Why are Asians so liberal?
Why are Asians so liberal?
But Sup Forums told me all asians are "bro-tier" and "traditionalist as fuark" and have "conservative culture"
The Asians I've known were diligent and compassionate people.
I think they've recognized that the Democratic party panders to minorities and they will be rewarded if they stick with them.
They are intelligent and usually don't go for the anti non white, climate change denying, Christian lunatic candidates.
First generation Asian immigrants are.
They're immigrants and they benefit under the status quo, despite having comparatively conservative beliefs.
Because they're the most successful race in America, and the smartest.
As such, they're smart enough to know liberals give them advantages as minorities, and are afraid of change.
Literally the only challenges I've had in my MAGA hat are from Asians. Especially Filipinos.
Asians have hustled America hard.
That's not true for all Asians, after the Democratic Party tried to fuck Chinese with their SCA5 and other stuff there are more and more Chinese Americans joining the Republican Party. And I believe most Chinese (people with work and family, not the college kids) are voting for Trump this year.
A bunch of commies voting for commies. It really makes you think.
Liberal re-education centers (colleges) are paying off
Asians are the highest-scoring people (SAT, ACT) and they earn the most income per capita in America.
Leftist policies hurt them the most (affirmative action in schools, graduated tax, etc), but they vote democrat?
Fucking second-third generation kiddos fuck those idiots.
t. First generation Korean
>Why are Asians so liberal?
Because they're smart
High IQ = liberal.
Also, let's not forget that "Asian" include Muslims and SE Asians, who are just Mexicans from another continent.
>i-its only the later generations
So then why are the rates for 65+y/o asian liberals so high?
They'll need 75% of their paycheck gone to taxes before they realize their mistake.
they're the least protected race from media and public racism
you can literally go ching chong on live tv and no one will defend them or get that guy fired for being racists
of course they're going to vote for people who will change the landscape
>let's not forget that "Asian" include Muslims
I thought this was only in the UK. The US refers to Arabs as asians too?
It's funny because my girlfriend is from China and she's quite conservative.
She definitely prefers Trump over Clinton and told me Chinese netizens in general do.
I guess turning them into cucks is part of the naturalization process in the US
Asians are pathologically competitive and support people who will shit on white people to be the dominate race. Asians are the least empathetic of all races
Not in my experience.
My Democrat (not always liberal but vote Democrat) Asian friends are mostly democrat because they think the GOP is a White-only party, and they don't feel welcomed there. They think the GOP is filled with White racists (which is kinda true lets be honest) and they won't be welcomed.
Honestly, Asians are mostly overlooked by both parties, and most of us don't vote because we don't care. We just study and make money; Asians don't care if things turn liberal or conservative.
tl;dr Asians don't care about the policies or politics. Most are Democrat for superficial reasons such as the "Democrats like minorities
Desperate to fit in with the Cool Kids
Think if they join the Victim Olympics then Stacey might actually fuck them
Joke's on them though, there's literally nothing for them in intersectionality as they're high achievers.
I'm second generation Chinese and I am going to be voting for Trump as my first vote this year. I didn't vote for Obama when I had the chance but a lot of my asian friends did.
All of my second generation friends are also voting for Hillary. I blame the liberal college for reconditioning them.
They either tick "Asian" or "other". It's been a while. There might be an "Arab/Muslim" checkbox in the registration now.
Asians hate that whites are dominate and basically vote anti white. They are, like all shit skins, tribal and racist
So let's remove ~15-20%, we're still left with 40% of asians 65+ voting heavily liberal
explain this you slant-eyed commie apologist
Asians are typically traditional/conservative, but most republicans are racist, as can be seen on Sup Forums
That's less than white people...
They aren't.
Most Asians are closet racists, and they are smart hiding it.
They will tell you how compassionate, liberal, tolerate they are, but if someone in their family marries a fucking nigger, they will instantly disown the person.
They know what's good for them and know their place, keeping these values to themselves and quietly make their modest living. That's why some people consider them bro-tier.
They will have absolutely no problem stick with or befriend White people, because that would help them to move up their social ladder, meanwhile coalburning does not and is generally considered a shameful act in their community. It's all profit and defecit caluations. Niggers have no value whatsoever.
I know a few Asians Trump admirers, in public they pretend themselves to be leaning towards the dems, but no doubt they will vote for Trump because they all fucking hate niggers, faggots and spics that hurt their businesses.
You break my heart, White user
I wonder if it's maybe related to college enrollment rates? I'm half-Asian but I consider myself right-wing, by the standards of my country. I'd vote Trump if I lived in the US.
Asians are conformists. They do what is popular and socially acceptable. That's why most of them vote Democrat. It's pathetic.
There's nothing wrong with racism, we just need to deport the shitskins
Muslims and Indians are "Asian" as well.
>liberals give them advantages as minorities
Except in college admissions, where objectively it's harder to get into college if you're Asian. Fucking moron.
my asian is gf and her parents don't like me even though im white
since I go to a state university, they think I am low life scum who doesn't deserve their daughter
rightfully so I guess, not like I'd want my daughter dating some 2.0 minimum school boy
So where are the "A-Asians are honorary aryans, guys! Deport the shitskins but the Asians are okay!" faggots now?
Hint: beating off to anime/AVs because their """"""appreciation"""""" of Asian cultural achievements is a (bad) mask for their true intention of normalizing Asian/white racemixing: "muh dik".
I don't fucking get it either
Democrats don't even fucking pander to them like they do to blacks and latinos, asians are fucked by affirmative action just as much as we are, it makes no fucking sense.
At least we're the least liberal minority. That's the best label I can put on it.
I never denied that East Asians ultimately lean Democrat. The media and schools are fucking everything up.
A-Asians are honorary aryans, guys! Deport the shitskins but the Asians are okay!
Because their cultures focus on the collective and not the individual.
You bring shame to the family for not knowing this. Sepekku is oonree choice.
By 'asian' does this chart mean chinks or arabs?
chinks are jealous of white people because chinks are genetically disgusting. look up dating data chinks are the least desirable males across the board, they know this and they hate it. ever been on a chink pride forum? they are jealous as fuck
The thing is, the smarter you are the more liberal you are.
And asians are the smartest race.
Only a dumbass asian vote Democrat. We get fucked over by them in favor of niggers and illegals.
Democrats probably drew asians in this election with MUH FREE COLLEGE. Asians love free college
>High IQ = liberal.
2016 and still believes political orientation has anything to do with rational thought
Left wing and right wing are purely emotional stances
Left wing personality markers include anger, immaturity, resentment, narcissism, and inferiority complex
Right wing personality traits include greater empathy, liking people more, being more generous, and having a more optimistic outlook
Apply these character traits to politics and it becomes obvious they match
Left wing in US is a coalition between very progressive whites and poor minorities, which is to say a coalition between angry people with racial grievances and white people who despise their society
Right wing on the other hand is mostly white and middle class, these are people who tend to think the US is a good place with mostly good people and doesn't need change and disruption as much as it needs to continue on a path they feel is beneficial to most
Immigrants favor the left.
You can't say "Asians are liberal" because American Asian immigrants vote left. That's completely retarded.
here have a reply
no, no, it's for you
take it
Asians don't see america as their country so they don't give a fuck about what happens to it. Look at how conservative asians are in asian countries. America is treated like a public bathroom by minorities.
sounds like you're basing your assumptions off right wing and left wing online echochambers like Sup Forums and tumblr
Have you tried going outside?
they are very susceptible to programming
Most asians are conformists. They listen to their teachers and the media.
After I realized how lopsided each election was with minorities, I stopped wanting immigration entirely. There is no assimilation, only destruction.
The mexicans fucked up one of the most wealthy countries in existence and are going to fuck up another.
The blacks vote over 90% democrat and anyone who dares leave the crowd is deemed a race traitor and excommunicated. African countries also managed to destroy the only wealth they ever had when kicking whites out.
And then you have the asians who should be the most conservative of all but what do you see? A vast majority in favor of leftist policies, the same policies that fucked china in the ass. FUCK THAT, they can gtfo. It's becoming readily apparent that only 1 class of people values liberty over tyranny, and perhaps that means political views are racially correlated after all...
doesnt matter. they arent a significant portion of the population. they wont change anything
That's the point I am making here. Even if you are White, they see low value in you because you aren't one of those elites. That's your value in their eyes.
Then imagine if you are a nigger.
How would these people fit in the liberal category? They just pretend to be.
Middle Eastern Folk are classified as white.
White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.
Source: census.gov
Which is funny because even though they lump them in with whites, whites sitll have way less crime than certain other groups.
Sorry Asian bro. I know a lot of bro tier Asians, but I know a lot more who hate whitey and guzzle up that SJW oppression olympics BS out here in commiefornia. I'm sure your one of the former
I think last I saw, they were coming closer to 50/50, I think Asians will naturally redpill after living around the dindus and just seeing them chimpout on tv.
We as whites need to do a better job training them, they are literally the white man's second best friend
Asians are subhuman, no excuses.
do veins get bigger when you work out and get muscly?
are the veins on that guy's brain like that too you think?
They come from communist countries. Also most Asians live in the urban areas like LA and Seattle. They were raised in the heart of liberalism.
Not getting into college is a good thing.
What is this, 2006? The college meme is stale pasta now.
Let's not forget that most East Asians don't vote. No really, we don't. In my Korean church, which are mostly citizens, only 3 people voted (including me) out of the 120+ congregation.
My mother and I always argue passionately (she is pro-Hillary because "muh woman president") and when I ask her is she going to vote this November, she said "nah" with a shrug.
Democrats and Republicans ignore the Asian community, and vice versa. Most Asians just care about making money it seems. Many East Asians are serious about following the laws and respecting local culture/customs, but they are not emotionally invested in America as a nation.
It feels like only I am a genuinely patriotic Asian American among my community sometimes.
I honestly though Asians would be more pro GOP since in their Asian countries it's socialist as fuck and has failed them. Especially for Chinese Americans I would at least think they would lean to the right.
Asian-AMERICANS are liberals because their parents continue to push them into university, not realizing that univerisities exist to recruit young people into sjw activism.
Asians are the biggest cucks in the world, no surprise.
Each party has its emotional appeal, that doesn't mean one is incapable of choosing one based on reasoning.
Besides Asians, Jews tend to have high IQs and lean left. High IQ whites tend to lean left. There's indeed a correlation.
Good job, W.
Most Asian citizens in America are Chinese that arrived during the railroad-building era.
These people are not "first-third" generations, they are eighth, ninth, etc. Basically, just American minorities than East Asian.
>Especially for Chinese Americans I would at least think they would lean to the right.
You'd really think so, but it doesn't happen. Why? Where are these fuckers going to run to next when america is shit-tier? The cubans seem to get it but the chinese are supposed to be 10 IQ points higher and vote for the policies that murdered 50 million and destroyed their intellectual class.
Are you Korean?
One way to show your loyalty and patriotism is to become a Roof Gook.
>tfw chink
>objectively worst east asian
Blacks and Hispanics are liberal and they are among the lowest of IQ.
Your correlation is correct, but let's make one thing clear:
Having a high IQ doesn't mean you're wise- or correct.
Besides that, carry on.
This is how Americans get big veins. Try it some time, then eat a burger.
And yes his brain does look like that.
Because they are the most pragmatic race in existence over even Jews, and they see a party that panders to them and offers them direct financial incentive.
This is why the voting age should be 35.
Asians that come from Asia, not asians born in US.
Yes I am Korean. I only have a shotgun, but maybe slugs will work on rooftops. Plan to get more funs soon.
Are you Taiwan/HK/Singapore Chinese, Mainland Chinese (post revolution) or old Chinese (Chinese railroad builders that arrived 19th century)?
Being liberal or conservative has more to do with living in an urban or rural area more than anything else.
All minorities tend towards liberalism, because minorities overwhelmingly stay in the cities.
Meet the rare rural black, and they're usually conservative.
Asians are the least individualistic race and as such clearly identify with collectivism. Han Chinese are basically a Zerg colony.
Parents are from Mainland China (not rich when they got here) and they are pretty redpilled on Communists.
I was born here. Was a libshit about two years ago but then I realized Liberals could give a shit about anyone and only whored themselves for voters. This is my first election and I am definitely voting for Trump.
>Meet the rare rural black, and they're usually conservative.
My black friends from rural areas are voting Trump
I am Asian. I voted for Ron Paul (wrote his name in during the 2008 election). I also voted for Bush and Romney.
I am also Red Pilled, conservative, and I believe that HBD is 100% fact.
I am not south Asian or indian, but Most of the Asian conservatives that I know are Indian.
A lot of Asians are left-wing because they see Republicans as racists that hate them and they all go through liberal brainwashing machine that is the top 50 colleges of America. If have to be honest about my people (east asians), they are really conformist that will buy into anything that an authority figure tells them is correct.
My wife was red pilled for a long-time. She used to read this site called Chimpout and bust-out laughing as she didn't like blacks. I am not a racist like that. However, even she is now sided with the democrats against trump.
I will vote trump regardless.
I'm glad Sup Forums is finally picking up on this. Asians in America are even more liberal than niggers ares. In fact they actually favor shit like gay marriage
We need more of your types.
>Most Asian citizens in America are Chinese that arrived during the railroad-building era.
[citation required]
And not the IMDB page for Hell on Wheels.
Democrats don't want to send them back or throw them in interment camps.
It also includes Indians and Middle Easterners into this demographic, which are very liberal.
Older Oriental Asians are more conservative while younger ones are degenerates and whore who are obviously libtards.
I know right?
We could also use more roof gooks.
Roof gooks best gooks.
>High IQ = liberal.
When will this meme die
> Jews tend to have high IQs and lean left.
In everywhere except Israel :")
Considering most Asians want some job prospects, why the fuck would any Asian identify/ side with the "shit" camp.
Remaining Asians are pure SJW, no way around that.
Also, go overseas to dodge quotas?
Seems like a common skill for chinks anyway.
Most Asian-Americans are mainland Chinese, what can you expect? Mix a Jew's sociopathic selfishness with a nigger's impulsive aggression, and you'll end up with a regular old mainlander.
because they don't want to go back to china and they're worried trump might send them that way.
>Blacks and Hispanics are liberal
No, they mostly are not.