My sociology professor stumped Trump today

He said that if Trump is elected, he won't know whether to go down to Wall St. to kiss ass first or open up LGBTQI camps in Montana.

I told him that Trump never said anything bad about gay people and the professor just rolled his eyes and said "That, class, is privilege in action."

I have to lead a discussion on transgender rights now. I should have kept my white male mouth shut.

>he won't know whether to go down to Wall St. to kiss ass first or open up LGBTQI camps in Montana.
What did he mean by this?

No, seriously..

>knowing objective facts is a privilege that only white people have
I guess Sup Forums has more in common with libtards than I thought

He supported legal union between gays a decade before anyone else did. Back then, Hillary said she would always say marriage was between a man and a woman. She panders, he doesn't.

>Taking a sociology class
Well there is where you went wrong.
Drop that shit and take something relevant.

Remember the Art of the get 'em.

Your school sounds like a cuck fest for faggots. Drop out.

>studying sociology
It's the future you chose.

>muh sociology professor stumped trump today thread

Ah, another one.. Why don't you tell those professors to get a real job

If this happened to me I would lead a talk about how trannys are mentally ill and need to be cured with drugs and prayer. you know...

for the bantz

>"That, class, is privilege in action."
>Guess I'd better be a huge bitch and not call him out on that non argument.

Just bring up body dismorphia and ask why annorexia is frowned upon but transgenderism is not

>1 post by this id

>"That, class, is privilege in action."
I would ask what the hell does he mean by that.

>Sociology class

>1 post by this ID

>he won't know whether to go down to Wall St. to kiss ass first or open up LGBTQI camps in Montana.
Mental illness. You've put yourself at the mercy of a madman. GTFO

Make a fucking stand, tell your class exactly what he said about LGBTQ in his speech, you're leading the discussion aren't you? fucking do your research properly and advance your position in a sane way. On top of that bring in the fact that the Democrats are starting a new cold war, drop the truth bomb on them about how they're the war mongers without even knowing it.


He wants you to lead a conversation about transgender rights?

Turn it into a criticism of how transgender people are treated by radical Muslims, how they're harassed, assaulted, tortured, mutilated, and sometimes even executed. The Saudi's regularly throw homosexuals off of buildings. There was a case in January where a group of migrants in Germany tried to stone a tranny to death. A radical Muslim who was investigated by the FBI for extremist ties shot up an LGBT bar just two months ago.

BURY them in cold hard facts about the brutality of how transgenders are treated outside the US. Then juxtapose all this with how the worst they have to deal with in the US is which bathroom to use.

>LGTBQ Camps in Montana

Tell me this fucker doesn't belong to the UM. Please.

Switch to a STEM master race major, problem solved

Check your privilege, white male


>Picking a major that requires you take a soc class
You deserve the hell you find yourself in

>implying all majors don't have to undergo indoctrination camps disguised as "gen electives"

>speaking up in class

10/10 in every "actual discussion", the teacher will NEVER stand down. Literally no point in correcting their nonsense. Had a economics teacher a few months back who said bernie sanders was the only candidate whose policies were the only ones that can be economicqlly viable and that trumps wall alone would cause this country to become bankrupt.

>tfw liberals in this class ate this shit up

What race was he you ask? Sup Forums already knows.

Depends on the school, I managed to fill my "humanities" requirements with non-political things like linguistics and logic


>I have to lead a discussion on transgender rights now.
Sounds like it could be fun.

did u shake his ass like a hot potato

lmao what kind of terrible fucking class did you waste your money on
holy shit man those classes are expensive what in the fuck are you doing

>american """"""""""education""""""""
top kek

I doubt he's taking that class for fun. Probably a mandatory "general education" liberal class he's forced to take.

This. lmao

Your professor sounds like a cuck desu, just get your grades, paper, possibly bitches and move the fuck on from liberal brainwash academies.

Only a blind brainwashed walking dead useful idiot could not realize that the Western World is being subverted with Cultural Marxism (anti-western, anti-white, anti-straight, anti-monogamy, and anti-christianity ideology). Colleges have become Cultural Marxism indoctrination centers. The jewish elite sees education as the perfect brainwashing tool. Being "educated" doesn't mean being smart these days. Education is the lefts best tool for brainwashing and creating conformists. Gotta hand it to the jewish social engineers on the left. They're masters of making socialism sexy and trendy and loving and they've successfully raised a generation of voters who view their politicians as Christ figures (Bernie Sanders). Marxists think the classes are working against one another in such a way that only benefits the upper class. Those at the very top of the pyramid reap the benefits of that division, and distract the populace from their own dominance of society. Cultural Marxists believe that there are factors other than class (intersectionality) that lead to oppression by the ruling demographics. Wait until the next generation grows up, the one that never knew a life without facebook, the ones taught Common Core AKA Cultural Marxism 101 from kindergarden. They are brainwashed herd of sheep licking the hands of their oppressors as they're led to a literal slaughter house. Useful Idiots™ can only realise the error of their ways when it is far too late, they cannot be convinced through words or logic.

The utter fucking hypocrisy of these antiracist (really just anti White) types is astounding. Everything a White male does is sexist, White culture is shot through with misogny, White men are all potential pedophiles and rapist etc. Yet these paki fucks are just boys being boys and the White girls weren't being taken advantage of at all. A parent voting Donald Trump is a likely child abuser but these Pakis literally abusing children are our moral superiors.

I majored in Linguistics and never had to take any shit tier class like that... Problem solved?

>sociology lecturer giving personal opinion

does he even sociology?

>My sociology professor stumped Trump today
>That, class, is privilege in action.

>saddest arab you'll ever meet
>crazy fucking poopoo kurd

This cant be real. Nobody is that big of a walking meme

You keep forgetting this is bait Ausbro. Its Sunday night/ Monday before classes. And if his class was at 2:30 am at the earliest, why wouldn't user just point out what a fucking non argument that is

>professor can't figure out how to respond

>drops a buzzword and pretends like it's a comeback

Big surprise.

Why do I keep seeing people post this picture of Phyllis from The Office in a headscarf?

Sorry, but what? I don't believe you Sup Forumsack.

Lets see you paid about 1500 minimum for the course, you are an adult over 18, yet your professor can still punish you into doing things like you were underage. Damn college is bullshit now.

All schools are nowadays. We need alternative education. Things like Khan Academy. I want to see knowledge made available to all, and schools replaced with certification tests and vocational facilities. No politics, no bullshit, just knowledge.

If you have to have politics, then it is even better because with the internet you can have a full spectrum of perspectives to read up on and make your own decisions. Require them to link to all perspectives.

Fuck our schools, they are outdated. Stop funding them and burn them down. Replace them all with K-12 online and Washington governor's type schools.

Keep some technical and vocational facilities open and promote trades with emphasis on apprenticeship programs.