ITT : Great redemption arcs that were for nothing
ITT : Great redemption arcs that were for nothing
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He was WEAK. All he had to do was say no and not get drunk and bang the whore but free pussy and booze, no of course he couldn't pass it up.
If he didn't break there he would've broken somewhere else down the line.
House of Cards US has fallen so far. Down maybe 5 stairs. Please help.
Season 5 was a little weak, but i don't really get why people think "it was shit after season 1".
I don't know what you expected with him user. We can't all be Doug and nobody should be a Frank.
Daily reminder it was Claire's fault
you must be crazy, its the most obvious fall from grace ever in a TV series, its 100% unwatchable now and pure fucking cringe
>for nothing
For him, maybe
He wasn't supposed to be permanently redeemed because that would have killed Frank's plan at becoming Vice President.
>he would've broken somewhere else down the line.
Seeing as the entire point of Frank and Doug building him up was to break him, then naturally he would have
What went wrong, specifically?
It was weak before S5. Somewhere in S3 or 4. As soon as they really fully departed from original
>Fall from grace
That is not the point of the show and if you don't get that then I don't know what to tell you.
>Seeing as the entire point of Frank and Doug building him up was to break him
Except it wasn't.
lol season 1 was pretty shit. HAd no desire to watch s2
stop being a pleb
Go back and rewatch it you pleb.
He had to break so Matthews would resign as VP so he could become governor again (it was too late to build anyone else up as a viable candidate), which means Frank can become VP and get close to the President.
Baldy cuck being governor doesn't help Frank in the remotest for his plans of impeachment.
Huh. Well whaddaya know
>how do you know someone's a retard?
Well they use terms like
and a variety of other meaningless shit in place of actually describing the reasoning behind their point of view.
Show was best when Frank had a real ambition and odds were always against him. He had to manipulate the higher ups more often and not act like a public figure all the time.
After he became pres they had to create problems for him that sound like they should a cinch for him given his position. I liked it better when he was screwing people over who thought he was a decent guy.
They should have kept Peter Russo alive and had him be Frank's VP later on or something.
Claire should have been a supporting role permanently.
>using lol makes you a retard
I want newfags to leave. People used to say lol all the time here.
Wow I can't believe a netflix original was never good!? But They've been a bastion of quality content!
>I'm drunk, here's a recording of my best friend saying a mean thing to a pilot
>this destroys the campaign
>saying something mean is worse than sourced, verified corruption
>they start killing off everyone who is close to them
>no one questions this
>pushes secretary of state down the stairs just before she gives evidence
>no one questions this
>Frank resigning as president
Gives up all power, because he said the private sector has more power. You know, despite relinquishing control to his whore of a wife, and being powerless unless she pardons him
Not only that, but he becomes the bitch to some 4D chess playing woman who literally comes out of nowhere. He has no chance of building a legacy now, which is his entire lifes purpose
Yeah, that was all season 5, which I agree was weak
It was best when he was trying to build his legacy and navigating the political theatre. They went retarded mode, and just started giving him villains/adversaries, because I guess people aren't interested in watching him try to push through groundbreaking bills.
All he'll be remembered for now is being a corrupt, failed President who was forcibly retired.
Hope he murders his wife next season. Least that'll redeem the show a bit.
"I'm Talking about Fuckin' Natural Gas!"
as an do i get this scene
Best character & story arc in the series.
It all went downhill after his death (not because of it tho, it was a great scene and buildup).
That might have been okay but at that point they were still following original's blueprint. Which demanded everyone being used dies, leaving no assets left. But after they'd done that they failed to keep up. And Claire had potential in some form or another, but they fucked it.
There's no way that happens. Show runners are too set on 'her turn' and replacing Frank.
Guy deserves better
his gf was cute
I dont know if you can call it a redemption arc but Stamper and Rachel's relatiobship was kind of adorable when he was helping her like a father. Sad how it turned out.
She was wicked hot naked dude
He fucked himself over.
He is litterally gay man
The title of the show is literally a euphemism for a fall from grace.
>House of Cards died with Peter Russo
Just rewatched first season. Russo would have been a top-tier character if he didnt fuck up.
fucking kill yourself faggot
That guy was a dumbass