This isn't a millennial problem either. Social media turns women into retards in general. Not just millennial ones.
PS Pitbull genocide now
This isn't a millennial problem either. Social media turns women into retards in general. Not just millennial ones.
PS Pitbull genocide now
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying women aren't inherently retarded
The dog looks like he is thinking about what it might taste like.
for attention
Honestly, if you're an adult male and you actually care about what a woman does, thinks or says outside the kitchen or bedroom then your life is over.
If you get a pit bull as a puppy and raise it right you will have the greatest dog in the world.
Social media is simply the most effective way to broadcast your virtue signalling these days.
Honestly I think it's one of the most destructive forces in modern life.
Whatever man. Mine took a chunk out of a niggers leg when he tried to rob my house. Loves kids, hates black people. Best purchase I've made.
>cousin's girlfriend is all Pitbull Lives Matter
>she adopts pitbull puppy, raises it from day one
>she holds it up as an example of how pitbulls just need a loving home
>one day the pitbull bites her while she is feeding him, attaches and won't let go
>her hand is mangles, she loses two fingers
>she says that the dog wasn't at fault, but that she was because she put her hand too close to its mouth
This is what i hate about pitbull owners. They love to talk about how lovely pitbulls really are just to show how tolerant and compassionate they are, and then treat those who are afraid of these murder machines as irrational ignorants. Its all pure virtue signaling. Fuck them.
It's like pottery that's an allegory for women and the west
Women love the Florence Nightingale "He is misunderstood, but I can fix him and change him with my love~~~" sentimental bullshit. They apply it to anything they want to like
The American Pitbull Terrier is a proud symbol of our country's heritage. You would do well to respect it.
People are so often bit by pitbulls (they're actually second to German Shepherds) because they are such common dogs. In Canada, the dogs most likely to bite are "Sled Type Dogs."
>this whole post
>being afraid of dogs
Since when did Sup Forums get infested with shitskins?
Statistically, a gun is more likely to be shot at you than a pitbull attacking (rates of attacks vs the number in the country), so other than the attention whoring, they are in the right.
>greatest dog in the world
Name one competant dog owner, that has raised a dog from a puppy and doesnt think its the greatest dog in the world.
German shepherds are hands down the greatest dog breed ever. They are not my favorite dog, but its true.
I love rott lab mixes because thays what ive had my entire life. I had a rott pit mix because i saw it in the pound and thought it looked cool. It was an average dog, but now that i have a wife and kid, i would never even think of doing it again
what rhetorical fallacy is this?
>x kills more than y therefore y is good
>German shepherds are hands down the greatest dog breed ever.
They bite people more than Pits.
Pitbulls aren't protected in the constitution.
And what is the percentage of pitbull population in the usa? Does it sounds normal to you that ONE dog breed causes more deaths and mutilations than all other breeds combined?
Who ate my twin brother?
Please be true
Agreed, German shepherds can be fierce, but they are disciplined. Can't say the same about pitbulls. They are literally nigger dog owned by niggers
Why did I immediately think of the migrant crisis in Europe
That baby is literally safer in the moment this picture was taken than at any other time in its young life.
That dog would kill, obviously. Kill to protect that baby? Yes the fuck it would.
dogs are animals. mammals, but not human.
never ever trust a human life to an animal.
Because we let them vote
inb4 >but an animal will protect me!
Because it's fitting
>staffordshire terrier
What about pitbull bastard mixes? My dog is half lab and half pitbull and I promise he's a good boy who truly doesnt do nothing. All he does all day is hang out with my morbidly obese cat and eat the mice the cat brings to him.
You should never allow your dog to be unsupervised around a children especially babies
>Getting a ghetto battle dog when you could get the smartest, most energetic breed.
Like Muslim immigrants sadly - 'if they see how nice and understanding we are they'll forget Islam'
>Top 10 anime battles
what is that adorable little fuck
That's not true, but even if it was it would be irrelevant. How likely a breed is to bite is not what matters, the damage that that are capable of does.
That depends. Was the lab a black lab, and if so did he stick around or did he move on to other bitches?
Most dogs hat niggers. Dogs seem to sense they will be mistreated far more by niggers than even the lowest skank white person.
>smartest, most energetic breed.
But user, that's not a standard schnauzer.
Holy shit my dad just got one of those
Closes one would be undistributed middle if you are dumb and fail to notice the actual point:
Guns have this much rates of deaths per 10000 guns which is ridiculously small (1 death per gun 10000 privately held guns).
Pit bulls rates of death per 10000 is even smaller (.29 deaths per 10000 pitbulls).
If the former statistic shows most guns aren't use in crimes and therefore targeting them is dumb, then the second number shows the same thing. And of course that holds, because the former is true.
Agreed, doesn't mean we can't recognize the shrill of leftist claiming there is a violence epidemic caused by guns when we can show guns have little to nothing to do with is no different from the shrill of... I don't even know who that pitbulls are somehow inherently dangerous.
What breed of doggo? Sorry for my ignorance but Im a cat person
My pit
Literally Dindu Nuffin
>he killed 3 niggas but dey was talkin shit so dey deserve it
Small dogs are statistically more violent than larger breeds of dogs.
The reason why you hear all this pitbullphobia is because when they do attack some one they FUCK THEM UP
The little Chihuahua that won't stop barking, and nipping at your feet is simply just annoying.
I own a Staffordshire Bullterrier. He would never hurt a human being. They are known as the nanny dog and will protect your baby with his life while you're gone.
On the other hand he would ferociously rip apart some of the neighbourhood dogs if given the chance.
It's because they smell different so they don't register as a human to most dogs.
This is one of the reasons I don't think they're the same species as us.
the only way you could accurately quantify that is if you counted all the guns and all the pitbulls in america and then represent all the attacks from each (not including accidents as it is harder for a pitbull to accidentally maul someone) as a percentage of the total but somehow i don't think that will support your claim.
> Implying border collies are not aliens sent here to run tests on us
our family pet bit my son in the face. lower bite mark was inbetween the eyelid and the eyebrow. upper bitemark was at his hairline.
the bite depth was down to the skull bone, including the last membrane wrapping the bone.
the bottom bite was mm away from the eyeball.
permanent scarring. for life.
> mfw when I get a phone call from the ER because my 2 year old has been bitten in the face by "my" dog...
well, fuck having a dog that is big enough to be physically capable of hurting the smallest/weakest human you are like to have at home.
animals are not people. they are unpredictable.
Hell, even house cats are so fucking stupid that occasionally, they jumpin the crib with the baby, lay on it, and suffocate it. So fuck cats too.
We have farm cats - that stay the fuck outside. And we may get a small dog some day - after every human on my property can tear its limbs out, if necessary.
we have a zero-fucks-with-people policy now. Any ram or rooster or other livestock that acts aggressively towards a person is immediately murdered.
people > everything else
I used to have a bunch of pictures save of pitbulls cuddling with babies and owners.
And the spoiler was that all those pitbulls had later killed or maimed the people they were cuddling with. One had even eaten the baby it was cuddling with.
Damn. I miss that collection. Why didn't I back that up.
>If you get a as a and raise it right you will have the greatest in the world.
mad libs are fun
>tfw permanent scarring. for life.
sorry to hear that user, glad your boy is alive though
preddy much this
reminded me of the bid of the german town meeting about the migrant sexual assault crisis and the town mayor just said "well if you dont want your grandaughter raped then dont let her walk near where the immigrants live"
Whta the fuck is wrong with you? The memes on this site are shit.
>animals are not people. they are unpredictable.
No one seems to understand that. From the idiots that own monkeys that end up defacing them to the pitbull owners that claim that their dog is an adorable little angel until it devours their baby.
I have an entire pack of dogs that can take down a box of cookie from the top of the fridge without jumping.
Total number of faces bitten off: 0
Humans bitten in 15 years: 0
Pizzas thrown when the dogs startled a delivery guy: 3
Average time before we have to give the new UPS guy our phone number so we can get packages: 3 delivery attempts
Lol you, your son and your family is a faggot.
Dogs are a little like guns. In incompetent or malicious hands they can be dangerous, and some can be a lot more dangerous than others.
One big difference between the two is that one can be a responsible gun owner with nothing more than common sense - don't point it at people, don't keep it loaded etc., whereas it's less obvious how to be a responsible dog owner. Aside from the scum who deliberately train dogs to be aggressive, there are plenty of idiots who think their dog just needs love and then they'll magically be a good dog. They pamper their dogs, feed them from the table, allow them to jump up wherever they like, and then get surprised when the dog considers itself their equal and attacks them over nothing.
In good hands, pit bull breeds are generally great dogs - they're naturally friendly, loyal, and intelligent. However they're a popular choice for people who train dogs to be aggressive (because they're fucking awesome at it) and for idiots who don't know that dogs need to know their place in order to behave well. Most pit bull breeds are less likely to attack their owners than a lot of other common breeds (hilariously including shih tzus and bichons), but when they attack they bloody do it right.
I think that most folks here would agree that, for example, shooting up a gay night club should be blamed on the person rather than the weapon used, and when someone dies cleaning a loaded gun we write them off as an idiot rather than blaming the gun. When the same thing happens with a dog we should blame the owner in that case too.
I can see that dog's benis
>8 deaths from chows
>more deaths from chows than a boxer
Because people who love puppies more than humans exist.
Pit Bulls are fine if you buy them from reputed breeders. The problem is all these dumbfucks who buy rescue dogs that come from fighting rings and bad homes. Those dogs are just better off put to sleep. If people know what they are they won't adopt them, ever, so the shelter people lie about their breed or their history so they get adopted. So you get more vicious dogs in domestic environments. Or they don't bother hiding it and morons adopt them anyway then act surprised when they attack somebody.
Basically don't fucking buy dogs bred for fighting from rescue shelters. 99% chance it's an ex-fighting dog and no matter how nice it seems it's got a vicious past.
>pit bulls are more dangerous than fucking wolf hybrids
I'm a manager at a petsmart in the middle of a city. We let people bring their dogs in as long as they have a leash.
The most common breed that comes into our store are pits. Everyone in our store, including the groomers who have to hold dogs while they grind their nails down, would rather handle pits than almost any of the smaller breed dogs because they know the smaller breeds are much more likely to bite than a pit. In fact, in the three years I have worked there, we have not had a single indecent involving a pit.
No shit. He's nearly 8ft tall. The things the size of baby's arm. We have to have a guard dog with a little wang to keep the liberal women from trying to fuck him.
Boxers are cool
Great Dane is best dog! It even has great in its name!
>Im a cat person
I fucking hate the "BUH PITBULLS ARE NICE" meme. Everyone in my town has one and they constantly post pictures of them to make some stupid fucking statement about them not being violent. Some years ago my dog ran away and was met by two vicious pitbulls that nearly bit off his leg, we had to fucking smash their heads in with a hammer. Also, having a pitbull just makes you look like one of the slummiest pieces of shit ever.
German Shepherds literally are predisposed to suffer psychosis.
They're just as unpredictable as American pitbulls.
Per capita it seems like the other breeds are more dangerous
Very good! A little small though.
pic related: Great Dane sitting on Irish Wolfhound
>Also, danes seriously have a thing about sitting on living things. No dane will sit on a couch, cushion or floor if it can manage to get it's ass onto a person, dog, cat, infant, etc.
no you got it backwards. Chow is only .01% of the population but makes up 8% of attacks
>getting a Jew dog
I had a chow chow, it never hurt anyone : /
I have a wolf hybrid.
He a gud dog, he dindu nuffin.
But really, he's 10 now and he's never nipped or bitten anyone or any other dog. He spends hours every week playing with big groups of dogs. I used to have cats and they would bully him.
On the other hand, literally about a third of the time I encounter a pitbull in dog parks, or whatever, I see it try to kill another dog.
And they're not even owned by niggers.
These are white owners.
I fucking hate pitbulls.
German guard dogs. Bad as fuck paired with GSD's too.
your dog was basically the nigger of dogs only .01 of the population but 8 attacks and 12 maimings
shes not wrong. it was her fault. she shouldve known better than to let a potentially violently animal into her house. the problem is that instead of realizing that her initial emotionally driven choice was a bad one, she doubled down and insisted that it was her fault for provoking an animal that is more likely to act violently.
I volunteer at an animal shelter. You are talking out of your ass bud
Women are more likely to abuse their own child. Look it up
This is so true, ours would just make itself comfy in our laps. I miss my Great Dane ;_; rip (old age :()
I meant breeds other than pitbull
Nigger dog loving nigger.
This. I have a border collie with kelpie. He is so beautiful and intelligent.
Pitbulls should all be shot.
friendly reminder to play wrestle with your dogs
if you are unable to overpower your dog then be cautious around it since it's strong enough to kill someone without you being able to stop it
on a side note adult german shepherds really hate being picked up
If you're a nigger, nigger nigger chicken dinner.
Already did, super nigger . Using the most extensive kennel records, we can estimate about 3 million pit bulls in the USA, and we know the number of pitbull fatalities is around 88 (which is the higher, anything pit bull like, rather than the kennel definition only deaths being 54).
Pitbulls are by no means a public menance.
are pharaoh hounds redpilled?