I'm 17 and I don't know what to think.
What's the truth about the world? Politics and that. Are Jews really behind most of the shit that's going on in the world? Did they really start Communism and the "school of Frankfurt" ? I just don't really know how to put it all together. My mind is a clusterfuck of ideas. Help me organize my thoughts. Enlighten me.
I don't want this to be only about Jews, by the way, that's just one of the things i wanna know about.
What's the truth?
saged and reported
go fuck yourself faggot
u mad bro?
It's bigger than that. Extraterrestrials are real. They're called the Archons and they've been manipulating the minds of humans for ages using Saturn. All of our global elites are in on it and actively support it (most likely Archons in disguise some of them). Lurk around on Sup Forums. These days we're getting heavily into the occult ritual rabbit hole ever since Hillary revealed her Moloch connections. And this rabbit hole runs deep.
but how could you or anyone possibly know that?
Inb4 the lock
Enjoy your ban my man
did i break the rules?
Global Rule #2, no one under the age of 18 on the 4chans
right. I'm retarded.
Its.......the Jews...
get off this site not because youre 17 but because its a horrible place to develop, read some books get some girls while its easier
i suggest "no more mr nice guy"
Never talk to a Leaf, OP. They are ALL trolls.
>Did they really start Communism and the "school of Frankfurt" ?
If the intellectuals of Communism and Frankfurt school are almost exclusively Jewish, than you can guess that Jews started it.
Everyone but me gotta learn more about the redpill
If you want to know the truth about the world, you must study world history as thouroghly as possible, from as many different sources as possible. Read books, put the pieces together, and most importantly, stop browsing Sup Forums.
The truth is out there.
Its almost impossible to get girls before you are 30
Books don’t get published UNLESS it passes through Jew censorship. They have owned & controlled it for a long time.
See my thread on how the world works.
>Implying I cant find the original edition of mein kampf online as PDF
Stein var så snill...
Yeah they did.
But that doesn't mean you should hate all Jews because of it.
Hate on the lib ones that are trying to let in browns to permanently tip the scales of political power though
It takes years of research to get a real sense of the truth.
Just compartmentalize it and go on about your life.
Learn to think independently , learn critical thinking skills. Start with philosophical subjects like epistemology and the scientific method, deductive and inductive reasoning, and some psychology and rhetoric (this list is by no means exhaustive). Then build your knowledge base from there based on your interest.
P.S. learn how to separate the "spin"people put on information from the logical content of the information. Every message has 3 parts ethos ,logos ,pathos.
P.P.S Always check the sources of your knowledge for credibility and any biases; say for example if the source is an instiution or a person with a conflict of interest or a history of lying or spreading misinformation. And take the time to do some cross references to confirm things. And yes , there are really powerful people, a large percentage of which being Jewish, that greatly influence world events but they don't "run the world".