>Donald Trump's criticism about the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier has generated -- once again -- a backlash within his own party.
>Just 100 days from the election, Trump has responded in his standard fashion -- dig in, claim he's being treated unfairly and attack back.
>But the swift condemnation of Trump's response raises questions about whether this controversy is different from the ones that came before it.
It took quite some time, but folks I think Trump has finally been stumped.
His poll numbers are plummeting. More and more Trump supporters are becoming disillusioned.
I may not like Hillary Clinton but I'll admit that was an impressive bait. I used to support Donald Trump but I don't think I can support him after he got stumped like this.
Trump was stumped by an Muslim immigrant, oh the irony.
Nathan Hernandez
So he's weeding out the cucks in his party
Zachary Scott
wtf, I hate the constitution now!
Matthew Watson
Fuck...I've been on the Trump Train since it first left the station but after this...I hate to say it guys but I think it's really over this time...I think I'm a #HillShill now...
William Myers
it was fun while it lasted boys. we need to find another meme
Brayden Roberts
Why is Hillary trying to cut a deal with Donald to stay out of prison if he has no chance of winning. She's so desperate she'll do anything to avoid prosecution and now you're saying she's going to be President. Something doesn't add up here.
Henry Martin
Gary mother fucking Johnson.
Ian Flores
>>Just 100 days from the election, Trump has responded in his standard fashion -- dig in, claim he's being treated unfairly and attack back. He was right to,
>cuckservatives keep playing by the left''s game and try to virtue signal to prove they're not as bad as the left paints them
This isn't going to succeed in diminishing Trump's support, try as they might.
Jaxson Cook
Yes we need to unite and support Gary Johnson. He's a mature leader who shares our values. We can't trust someone as impulsive and easily stumped as Donald Trump.
Not stumped! A marine just called out this sand nigger for what he is.
Chase James
I'm actually really angry this has taken up this much attention . Why did Trump even do an interview with Stephanopolous, who is affiliated with the Clintons? Why is Trump required to respond to this random guy but Hillary isn't required to respond to the Benghazi mothers, when she literally has the blood of their sons on her hands?
Robert Campbell
Kill yourself.
Jose Allen
Fuck this noise.
This one of the oldest Democrat tricks in the book. Sent a nasty inflammatory message with a messenger insulated from attacks by bullshit moral authority conferred by having a dead kid, spouse, dog, whatever.
This is just an uglier, fouler smelling version of Cindy Sheehan. Or the Jersey Girls. Or that law school cunt who got called a slut.
If this does Trump in, it's obviously time to just start shooting motherfuckers. Not like anything else could save us.
Robert Martin
wtf I hate Kahn now, thanks shitty web link
Cameron Martin
the sad thing is that the dems think they can play this card again. back in 2004-era they had some bitch so in all these rallies talking about her son who died in iraq. didn't help kerry win the election and i don't even remember her. there's less of a case on this one but if we kept bringing that up it might show how much dems like to use the bodies of dead soldiers for their own gains
Brandon Hill
The issue is that he's easy to bait, easily provoked and unstable.
Gary Johnson on the other hand is a mature and level headed canidate with a lot of similarities to Ron Paul. He's getting my vote now.
Lucas Flores
If I knew where you were I'd put a bullet in your stupid fucking shill brain.
Benjamin Brooks
This is sadly the price of a candidate who lacks the political experience. I've trusted him and stuck it out, and I'll continue to, but this was the worst and most obvious kind of trap.
I'd feel a shitload better if he'd just hire Ann Coulter as a media consultant. She has an entire book on identifying, avoiding and dealing with this bullshit.
Brayden Harris
I lost too many friends during this war to care what some stupid "muh sons a muslim" has to think. Fuck you, he wasn't any better than my friends.
Jeremiah Campbell
>If this does Trump in, it's obviously time to just start shooting motherfuckers. Not like anything else could save us. I guess there's some people who will support Donald Trump no matter what because they're just as impulsive and unstable as he has proven to be.
Let's band together to reject your insane call to violence and work to elect Gary Johnson as president.
Bentley Myers
Alexander Baker
Gary Johnson isn't libertarian in the least.
Comparing him to Ron Paul is an insult against not only Ron's name, but to the intelligence of everyone reading your post.
Jayden Foster
it was God-tier bait. Khizr Khan stumped the Trump. I expect Gary Johnson to overtake Trump by september
Kayden Jones
>poll numbers are plummeting Newest polls have them in a virtual tie. Khan is the 2016 Joe the Plumber and he will fall into irrelevancy just like he did.
William Howard
This won't change a thing.
Just another sad attempt to distract people from Hillary's crimes.
Fuck this ugly cuck and his slave of a wife.
Sebastian Hughes
It's how she's going to beat him.
He's emotionally stunted and feels he has to respond harshly to every criticism. Bush or Romney simply would have issued a statement thanking the family for their sons service, and it would have fallen out of the news cycle the next day.
Instead we get trump attacking the mother of a fallen soldier, and no wit becomes an anti-trump news story for the next several weeks, maybe even for the rest of the campaign.
The Clinton camp is showing Trump lacks strategic vision and has a poor temperament. And it's working.
I know lots of people on Sup Forums are like "lolololol fucking raghead cunts", but when the 40 year old woman voter in Pennsylvania sees this, she thinks 'that poor family'.
Jordan Jones
Like we didn't know republicrap baby boomers were a bunch of gutless faggots already.
Fuck veterans, fuck boomers
Joseph Sullivan
those wikileaks better come soon so the tides turn on killary
all these retards shaming trump when shillary was the one that supported the war that got the guys son killed
Camden Ortiz
Brandon Russell
I don't give two fucks about Trump but I hate these smug fucks with a passion, look at the fat bitch in the blue curtains looking down on everyone, would like to shove a machete into her skull. Fuck Islam
Hudson Wilson
>giving up on the God emperor because of some sandnigger shill on the media
shill detected
OP is a faggot
Landon Baker
Jordan Miller
He has consultants like this but he doesn't listen to them. This means he likely wouldn't listen to his generals either.
The decisions a president makes have a profound impact on the world. They require careful consideration and planning. We simply can't afford to have a president who "shoots from the hip" like this and lands himself in these situations. That's why I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
Evan Jackson
Yeah, Ron Paul stole far more from the tax payers than a schmuck like Johnson ever could have managed. That's why Johnson still needs to run this LP scam every four years to pay his bills, and Ron is quietly retired.
Read it as more a declaration that it's a lot more likely that someone will finally kill everyone at KTLA responsible for causing the LA Riots than it is that this will stump Trump.
Like if this smelly Cindy Sheehan shit is in this day and age, an election winning tactic that works, then there is no alternative MORE insane and unreasonable.
Blake Turner
I feel sorry for you guys. I think Trump may be too stupid to win because he spergs out way too much. Clinton is going to win and you'll most likely have another war within the year. Plus your third party candidates are literally meme parties with no basis in reality.
Matthew Thompson
really males you postulate, familia
Adrian Howard
Trump speaks his mind, like a common person would, and is why he's liked so much. Any other politician replies like a robot and says what people want to hear, then does what they wish behind the scenes.
Caleb Gutierrez
You're hoping for some leaks to save you, but if there was some smoking gun that gave clear proof of flagrant criminal corruption by Hillary Clinton then it would have been found already. She's probably the most heavily investigated women at this point and you still are praying that she's hiding something career ending. Just give it up already.
Brandon Bennett
Yes, but you keep admitting to be a retard every time you suggest Gary Johnson, invalidating or at least, calling into question everything else you say.
The man has all but acknowledged in direct quotes that he knows he won't win and that winning isn't even his goal. The LP just wants federal funding (fucking irony there) and easier ballot access so they can spend less money and thus pocket even more of the funds they raise.
Surely you'd noticed their failure to even get a single person in Congress in 40 years? There's not only an actual Socialist Senator, but he just ran for the Democrat nomination.
The LP is a joke. It's a fund raising scam, raking in cash and not spending it on getting people elected to partisan offices.
Jack Myers
>I think Trump may be too stupid to win because he spergs out way too much.
Have you ever listened to anything he's said without the MSM clipping it to pieces and taking it out of context?
Adrian Baker
>we how much is the DNC paying you?
Luke Rogers
Luke Allen
Save your pity, leaf. You elected a meme candidate Prime Minister and anyone in Canada who says half what Trump did will get locked up for twenty years.
Michael Cox
Dumb Shits, what the fuck has Donald Trump have to do with this particular fallen soldier ? Nothing, The Democrats and the DNC were just trying to drum up controversy. He did not endorse or vote for the Iraq war so in what way was he involved with this? The DNC used these parents as attack dogs and they did not even realize that the Democrats could not give a shit about their fallen soldier, just that they could get a sound bite attacking Trump (who does not back down when attacked by idiots, christian, jew or muslim.
Isaiah Scott
Change seventh to at least twelfth.
How can I ever take the mainstream media's criticisms of Trump seriously if they jump of literally everything he's said for a year? Might find this hard to believe since I'm on Sup Forums, but I don't even like Trump. Probably won't ever like him. But the constant crying wolf of the media and blatant creation of "campaign ending" controversies over nothing is wearing me thin. I can't even dislike Trump in my own way because their obnoxious narrative of RACIST HOMOPHOBIC MISOGYNIST HITLER has me defending him.
If they would just stop pretending everything he does is a fucking travesty, people might decide on their own not to vote for him.
Robert Hall
Fuck off with the concern troll faggot. Go be a Muslim sympathizer somewhere else.
Joseph Rogers
>thinking the trump can be stumped
This libcuck, do you people ever learn?
Adam Kelly
give it up to hillary team finding MUSLIMS (to cater to muslims and leftists) who coincidently had a dead VETERAN son to appeal to vets and "muh feelins" while invoking trumps name to get him to respond. Well done hillary, you win this round.
Robert Reyes
She has no real support just bought shills. This election will be a landslide. Pic related is a Hillary rally in one of her strongholds, they couldn't even fill up a church.
Ethan Rodriguez
The problem is Trump is dumb enough to take the bait, while Hilary just ignored that Benghazi mother.
Anthony Sanders
Brayden Smith
Our hate speech laws are pretty overexaggerated by people. We also have multiple bills and charters guaranteeing freedom of speech, more than the US actually. Our hate speech laws have only ever really applied to people inciting violence against specific groups and such.
Plus Trudeau might trigger Sup Forums but at least he's not going to drag us into a middle eastern war.
Nicholas Morris
wtf im a cruzmissile now
Joseph Cooper
>increasingly nervous fucking white male
Austin Lee
Obviously they didn't apply to the guy who caused a riot in Ottawa. Your bullshit hate speech laws only apply to the right.
Sebastian White
Luis Allen
Guys if these unhinged violent individuals aren't the types you want to be associated with, then you should vote for Gary Johnson.
There's been a lot of violence at Trump's rally's. There are people with dark desires who want to elect a "God Emperor." They want to be the brownshirts and help another dictator come to power.
We need a candidate who respects the constitution as written and deporting natural born Americans is not respecting the constitution.
Brody Peterson
noone even know who the fuck that guy is. if you people start splitting votes, hillary will win and she'll sell america off piece by piece for a fatter wallet.
Cameron Torres
Yup this is finally what's going to stump him after all else failed...
Seriously does anyone even pay attention to this shit anymore?
Trump didn't even say something dubious this time. His reaction was reasonable. This whole thing is completely fabricated by the media. The GOP will remain on his side and this shit will fizzle out like the rest.
I'm still waiting for the outlier Bloomberg poll to come out with Hillary +20 points up, followed by the shills with their "omg stupid trump this [current thing] really hurt him FFF" routine.
Easton Roberts
Why is it that nobody cares about the mom who's son died in bangazi but all the sudden everyone cares about the father of an iraq war soldier who died when Hillary supported the war?
Caleb Price
I would elect this woman in a heartbeat. Sadly her father is not as level headed as she is. Hopefully she runs at some point though.
Luke Baker
these week long controversies are getting old
Joshua Roberts
Aiden Rodriguez
>that article top kek don't tell me you actually believe that ridiculous hysteria
Hudson Harris
>since 2000, 14 Muslim-American soldiers have died fighting for the US > since 2000, 15 US soldiers have been killed by terror acts committed by Muslim American soldiers
we're at a net negative with them anyway, we don't need more muslim soldiers
Clinton is the one being the amoral, callous, degenerate bitch here. She threw him in as bait against Trump and he got mauled. Why in the living fuck is anyone surprised by that?
Levi Mitchell
Oh look, a sage post
Kayden Barnes
Anthony Reyes
>what the fuck has Donald Trump have to do with this particular fallen soldier ? He said he wants to bar all Muslims from entering the united States.
This means anyone from his family who isn't a US citizen couldn't even attend their own son's funeral. It demonstrates the complete lack of empathy Trump has for Muslim Americans and the comments Trump made after being baited made that lack of empathy crystal clear.
Robert Powell
Now the media is staring to have to report that Muslims barely serve relative to other races in America. 14d chess...
Noah Morris
this khazir kahn whore is an obvious agent provocateur his son died due to his own stupidity >approach a car which is suspected of being an IED
Dylan Edwards
Somebody actually work for a living you piece of shit.
Eli Gray
What about the Benghazi mum at the RNC?
Angel Jackson
Khan works for Loretta Lynch's law firm
Blake Jones
see it's even worse than that, they may have to actually admit even our own muslim soldiers do more damage to our side than the enemy
Gavin Ramirez
The debates haven't even happened yet
Aiden Adams
God I hate politics.
Cameron Green
So the deranged actions of one man mean that we should stop Muslim Americans from joining the army?
You're forgetting about the thousands of muslim american soldiers who were lucky enough to make it back home.
Mason Morgan
She'll be our first woman president. She has to be. There's nothing left if she isn't. Ivanka for president 2024.
Jordan Gonzalez
except khan and his family are legal US citizens trump is calling for a temporary ban on immigration from muslim nations intelligent non-white countries around the world have already done the same thing and noone is calling them 'islamaphobes' the khans were quickly scooped up by the DNC after their son's death in order to be used like this as political tools later on
David Robinson
If Gary Johnson was allowed to debate he'd destroy Trump and Clinton.
Camden Walker
Dylan Nguyen
#notallmuslims #i'llridewithyou
Jonathan Moore
Yeah, I used to listen to you guys for a while. Then I listened to his full uncut speeches on Youtube. He is a fucking idiot. I don't know why you say "listen to his whole speech". If you do that you realize how fucking retarded he really is. Fucks sake you guys are dumb
Ryan Gonzalez
Jeb step away from the edge...
Joseph Adams
literally on the DNC payroll as a legal clerk and commits libel openly to provoke a presidential candidate.
His whole family? What about his grandfather, all of his cousins aunts and uncles?
If one of them isn't a citizen do you still agree they shouldn't be able to attend his funeral?
Ayden Garcia
hi there, i've noticed your excellent post and want to personally thank you for taking time from your day to correct the record
James Wilson
Logan Allen
Yeah this. There are too few muslims in this country and too many other people in the country fucking hate them for this to have any real negative effect.
Josiah Wood
This is how the evil boomer generation wants to "deal with the millenial problem."
They want to thin your numbers through death and war.
God help you.
>"“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”
There's a few differences. She was literally addressing the woman most people think is most culpable for the failures that lead to his death.
I don't care for anyone doing it, but we all know who would get the headlines. More US Soldiers have been killed by Muslim US Soldiers than the entire total of Muslim US soldiers who've been killed by anyone.