> this is what would happen if someone from Sup Forums actually was racist in public
this is what would happen if someone from Sup Forums actually was racist in public
What part of being racist in public entails going for the first punch?
>kid obviously doesn't have a dad or male role model that taught him how to fight
>swings and kicks like that
That kid was raised by some feminist single mother
Nigger isn't tough either, he knocked out a suburban white kid raised by a single female parent
No, I live in Arizona, and carry a gun on my hip.
If anything escalated to that point it would be a shoot out not a fist fight. Although people generally act pretty nice when they all know guns are in the room.
Bashing an autistic half his size, so brave.
idiot. if you carry a gun you're obligated to de-escliate no matter what, and run like hell. you cant just draw your weapon to stand your ground. maybe that shit flies somewhere else, but not where I live.
Everyone knows that liberals support gun control, and niggers live in high population-density cities run by racist democrats.
I've never seen a nigger at my local range. What about you guys?
You can't Deescalate every situation.
It's an impossibility.
Also there are hardly any niggers here, and like I said in my post if you were paying attention, and not a fucking idiot. People generally act pretty nice when they know guns are in the room.
I don't live in a major city, and the majority of people carry. I can't remember the last time some one got shot here.
Did he die?
Trigger happy faggots such as yourself are what make gun owners look bad.
nah it was just a prank
lol. kid kinda deserved it desu. he's lucky that black guy didnt stomp on him after he went to the ground.
Whew, for a second I thought people on Sup Forums actually posted sick videos.
Okay seriously, I also live in Arizona, I also carry everywhere... and yeah you don't just go around shooting anyone who looks at you funny. You don't even get to shoot someone who wants to fight you unarmed.
It's shit like this that makes me and every other gun owner look bad. Fucking learn the laws of this state before you do something stupid.
he will make it
Too bad I'm 6'1" and a talented kickboxer
Fortunately for niggers, they don't exist in canada.
wanting some nigger to punch you in the head makes you look bad
>Sup Forums actually was racist in public
Most people on this board are just pseudo-nationalist keyboard warriors who wouldn't dare be racist beyond their keyboard,let alone express it in public.
He was raised by Anime.
You post this daily.
Where are you so I can call you Nigger and knock every tooth out of your face?
> this is what happens when a strong peckerwood gets sick of your bull shit.
I am racist in public everyday you coon dabloon conjuring welfare wizard.
Actually I like this black guy. You don't see this often.
He punched the kid, the faggot dropped, black guy walked away. He didn't stay there and talk shit, he didn't keep punching the kid on the ground, he didn't get five or six homies to stomp him out... he just walked away. Fight is over, he walked away.
Truly didn't do nothing wrong.
After the first two kicks he's like "damn I just fucked that nigga up am I r8?" Poor guy.
faggot. I bet you use a leather holster too.
Did he just get kicked in the nuts and not give a fuck?
Plenty of sandniggers killing other sandniggers with big knives. sick fucks. Beheading kids and shit.
White kid has way too much autism. Black kid alright, knows some moves. probably a bro.
Ive been in kentucky recently, and I didnt even watch your video because people are racist in public all the time. It ends badly for the black.
>my child never had no gun
Well, technically she's right.
>15 year old nignug held back multiple years vs 10 year old white kid
gee wonder who would win
Only because you deserve it