America has had. We maintain a "special relationship" that benefits both of us.
Dumb frog poster
Arrête de rêver cumskin.
>imblying your nation wouldn't be just as degenerate if it ruled the world
>implying it wouldn't be l'Starbucks and McDonnuille's and bon Soobway
Europeans too often conflate America with modern technology. Even without us you would still have these things.
I don't care about your birth, you have a hard on for the Brits objectively.
No, I go by the numbers. I'm not a socialist who gets them an "A for effort, everyone's a winner"
if they don't pull weight then they aren't good allies.
Oh, and "fighting" deadly battles
but you're right about supported us with their blood I suppose. Although a country getting it's people killed for no reason in support of you isn't a beneficial ally. Weight needs to be pulled.
"Benefits both of us"
You mean the Brits get protection by a competent country and competent forces as allies in exchange for sending some of there people to die in the desert once in a while? Yeah sure, we both benefit. Makes sense.
As said, your pom pom argument doesn't work for allies. Friends maybe, allies no. We benefit nothing from Britain and they only gain from us. See parasites.
De même l'ami, mais ce troll à 2 balles est probablement juste un gros lard qui se prends pour un bougnoul depuis la cave de sa mère.
D'ailleurs, en assument que tu es québéquois, pourquoi y'a toujours des canadiens qui se plaignent des québécois ? J'ai jamais eu de problèmes avec un québécois, c'est quoi le leurs ?
Peace to you too, burger
I love you too kiwi
Except Britan per 100,000 people has objectively produced more for world science, art, philosophy, literature and just about everything else than any nation in existence.
Nice try Tyrone, but your little obsession with Brits isn't shared by anyone else, because you're objectively wrong.
>Americans who say France is their greatest ally, and not the United kingdom
its not the early 1800's anymore
As I said, past 100 years you have become irrelevant.
>British philosophy
mysides. Do you think you're Greek or Roman now? Delusions of grandeur, WE WOZ KANGZ N SHOITEEE
White Americans, with Irish, French and German ancestry, have produced anything of importance for human kind in the past 200 years. You boys have been too busy dying in wars and letting Ahmed fuck your wives.
Is Australia our greatest ally?
Yes. Australia is a good ally unlike Britain.
Thank you for clarifying my intentions
Yes, despite leftist faggot attempts to get us closer to China, we will always stand with the US
its just bantz
Thing that fucktards in this thread don't get is,
Australians can fight and British can't. That's a big reason why the Brits are such shit allies. They use big ugly easily broken plastic abominations and have only been successful in combat throughout history against enemies that wield no firearms whatsoever.
7 Brits died for every 5 Germans in WW1, you have the pathetic display of Brits in WW2 with terrible military strategies, getting pushed back by the Germans and bombing their women and children, forced to fight Italians due to their poor fighting strength.
They got beaten by peasants and farmers as soon as we got our hands on firearms, ones that load 4 times slower than theirs, and they still lost.
For good examples of combat capability look to Australia. They actually FOUGHT and didn't just participate in battles while on our side.
Half-french here. I go to France to see my family and they like American cock. Most of my encounters dont seem to support that but some do not like the US for real. Others poke fun at the stereotypes but every country has those.
Aww thanks lad
> United States flag is backwards
Top fucking Kek. Union goes first, dickwad
We bought that shit fair and square
>a fucking leaf
>to see my family and they like American cock
Nord pas de calais ?
This. The Aussies are our friends too
>I go to France to see my family and they like American cock.
>Americas greatest ally is a homosexual Algerian communist
It was a shitty run on sentence. I meant when I go over to France I get laid and it seems like girls are inclined to fuck.
>inb4 dude weed