Operation Eunomia


ITT we will be discussing how to transform Sup Forums into a effective, and cohesive psychological weapon to wage LARGE-SCALE memetic warfare. Large scale requires organization and cohesion, and network logistics.

-Tumblr Accounts
-Twitter Accounts
-Facebook Accounts
-Youtube Accounts

Rogue shitposting and a few raids dont do much on the grand scheme of things, we must reform Sup Forums and harness the powers that reside within. We could carry out large scale (Over 100,000-250,000 accounts) Operations that are complex, and more effective than all the raids and shitposting we have done in the past combined, ten fold.

It would introduce new tactics and methods we could utilize to truly redpill the masses and make a TRUE change.
Let us discuss ITT ways to make Sup Forums a cohesive, and organized weapon of psychological warfare.

Other urls found in this thread:



We should create fake Facebook accounts and post funny pictures of Shillary.


So i ask you, you come here every day and want to be apart of something?

How about help making the most devastating psychological weapon ever harnessed and used by humans, or any organic life in the entirety of the cosmos....so what say you?

Sit on your ass and shitpost all day, or make A REAL CHANGE. The choice is yours.

Be serious for 1 second guys come on.

You know this could change everything, it represents a REAL threat to the lies that these people are being fed.

>So i ask you, you come here every day and want to be apart of something?

ye, i want to be part of something unrelated to Sup Forums. also, a tripfag doesnt get to lecture me about purpose.

sure thing, lets just do applied memetics and CTR's jobs for them

nice try shill but you will always be rooted out no matter what tactics you use

Well Gaius, let me give you a bit of advice;
Trying to forcefully change someone's mindset is harder than turning a blackhole back into a sun. It just won't work because people are too close minded. What you need to do is work in your ideas slowly so that they see reality. Which can take a very, very long time. But there is another way to perform memeatic warfare. But once again, it takes time. I like your idea. What we need to is slowly slip in propaganda into these sites and expose the truth. A widescale redpill that's potent enough to awaken even that of dindus. What're your thoughts?

So an Anti-CTR or are you trolling me?