ITT: we trigger australians
ITT: we trigger australians
>implying those cunts would last a minute in the Emu War
Gun rights
Abos seem pretty based
>The aussie biggest rival.
Send them back to the dreamtime with their petrol sniffing
Aussies are kings of bantz, sure you want to invoke this?
Australian master race
Fuck that, it triggers me anytime I see a flag buring
I'm convinced Australia is the most American country. Every single Australian I've met has seemed like an honorary American.
Also, all of them majored in mining and geo-sciences.
This triggers me
Melbourne > Sydney
>be subhuman abo shitskin
>burn Aussie flag
>still a subhuman abo shitskin
They just can't win, can they?
Holy shit, the abbos finally discovered fire?
BLM do the same thing in every country.
It's so obvious they are controlled by an (((entity)))
Footy sucks.
>Aussies literally all descend from criminals
Or are fucking chinks
How many fucking abos are there in Straya ? 500 ? 700 ? just fucking kill them
fuck aboriginals are trash
90% percent of them chose to move to Northern Territory, the rest are just scattered across the country.
They really aren't a problem unless they get in front of a news camera, where they turn into apes and throw and burn shit
How haven't the Abos burned down all of their living areas yet?
Lmao, this subhuman boon literally looks like a fucking caricature.
Eh, not something worth doing. Ausbros are pretty funny with the shitposts, and I'm sure they don't feel any different than us when their rights are taken away from them. At least they don't have to deal with niggers or spics, just abos and chinks.
I'll take chinks any day over our dumbass 'minorities'
>impying we can be stopped
Fire only makes us stronger cuck.
Aside from the aboriginal trash Australia probably one of the most conservative, monocultural governments in the world.
they literally intercept ships with immigrants and refugees and direct them towards a deserted island where they live in squalor as slaves
I love how his smile seems to be mocking them
Notice they are all females ?
>a solid Hillery Clinton in fertility
Why wont the world follow our example????
Those arms are ridiculously long...
why are they clapping boomerangs near it
Is this an Australian homage to our American traditions?
She looks like an actual cartoon from the 30s.
sneaky rare!
I live near Brisbane and it's completely full of Asians
It's not Australia anymore
M8, the last time they discovered fire they turned the outback into the outback
Whenever I feel down, I watch that video of the Abo elders chanting during the documentary thing. Shit always makes me feel better
pureau is expensive,how can they afford it
That abbo who tries to keep the fire on.
With his woodowodo
>i am helping
That isn't even an emu, you fucking gook
We put them in fenced off communities and restricted their alcohol
It triggers me too and I'm American.
Brown people burning white man's flags is one of the few things that gets under my skin.
That's a cassowary you snow nigger faggot cunt
They can't be trusted with boos. They rape children n sheit
Australia sucks and its shitposting is sub-par, we only say it's good to make you guys feel better
Ungrateful cunts should leave if they feel that way about their country.
Because you live in sunnybank you dumb fuckstick
Enjoy your harambe president and that bitch from the 101 dalmatian movies being your next president.
thanks, Isis
how many kangaroos did you eat for breakfast (looking at a leaf)
Fuck you cunt!
Please leave aussies alone.
>be Tasmania
>ancestors killed all Abos and enslaved the last few
>the last few slaves quickly died out because they used them for sport
>no abos in all of Tasmania
>feels fucking good
>travel to Melbourne for a few months to see family
>abos fucking everywhere
Rest of Australia isn't even trying. I haven't seen an Abo for at least 10 years, but the second I go to mainland Australia, fucking Abos everywhere.
Being dead is probably better than living here desu
ITT: Shitposting Aussie says the only thing that triggers an Aussie.
Yeah, that was a serious mistake in retrospect.
Stay out of Melbourne and Mildura and you wont find another abo in Vic
They're there, its just they are so white that they're unnoticeable
She looks like Mr been in bad black face and drag.
>Aussies all descended from criminals
Glad you noticed. Pretty proud of it.
We've been telling these fu herd to get an island to dump their trash on for years now.
Shit works.
The only thing that triggers OzTailians is having their hopes and dreams crushed at a house auction in Sydney.
>that bitch from the 101 dalmatian movies being your next president
Yes you garlic munching surrender monkey. Go and get blown up by a terrorist
ITT we get our Ausbros's backs and we turn things around and trigger Burgerfats,pic related: average american untermensch.
A bunch of British bread stealers managed to make a civilization far greater than any frog eaters could ever hope to achieve
>celebrating a literal invasion of a continent and the mass genocide of an entire indigenous people, race and culture by making it your 'national' day.
this is why the rest of the world hates the backwards shithole of ausfailia. the aboriginals celebrated and remembered their ancestors and the dreamtime through song, dance, storytelling and poetry. all of it was obliterated when white 'cililization' arrived, diseased, perverse and armed
Hey look everyone! It's America's next president!
How come whenever brown people congregate in right western countries they form mobs and do shit like this?
Seriously. I have never seen well adjusted white people put on masks and burn american flags.
It's always the shitskins.
Probably another European immigrant
They can burn the flag, but can they live without welfare?
Miss Universe contestant.
It's in the genes m8 :^)
We just make great civilisations.
Some can't even live if you don't make the gas unhuffable. At tax payer expense.
who the fuck is this cunt?
jesus fuck that's disgusting
how can you let japan do this
>Australian justice will never have this power
This was when Aussies turned in their guns.
Just one mass shooting and they lose all heart.
i dont like sausage sizzles
Actually triggered, the rest of this thread is pleb tier shit.