The Middle Eastern Problem

Without resorting to nuclear weapons, what can be done about it?

If you say nothing, why don't more politicians agree with you? How do we keep their problems from leaking into the Civilized World?

Forced conversion from the Cult of Mohammad to anything else.


So. The atacks are made by jews too?

>How do we stop the countries with the largest reserves of oil from fucking with countries entirely dependent on oil?

Gee, I wonder. Posting about it on Sup Forums must be a good start.

It's literally the Saudis fault. The majority of the middle East was gradually moving toward secularism before the Saudis started exporting wahhabism after the siege of mecca in '79.

Kill the Saudis and everything should be okay.

Kinetic bombardment.

soooo, invade and take their oil? then what they will leave everybody alone?

We ressurect the Ilkhanate :^)

The Persians will leave us alone if we leave them alone. What we need to do is stop enabling the Semites, both the Israelis and the Saudis.

Oh yeah, swinging our big military dick around was totally what I was getting at. Couldn't have been something that made sense, like, maybe a transition to other forms of energy? No, no, no, how would we satiate our primeval bloodlust that way?

Why the hell would you nuke UAE, Kuwait Qatar or the Brahairi thing island? They aren't shitholes, they're super rich and Lebanon is a Christian country.

Leave it alone and stop shitting on it, and it will fix itself eventually.

The only real answer...

Just build a giant fence around those countries it's not that hard.

So essentially we rerun the holocaust but instead of murdering the Muslims/Jews we we put them in Reeducation/Death Camps? Sounds expensive. I wonder if long-term this won't happen to migrants to the EU. Obviously, to try and take refuge in such a HARAM continent means that most of them are already somewhat cafeteria-Muslims.

I do wonder if this won't create a self-reinforcing more-concentrated sectarian dystopia of those fanatical people that willfully remain in the region.

So he's going to save us?

Renewables are where computers were in the late 80s, we still have Nuclear, and we have plenty of domestic coal/natural gas as well if all else fails (though I would hope it wouldn't come to that because as I don't want to live where the atmosphere resembles Bejing).

Dummy, the Arabian Gulf is proof that wealth means nothing. It's literally the best example. All of those countries are just savages that got really lucky. And Christians aren't a majority in Lebanon. More Muslims than Christians.

Full scale colonization and seizure of their resources.


Sounds like West Virginia and Mississippi to me

>a transition to other forms of energy

now you're just being unrealistic

Israel crushed nationalist secular arab movements, Saudis just finished the job by filling the void (and the US supported both of them after Israel started it in the 1967/1969 wars, not that those wars were entirely Israels fault, but the reason they have had zero interest in a realistic productive peace process afterward is because of the blanket support of the US both diplomatically and militarily no matter what they do).

The major problem in the region is the US constantly knocking over everyone's sandcastles in one way or another so that it remains a destabilized violent shithole. The refugees and terrorism is a predictable and almost inevitable consequence of this, but the western world likes to act incredibly surprised and huffy when their asinine foreign policy comes home to roost.

I really like this map

>ban Islamic immigration
>deport all non-citizen muslims
>offer to assist citizen muslims financially and logistically in relocating back to a muslim majority nation
>make absolutely no special leeway in the law for disruptive muslim activities
>do not grant islam any special priviliges as a recognized religion and instead classify it as a socially disruptive death cult
>public make offers to relocate anyone who defends islam to a muslim majority nation and cover their costs (if you love them so much, go fucking join them)
>make sharia courts and overt practicing of sharia a felony level offense

Ty Oman. My philosophy with the Middle East is "Fuck the Sunnis". If they weren't there, I feel like the region would be very stable. Ideally this would all be done through a UN-style international task force.

Of course the Jordanians are pretty cool though so they would be the surviving Sunni Arab state.

Yeah Sunnis are the true radicals, sad that it's the most spread of the sects (it's why you see ISIS tier shit go on in Europe). Plus they unironically want to go to war with Iran, and Oman is the only one telling them to stop being retarded.

oh i dunno

Worldwide participation of a quarantine initiative. Put all the muslims in australia and set up a death trap/wall around it. Anyone even gets in range of the wall, they get zapped by tesla gun or droned.
Every 10 or so years we check on them. If theyve managed to become somewhat civilized, we consider lifting the ban. If not we go in hard, take out whatever problem warlord is setting up, prop up a new leader by dropping him supplies, and check again in 10 more years. Repeat as necessary.

Every Muslim Country is under dictatorship and their economy will be based on selling oil to the rest of the world

All we need to do is Deport/extradite or what ever necessary, All Jews and Muslims back to the middle east and let their gods sort it out

Hey the world can chip in with some funds and we'll (australia) build huge extermination facilities the likes the world has never seen! Exterminate all Jews AND Muslims on a 21st century industrial scale.

Chemical and biological weapons seem like a good alternative.
Or better yet make them go out in style with some tectonic+weather warfare.

Carpet bombings and gas chambers.

Cut countries up into homogenous small new countries.
Iraq in sunni, shia and kurd. Syria in sunni, alawite and kurd, israel ind israel and palestine etc.

Syces-picault is the real reason for those problems.
Whiteys' at fault.

Smallpox might be useful

Especially if we can combine it with slash and burn style warfare - contaminating water, salting fields

we should have turned iraq and kuwait into the 51st and 52nd state.
sent in McDonalds and wallmarts,denny's and target.
All the stuff necessary to make little americas.
give those fuckers 158 different kinds of american cheese to chose from,shit like that.
give them a governer and congressmen,a couple senators.
if after 4-8 years if they want out,let them leave.But after their women get a taste of shopping freedom that won't happen.
Show the world what imperialism means for real.
do the same with every country we go into.
you don't want to be a new state?
better get your shit together and be friendly

move the epicenter of the islamic world from SA to Turkey

that's literally all you have to do

the ottomans were easily controllable lackeys who didn't try to islamize everything like the SA Wahhabis