What does Sup Forums think about Coraline?
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Imprisoned dad character exists simultaneously to real dad character. So what is the imprisoned dad character?
It's not good.
scary book when I read it in primary school
didn't watch because still triggered
10/10 will show my kids. If they take out thing out of it, I hope its that "Cats don't have names"
I don't think it's Laika's best film, but it might be my favorite.
As with most Laika movies, I like the general idea/moral behind it, which was mature and realistic (accept your life even if it is mildly shitty) but the characters are generally bland and the movie felt like wasted potential that dragged on a bit too long.
The character designs are always ugly too, though the backgrounds are excellent.
Thought it was really good and terrifying for a kids film
i wanna fuck her clay pusy!
Massive GILF Titties.
she's a cute
Teenager me would have went bonkers if I saw it then.
Good movie overall. Hreat bpok.
the other mother was terrifying
comfy weather, good soundtrack, beautifully animated and has a good sense of humor
The most terrifying scene of the book actually answers this. Coraline finds fake other father in the basement and he all acts like he's dying and melts like he was made out of clay.
I have jerked off to Other Mother more than I care to admit and I am still disappointed there isn't more porn of her to be quite honest family.
I really enjoyed it. It reminded me of Labyrinth and other weird late 80's kids movies.
What do you mean? Other Father was just something that Other Mother put together to convince Coraline to stay. I don't think she expected for the Other Father to actually care for Coraline.
I like that Russian guy with the liquidator medal
boring and weird
no I'm not American and I don't like the Transformers movies
I liked it. It's one of my daughter's favorite movies, so it's nice I can actually watch it with her without wanting to blow my brains out.
Very good. Loved the creepy shit in the second half.
I'm known as the Siren of all Seven Seas!
Can someone tell me how the fuck she got back in her own bed? Did the thing come out and put her there or what's going on? Also was the food real? Did she actually eat like a Queen?
Overall story 6.5/10 but to this day I have yet to see a better 3D movie.
I will take depth effects over "Its coming right for us" effects any day.
>Children Kino doesn't exi-
I liked this better
Me on the lower right
Would be a perfect scary kids movie IF it didn't have the huge boobs old ladies nudity haha gag in it
If they focused more on the Other World being scary it would've been a huge hit, but I think they grabbed the element perfectly, but sadly wasted it
im scared to look this up
I want to fuck Other Mother.
it's a totally normal movie
animated movies dont get much better
come on pussy
I really like it. First Laika movie I watched and it made me fall in love with the studio, I watch all their movies now even though I know they don't need the box office gross.
I want to cum on dakota fannings vocal cords!
>I have yet to see a better 3D movie
It's not 3D, it's stop motion.
Oh wait I'm retarded, you mean 3D as in the gimmick.
Why did nobody watch Kubo?
i did. i regret it.
Cause Asian aesthetic turns some people off. Just like how there's weeaboos who will ravenously consume anything related to Japan there are people who just hate Japan and its culture on principle.
A good kid's movie. Worth watching on a rainy day.
>watch this on deployment in Iraq
>me and four other guys in a nasty hootch
>see it all the way to the end
>no one says anything for a minute
>one of the guys in the back, "what the fuck was that?"
>guy next to him, "right? still really good though"
>we all agree that is was bonkers but still really cool
>eventually get our entire company to watch it
great film
I saw it at the behest of a weeb friend, it was surprisingly mediocre. Loved Coraline though.
i pirated it.
The story sucked and the visuals could not carry the bulk of the movie.
Top 10 favourite of mine.
I've always enjoyed 'Alice in Wonderland'-type coming of age stories.