>Just eradicating slime with the wife, user
How do you respond?
Just eradicating slime with the wife, user
With a high-fucking-five! I love this guy!
black lives matter doesn't matter
Holy fuck, he's basically a tanned white man. Also, I didn't know Sheriffs were elected in Murrica.
fuck this uncle tom nigger and fuck all you nigger lovers
Both of them will go back to Africa when it's all said and done. Another strong man nigger savage just without the bone in his nose
you're a nigger
i intensely dislike you
exactly. If he were a REAL black man, he'd be killing other officers daily and bailing out convicted blacks.
Is that not how you choose them in other countries?
Stormfags, go away.
Sheriff departments are the only gov organization recognized by the Constitution
Not sure if that has anything to do with it
I used to like him...
my initial reaction was just "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" in a very disappointed monotone voice.
B-B-b-b-b-but not all black people are n-n-n-n--n-niggers
whats the difference between the police dept and the sheriff's dept then?
Can we pretend s-shes my w-wife while you f-fuck h-her?
not surprise
conservative blacks are just niggers who want white pussy. There are zero conservative blacks who would fuck their own race
Uncle Tom reincarnated
Sherriffs run the county jail.
Exactly. Just look at this Uncle Tom and his white wife.
Oh wait...
if you called this guy a nigger to his face he would chimp out like the typical pavement ape. go ahead and trust and associate with monkeys if you want see how that turns out for you.
This uncle ruckus is one of us technically even if he is fucking a "white" (read coal burner) woman he still is taking a shit on blm
yeah lets all fuck with those people who are brave enough to go out there and speak up against BLM and shit. daily reminder that stormfags are worse than libtards.
Good job, sheriff.
Carson's alright, could have done better for himself too. He's got that suave negro aura about him somehow
of course a manlet like him will go with anything that would fuck him. He couldn't even get quality black pussy. But most conservatives(99%) are in it for white pussy
Im not bothered by redpilled blacks race mixing white with women, good for fucking him.
I don't think this is stormfags, user
>no one giving this mexican crap for knowing this
> good for fucking him.
And bad for the race.
He has his head on right and he's working for the right side of the issues.
I can't complain about this man, only that there aren't more like him.
>quality black pussy
go take a look at this nigs extended family he is the exception not the rule. heis outnumbered by the savage niggers in his family 20 to 1.
If trump loses I'm going to blame the loud stormcucks that don't realize America is 63~% white
sup traeshawndarius
True but she's going to burn coal either way, might as well be with him.
i dont care about his family tho.
i judge him based on the stuff he said.
>supporting niggers breeding with humans
Interspecies hybrids are wrong cucko niggo lovero
Carson is a manlet who's so disgusting only the ugliest niggress would fuck him
everything he says falls on deaf ears. he doesnt care about the black community he just wants whites to make a personal exception for him.
uncle tom house nigger
why would a stormfag care whether he cares about the black community?
damn straight my man
because this is America and we have to get along with each other. we know its the jews who stir up racial tensions with their media. whites have more respect for blacks than the other way around.
uh huh
back to whatever leftist shithole from whence you came.
Are you expecting a racist reply? Sup Forums hates niggers. This man isn't a nigger.
shut your face dirty jew
>T. Average "white" american man
America is fucked even if Trump wins.
he got you on your hypocrisy when it comes to the black community so you go back to your little safe haven "the jew it at fault" argument
Milwaukee user here.
Hilariously, this guy is a "democrat". Every election cycle the niggers vote for him because of his skin color and his party, even though anyone with any remote interest in politics can see he'd be a republican if he wasn't exploiting the nigger vote. It's genius, really. He knows niggers just vote straight democrat and will come out in support of a fellow shitskin no matter what, so he just runs as a democrat knowing that no white democrat is willing to run against him (cause muh white guilt), no modern nigger is ever going to become a cop, all the respectable blacks realize that he keeps niggers in check, and all the republicans realize that they'll never win in a city full of niggers so they just put up a joke candidate or let him run uncontested every time, knowing that he's basically one of them.
no one has ever called that man white
If only police departments could do the same.
at least i can call out the jew. you would be arrested for holocaust denial or some shit
Can somebody remind that nigger he's not white.
>triggered cuck mad that a conservative man has a conservative wife
>t. Comrade Shekelsteinbergbloomowitzfeld
I think he's well aware.
>sucking black cock because he saunters into the room with his cowboy hat and a "how do you do, fellow white people?"
>reverse jewing
What's it feel like to be a stormfag and a jew at the same time?
>yfw all you wanted was a strong BBC to make the white boys jelly, and all you got was a self-hating cuck
Definitely not a fan of race-mixing, but I can't hate the guy.
He's right up there with Zimmerman when it comes to based non-whites.