Are you secretly a democrat?
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stop shilling this shitty inaccurate test
pretty accurate to me
>It bothers me
Evolves into
>You see x
>Take this test alone
I'm spooked.
This appears to be based on the work of Johnathon Haidt. Don't do this test, do one of Haidt's on his research site
Fine, I took the shit test. I'm a Democrat apparently 57% even though I am a free market capitalist, voted Trump in the primaries, and was originally shilling for Paul.
>I'm a Democrat apparently 57% even though I am a free market capitalist
these are not polarities though
I got 63% Democrat
Good thing I'm not american.
>Let's take a bunch of random nonpolitical questions about disgust and apply them to politics
t. 72% democrat trump supporter, according to this test
>Sign up
Also went 35 Rep/ 65 Dem, despite being a Evolian
Shit I'm an 82% Democrat what should i do?
>someone found a correlation between disgust and liberalism so if you're not easily disgusted that means you're a liberal
That's not how correlations work you fucking idiot. Also stop shilling this fucking website.
Do you have a gun user?
Probably not you fucking liberal.
I'm just going to keep posting this for the keks
>you see a person eating an apple with a knife and fork
lmao what the fuck is this
This is true, but I am also repulsed by many things.
So now that I've finished the test
>A 2014 study by Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute concluded that people who were more prone to disgust are more conservative.
>not being a bitch = liberal
This is most inaccurate
I answered honestly and I got this result.
>You see maggots on a piece of meat in an outdoor garbage pail.
how is this a question
This is a liberal test based on a bullshit liberal research that sees Republicans as primitive and Democrats as advanced (overcoming the primitive feeling of disgust). Which everyone know is likely reversed.
Now go kill yourself, you monkeys.
>be fascist
>have a democrat brain
how am i supposed to have a well developed disgust reflex when im getting used to everyday degeneracy to the point of numbness?
>spend all day one Sup Forums
>implying you could both be a democrat and still disgusted by anything
If you think poor/sick people are gross, then it calls you a republican.
Kek this fucking quiz, how the fuck did they come up with this nonsense
My "brain is democrat" ?? Malarky
>work inna gun store
>believe in traditional family values
>prior military
>23 years old, purchasing a house with my own money next week
>only have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
>your brain is 70% democrat
how am i supposed to respond to this?
or see blacks back in the cotton field
It absolutely is? Most Republicans support something resembling a mixed economy, but if someone prioritized free markets, they would absolutely not support Democrats.
>tfw when the test creator ingored everything that just had to say about libertarianism.
>Not realizing that the test intentionally confuses modern liberalism with classic liberalism and libertarianism in order to mindfuck you.
>not being a weak Little bitch makes me a democrat
Until now I never realized that I consider exposed intestines and ketchup on ice cream to be equal in terms of grossness.
i find the latter grosser
is it time to stop Sup Forums?
>I would rather eat a piece of fruit than a piece of paper.
Please tell me this test is satire. Anybody who support it in any way is a fucking retard.
I saw this happen once and I literally vomited.
Also I'm apparently mostly democrat. I'd disagree. I'm not judgmental or easily disgusted, but I don't push progressive values or like having them pushed on me.
this test says I'm 93% democrat. I do not understand this result. Possibly skewed because it was asking the wrong questions. Stepping on a worm or eating paper or misusing katsup doesn't bother me. Nigger and muslim invasion, the bohemian grove, and the degeneration of our culture do. If they put 'jew banker' up there I would of slammed that disgust button. This test is all dildoed up.