I used to be a Trump supporter, but now that he bashed the Khans I am #SaneForWayne.

Wayne Lambright is bidding POTUS and he is going to Make America Think Again. He is a distinguished toastmaster. His $16 trillion reparations for blacks is going to jumpstart the economy. He's also going to release a technology that will make oil and gas obsolete. He's a REAL entrepreneur unlike Tonald Drumpf.

Whats your excuse for not supporting Wayne Lambright bidding POTUS?

Other urls found in this thread:


You're not a billionaire like Trump though, Wayne.
We all know it's you buddy.

>We all know it's you buddy.
Its not Wayne though.
I am a supporter of his.
vf5wDGkL is my tripcode.

Its not funny, it never was funny, no one cares.
Just give this shit up already.

You should stop drinking and live someplace without wheels, Wayne. Not that rv living is bad, but it's a symptom in your life, not a decision.

Wtf I hate this meme now.

RVs rule.

lol at 16 trillion dollars.

Also, the only method to make gas obsolete would be hemp seed oil, and it's illegal right now.

I'm Wayne Lambright. FYI. I just celebrated my one year of sobity on the 12th of July. I have a combined 22 years of sobity, but I had a slip last year and when out drinking after safeway told me to suck a bag of dicks. To my credit nobody is dead over this. That's progress.


I'm a little sad tonight video above tells why. It is the way it is. Life will go on for some, but most of you will die, I'm afraid. I tried to save you. Don't call it a grave, this is the future you choose. Seriously, I think USA has died and the spirit is floating up into heaven. The body of USA is now bloated and the maggots are about to hatch.


It is the way it is. One man can change the world. I did it today.

that's it I'm on the #waynetrain now.

>I'm Wayne Lambright.

No, I am actually Wayne Lambright. You are an imposter.



YOu can see the oil powers shut me down.


Bidding for President of the United States. Lambright.com
Jump to 48:30
I'm greatful for the chance to speak. I felt cut off and intturpupted and bullied. The humanity party is about saving human life and enriching mankind. I feel the host unfairly shoved his agenda. That is their option. We can't save human life if we endless wars to get other people's oii. I presented a 100% viable option and It was swept under the rug of 'must use oil'.
1:06 taking away oil industry. BINGO... Caught you. Oil industry, does not like my Hydrogen technology. Hear it for yourself. I'm increasing jobs. Combustion technology still would exist. Just not burning fossil fuel. At 1:11:24 I tell the world how to get off oil forever. This is actually real technology available today and its worth about 200 trillion dollars. The oil companies should just invest in the hydrogen infrastructure and bring it to us and still keep the power if they need it.

This is leadership. I'm leadership. I'm bringing the world this idea. Not Trump, not Hillary. Wayne Lambright is bring this idea to the world and the voice of anonymous is saying NO. Well. I'm not quitting, I'll never quit. The way to save the world is to change the world. Join me or live in the past and die with it. I'm living in the bright future. Lambright, you're looking at him. Join the future at Lambright.com

It cost nothing to change the world but the courage to do it.

Here is a picture I just took for proof.


It honestly seems like he experienced some kind of brain damage. Sad guy.

Okay, so I'm curious. If you really are this real man, what is your take and views on Bilderbergs, the 33rd Degree Freemasons, the Federal Reserve and Council on Foreign Relations?

I would really love a response, no one ever does. If possible, could you perhaps do a few minute video on this? I understand it's difficult to convey your opinion on this matter in forms of typing.

wayne is just a crazy, rich, kike NEET
he's a Sup Forums staple.

Dude, I just solved the world energy needs.
I'm a gift to man kind and you insult me.


Pic my garden

Fuck of, Wayne. No one will vote for you and I hope you finally get banned for spamming your autist shit on here

Wayne the biography?

A flower in my garden.

Whoever is calling me. Take off your caller ID blocking.

wayne tell us about the jews

Go to bed Wayne, and eat a bag of dicks.

The bag of dicks Dah-nald
>I'm here for it



I left Sup Forums for like 5 months and this fat POS is STILL not banned. Is he blowing one of the mods or something?

For tho who don't have this nutjob's number here : 707
Call him all u want, he enjoys a good talk./

How much of this guy is serious and how much is joking around? He's seems crazy, but not REALLY crazy. He definitely doesn't think he can be president and he doesn't think he solved the energy crisis. He does believe Zionism is running the show (he's not redpilled on Jews in any other sense though), I pretty sure he thinks they attacked us on 9/11, and I'm not sure or not if he thinks Sandy Hook happened. I just can't tell with this guy. He acts like such a bitch when people make fun of him, but he keeps coming back to Sup Forums and showing us this retarded videos, so he can't be that thinned skinned. Then you get into some of his policy proposals which are pants on head retarded like giving niggers $1,000,000 each. What is deal? Wayne, what the fuck is your deal?

wayne, please respond to this post above^



he said if we give the nigs 17 trillion dollars they will spend it right away and clear our national debt by next week

but im not sure money works like that...

Jesus Fucking christ wayne you've been fucking shilling this board since i got back on it shut the fuck up nobody fucking care


Someone already did

In reality, does Wayne have a girlfriend now? Or does every bitch he comes in contact with just shrivel and become unproductive. When bitches look at wayne they just get as dry as well. wayne's land

I think he's in the closet. He frequents gay bars and has at least one website dedicated to dicks. I've seen him with girls on "dates" but it always seems platonic to me. He hasn't gotten laid in like 4 years, so he never bangs any of them either.


Friendly reminder wayne is a pedo who raped his own niece wayne deserves to be shot for his crimes but instead he hides in the woods in his rv instead

FBI, can you kill this person. False accusations.

I legitimately laughed out loud

I'm out of here. Enjoy fucking yourself. >Friendly reminder
You're a disgusting human. Truly terrible.

NSA FBI, find this human shit and kill him.

yo, are you even going to reply about the 33rd degree freemasons or the bilderbergs or are you just another fake ass motherfucker?

You won't ever stop me wayne i will continue to let anons know of your sick ways as long as you make these spam threads

Wayne stop lieing,

wayne is a confirmed kid fucker and won't digress about the 33rd degree freemasons.

Come on, now, Wayne is anti-Zionist. I wanna see the proof that Wayne is a kiddie diddler.

money spent the government doesnt have is called debt. debt weighs against GDP growth in the same quarter. 16 tril spent in 4-8 years would equal negative GDP growth for 4-8 years since america has a hard time even getting 1% gdp growth currently

this devalues the currency over time. it doesnt matter what wall street says the dollar is worth. nobody will accept those rates globally. if you want to spend $30 for a gallon of milk be my guest and throw away you future

I thought it ended in 6806.

Why do you expose yourself on here Wayne? And why do you hate Christmas so much?

I got played today by a fake anonymous. The humanity party is some elaborate scam. Or just part of the oil power.


I'm going to have to quit Sup Forums for a while, its proven to be a waste of time.

I love Christmas.

>Sup Forums
>ever being a nice way to be productive

>Reparations for blacks

Wayne your a bit too late.

Stop molesting children you sick fuck!!

Why didn't you make a video showing support for Christmas Wayne? That's the only way to make it official for your presidential platform.


>Not knowing Wayne is legitimately crazy

Of course. The man hates christmas afterall.