>Tensions are high in Rio with bomb disposal experts taking no chances with a suspicious package at the venue set to host the Olympic opening ceremony.
>Host broadcaster Channel 7 revealed that a loud explosion had been heard in the famous Maracana Stadium early Sunday evening soon after a robot had been sent in following the detection of a suspicious package.
How can terrorism be real if everyone is already kidnapped and murdered?
Jordan Garcia
>Host broadcaster Channel 7 revealed that a loud explosion had been heard in the famous Maracana Stadium early Sunday evening Knowing Brazil, it could just be shoddy worksmanship collapsing.
Brandon Foster
el samuel de hydenbarosa
Eli King
>macarena stadium >mararena
Aaron Martin
samuel de hydella
Landon Baker
Our people have already been kidnapped and robbed multiple times and the games haven't even started yet. An actual "terror" even would be the corn kernel on the top of a shit sundae.
Jonathan Flores
Between electric shower heads and exposed wiring, one athlete being extorted by police for money, an entire building of athletes being robbed during a fire alarm, toxic bodies of water that the athletes are going to have to compete in ( some with floating human cadavers), and now possible explosions and past terroristic threats......are they going to cancel these games before people end up dead?
Henry Price
>are they going to cancel these games before people end up dead? Hopefully not, I want some live televised happenings with Chads and Staceys as the victims
Hudson Kelly
Brandon Williams
>electric shower heads and exposed wiring you guys use a high explosive gas, inside a high preassure barrel to bath and are shit talking eletric showers? Do you even know that they drop the water in hundrends droplings of water and Not a continuous stream? And that the the water is supposed to go down, were there are no fucking cables? Thanks to that people shower here every single fucking day, When was the last time you took a bath?
Jaxon Jones
Bump This just might go down as the worst olympics in history. Poor bin shitters.
Jace Campbell
Inb4 no bomb required and stadium randomly collapses due to poor workmanship
Thomas Morales
That is not how it works user. In South Africa we have electric 200L geysers usually installed in the roof.
So all hotwater from different taps around the house (bathroom, kitchen, shower) come from the geyser.
Robert Nguyen
Is the water solar heated, or?
Oliver Butler
t. /r9k My shower uses no elecricity whatsoever (beside the water heater that isn't directly attached to it). It's called pressure.
Julian King
Ayy lmao
Mason Moore
>implying /[board]/ is one person
wew lad
Cooper Bailey
The favela monkeys probably already robbed the terrorists so we have to hope for Zika.
Samuel Torres
nice Brexit ID Kek is real
Leo Jenkins
Bit of both, some people have solar heated geysers for others electricity directly from the grid.
Jackson Cox
nice try RARE, but you can't hide from me
Henry Lee
Yeah had a similar train of thought when I first read the article. I would not be surprised if in a bid to finish on time the construction was hastily rushed and is now barely being held together.
If so imagine what a disaster it would be if all the venues were suddenly put under tremendous strain from all the people going to see the games. Could be a disaster worse than any terror attack.
Brayden Ward
The loud explosion heard came from the detonation of the suspicious package, no habbenings.
Colton Brooks
welcome back mate
Nathaniel Martinez
It was literally a controlled explosion done by police on something that turned out to be, wait for it, nothing
Owen Rodriguez
this..... this isn't a standard shitposter....
Asher Rivera
>a functional bomb in a stadium that needed to be disposed of via controlled detonation
>turned out to be nothing
Logan Campbell
Some places just really like to do "controlled detonations"
We had a bomb scare here that turned out to just be a beer bottle with a rag stuffed in it sitting in the back seat of a car. They still called the bomb squad (which because I'm in a rural area) took over an hour to arrive. They did a controlled detonation probably just for the fun of it.
Parker Mitchell
Jesus, why they chose Brazil and not Spain.
Dylan Scott
They will infect everyone with Zika. Enjoy your shrunken head Demon babies. Only the Illuminati have the cure. Everyone else dies out. Heavily-armed homosexuals will oversee the managed decline, and hunt out people who are resistant to the final plague.
Andrew Ortiz
What, this was not on rhe news here.
Ayden Reed
>Being an asshole
It's okay
James Jenkins
Sebastian Jenkins
>They will infect everyone with Zika
Almost truth
Juan Ortiz
My hot water is fusion powered, way more dangerous than your little contraptions that have mere household power flowing out the head and lightly electrocuting people.
Will that madman ever be caught? How many have to die before his reign of terror will end?
Evan Ross
>corrupt buyoffs and deals >giant staff infection of a city >code mexico levels of rape and murder >suspicious packages >giant amoeba predators and ass-digging flatworms in the water
Parker Thompson
I dont think anyone would care or be surprised
Dominic Gray
In the Rainbow Six novel, there was a plot to infect the water misting sprays in the stadium with a pathogen during the Sydney Olympics. Could KEK deliver this during the games?
Ayden Thompson
Electricity can jump from one droplet to another one you fucking genius. You hosting the Olympic games is a complete disaster, I don't even know why you got to host them