Add WhitePower_GOD on ps3

Add WhitePower_GOD on ps3
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Ps4 doesn't have cams

do you play dark souls

I'm really glad I have no clue what any of the shit is in your pic. I'm going to guess drug-related degeneracy.

No, but I could buy it. You wanna vchat?

Haha my German parents live in Canada. The pic is n2o and ice pills.

Looks like co2 canisters or something.

>ice pills



>ice pills

You on meth son?

I think so yeah

no one cares that you're a degenerate drug addict, stop making these offtopic threads you faggot

You're on a VPN faggot.

Someone's inevitably gonna imply I'm gay by knowing this, but you do know that those are "party drugs" for faggots in most first world countries, yes?

No one cares that your an Australian abo and a fake National Socialist.

I don't do the ice pills :)

Too busy playing dark souls on ps4

The NO2/CO2 cartridges are especially favored by the fags here, I saw a whole documentary about it

just saiyan

I know what your talking about though. These are more like a rittlin the meth.

Huffing nitrous is such a terrible decision, I wish I never would have tried it

I refuse to buy ps4

>huffing co2

What does it do? Tell us about your drug experiences

YouTube stevo rise and demise. I'm sitting here with stevo right now desu

You got a ps3? I'll show you what it does. I have a house full of people doing all this crap. I wanted to show pol what degeneracy looks like first hand since all you people do is watch internet videos

Who the fuck huffs co2? Does that even do anything?! n2o is the shit used in dentist offices aka laughing gas.

Well whatever

Supposedly it makes yer butthole loose

also tell Steve-O I said he has dolphin-ass teeth

He said: hahahahaahahaha

whats that OP? you doing some whippets?

Nope. Can't you take a vid with your phone or something?

Op stop attention whoring its sad.

Yes. Got ps3?

I don't see how its attention whoring. I'm just teaching people what not to do unless they wanna be not bored like me.

OP, tell Stevo I am his second biggest fan. Tell me how he reacts.

He gave me two thumbs up and said don't tell them I'm back on drugs bahahahaa then he said they won't believe I'm here anyways

Ask him how I knew how to say that. (he requested it specifically somewhere)

i want to know its really him

Steve-O got clean atleast. Hopefully this Ruski does the same.

Гoвнo кaкoe-тo кyпил, cyкa, тaблeтки, хyeтки. Я вoт пopoхa зaнюхaл oднy дopoгy вceгo, дo cих пop cижy, ycнyть нe мoгy. Дaжe бoшки нe пoмoгaют.

It's called whippets

He said that's Robert that I just texted to get on Sup Forums and find this retarded thread we started

Nah. It was from a heartfelt note in the credits of a documentary stevo made. You're a lying ass faggot