Excuse me sir but you're distracting people by making loud noises with your bag of chips. Can you quiet down?
Excuse me sir but you're distracting people by making loud noises with your bag of chips. Can you quiet down?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up wagecuck or I'll sick my falcon on you.
I don't have chips, you got the wrong guy bub
I would listen to and respect this guy as long as his tone was polite.
This. Then as soon as he left I'd just go back to eating my Funyun's.
I guess people think the Kinoplex is a joke, so I decided to record my visit the other day.
>not munchos
Last time this happened to me I stood up and started asking people if that's true... not a peep from anyone so I just sat down and ignored the woman.
>the absolute state of the kinoplex when Robert is away on vacation with my wife
people were quiet because you looked like an unhinged autist
where do you get a bag of chips from?
surely you mean a poke of chips?
like wrapped in a newspaper or a polystyrene box?
but a bag? i'm not paying 5 fucking pence for a bag get tae fuck who am i fuckin johnny rocketfeller? you can get your bag tae fuck and geez ma chips.
Chips don't make a noise though...
Crisps do.
Robert takes a week to attend manager training courses and you little vest wearing cumstains think you can run the joint?
>tfw the rape golem skips your row
What sort of 'tard takes a bag of chips into the cinema. They'll be cold before the movie has even started.
Who the fuck are you? Let me talk to your manager!
>go to the kinoplex to see the new alien during designated singles hour, tuesdays between 4am and 5am
>standing in line
>surprise spot check penis inspection
>fail it
>sentenced to 30 days in the popcorn mines
>day 14
>there's a cave in
>the popcorn ore shears away revealing an entrance to the cinemaze deep below the kinoplex
>i know what's in there but this is my only chance to escape the collapsed mine shaft
>groping in the darkness of the cinemaze
>a low gurgling sound reverberates around me
>a hot wind is on my back
>oh god
>it found me
>frozen in fear as the massive kinotaur rises behind me
>break into a run
>i have no chance, the kinotaur knows the cinemaze like the back of his hoof
>light ahead of me
>almost there
>just then he catches me and bites of my leg
>writhing in pain as the kinotaur devours my severed appendage
>he leaves me to die, but i crawl away and happen upon a vein of molten butter
>use it to cauterize the wound and continue to crawl
>15 days later i exit the cinemaze
>finally i'll be able to see the new alien
>realize it's 3:15 on a thursday
>the disabled singles showings aren't until between 1:15 and 1:45 ever third wednesday
I went to a small cinema where the fucking usher was the one noisily eating like a fucking pig right behind me, like what the fuck am I meant to do?
>refugees welcome!
>Thank you and enjoy you're kino
Last time I went to the cinokino they only let me refill my large cup of butter one time. It's fine though, once the movies let out and concession was more or less deserted, I snuck behind it and filled my pockets with the stuff.
I'm Deaf, can someone transcribe this recording into written english so I can understand it? Thank you.
This student ID is from 10 years ago, sir. I'm afraid I can't give you the discount.
>it ain't me starts playing
fucking kek
Why does Robert have such incredible taste in movies?
excellent, I laughed way too hard ;)
Oh man I laughed too hard
Absolute soundkino.