>the simpsons season 27 absolutely BTFOs trump
how will Sup Forums ever recover?
>the simpsons season 27 absolutely BTFOs trump
how will Sup Forums ever recover?
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Take a week off from making threads on Sup Forums. Just trust me.
Why would I?
>And that's how I became a democrat
Lol been there...................................................................................................................
Both of those impersonations sucked ass, are they even trying?
Do you remember a time when Simpsons was still entertaining and culturally relevant?
... Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Is this the Simpsons or a parody of the Simpsons?
wtf i hate simpsons now
I have no respect for people watching that garbage.
Literally the only amusing joke was at the end.
Don't they look tired?
>watching any of this shit show past season 7
what the fuck are you doing
Isn't the whole idea that Hillary DOESNT answer the phone at 3am like in Benghazi?
Are you talking all of Canada?
>homer is literally cucked to vote for dems
marge needs a glass of water
>all this media shilling
Make it stop
>Yes in the ocean loser
Don't watch this shit anymore but that part got me.
Ocean wall when.
When did the Simpsons stop being funny? I've never actually watched it.
>zombie simpsons
About 20 years ago
>the simpsons season 27
>season 27
I honestly haven't though about the Simpsons in ten years. How the fuck is it still a thing?
Why is he white if the simpsons characters are yellow?
Simpsons is still on TV?
I predict it's over soon since they took a jab at Emperor. Screencap this.
>watch badly made advertisement saying trump is hitler
>homer agrees to vote for hillary just for sex
sounds about right desu
>"If you don't vote for Hilary I'll cuck you"
So they could make the spray tan joke.
Some of you guys are alright. Don't post threads on Sup Forums for a week.
the dog in the bed was referencing canada
You knwo waht's funnier than tehs??!
maybe... really makes yu think...
hillary literally let americans die because she wanted to sleep.
Did this cuck really say that she would get out of bed for anything?
>Trump is the reason the Simpsons finally ends
Landslide victory incoming
>season 27
This show was adopted by the state. It's practically a socialist education program at this point.
You mean then when it didnt hurt your feelies?
Why is Trump White and everyone else yellow? On the Simpsons the Asians are the only ones who are White.
Epic, simply epic.
Kill me.
wtf I hate trump now
Every couple of years I'm reminded this show still exists and I just get sad.
It's like you had a funny, loving family member that went into a brain dead coma 15 years ago. The only news I ever want to hear out of the Simpsons is that it's finally off the air. The Simpsons deserves peace, it deserves cancellation.
>Nowadays Simpsons worth watching
I'm happy I didn't see Futurama get this shitty.
I have to ask, how the fuck does the Simpsons still turn a profit?
They should have ended the series after the movie, but no.
I saw the ride they made after it in Orlando.....Whole lotta money for a whole lotta nothing. They probably had to stay on air to make back all the money they wasted on that crap.
Good point. The Simpsons are supposed to be stupid and violent. Homer always chokes his kids. So an endorsement of Hillary is supposed to be a bad thing.
so dumb
>I'm happy I didn't see Futurama get this shitty.
So you didn't watch the revival seasons? They were pretty bad, it died for a reason.
Yeah...I always felt like with Futurama and the Simpsons there was something.....missing....
Maybe that's just me though
The liberals have been pulling this bullshit forever.
They've done shit like this before.
>watching a cartoon
how old are you? 10?
fug u mayne I don't want to reply
Do you really think that's the problem? Simpsons has always been liberal as fuck. The difference now it it's unwatchably bad.
You would have missed a lot of great episodes from seasons 9 and 8 if you did that.
I seriously hope matt groening dies of a stroke for the sake of a show that was once pretty good, well that and the fact that his one good vehicle for comedy futurama was canceled, so yeah fuck this guy.
Bill and Hillary sleeping in the same bed? I'm not buying it.
You're a faggot.
They use to make fun of everyone now it's just pandering crap even normies can pick up on it
Fuck off. The revival seasons has some of its bets episodes.
Simpsons hasn't been relevant in 20 years
>Season 27
Sounds like shit
Simpsons used to be a deep and meaningful show about the struggles of everyday man, made entertaining using black humor.
Now it's just literal shit.
>haha he's bald so he puts a dog on his head
>haha he has people do make-up for hours
>haha he uses twitter!
Is this shit supposed to be funny? It's not even satirical it's just stupid.
Simpsons should have been cancelled and Futurama stay a bit longer.
When the Simpsons was new it was socially edgy in some ways.
Now it's just another mouth to repeat the same retarded mantra.
>haha trump spends too much time getting ready to do his job XDDD
>how old are you? 10?
t. Hans Gruber
>Homer wants to vote Trump
>Marge would rather sleep with the dog
>Cucked to vote dem
Like pottery.
Most liberals are mentally that age, yes.
i don't even know what they're doing anymore
fugg :Ddd
Stop this meme, immunity cat is already far spread.
Didn't Simpsons already "slam" Trump in the episode where Lisa becomes POTUS in 2000?
Remember when the Simpsons used to be funny.
One can only hope and praise kek
>Oh, I will not vote for Trump because tv show with yellow little girl said me so
>in reality both candidates are shit but one is better.
fuck you nigger faggot.
fuck you
How did futurama get canceled and this shit didn't?
You're underestimating the stupidity of human beings and how easy it is to manipulate them, people just need the smallest push to make them do (or not do) something and a bit of propaganda in a couple of TV shows is all you need to make most people obey you.
wtf i hate trump now
matt groening is a giant fucking liberal, of course he'd shit on trump
This feels more like they are making fun of the media bias (since all the negative stuff is what they see on tv) and people easily being persuaded by it and what other people say (Marge).
I mean at first glance it feels anti-Trump and mostpeople will see it like that but
Yes please.
trump will mention their dwindling ratings
simpsons btfo how will they recover
>The man they assume is already awake at 3 AM isn't the man they want running the country.
Not even good satire. Trump is a funnier parody of Trump than this is.