Should the USA do a Bay of Pigs 2.0 on North Korea?

Should the USA do a Bay of Pigs 2.0 on North Korea?

Would it work? We did it on Panama.

That would just be a waste of money

NK has an army of a million+ soldiers. No way a ground invasion would be successful.

There are 3 ways to beat NK

1. Bomb the ever loving shit out of the entire country killing everything and everyone

2. A ground invasion where both countries lose massive amounts of soldiers with the U.S. eventually winning only due to superior technology and equipment

3. A long drawn out embargo where U.S. policy makers somehow get China and Russia to stop supporting NK and the country eventually eats itself.

We're just waiting for the collapse and rebuilding. China will pay their fair share, US and South Korea will pick up the rest. Not saying it will be expedient or politically easy but that's the end solution.

Many of those soldiers would defect and scramble at a US Invasion. We could do a full on blitzkrieg from the DMZ Line

Not to mention the Chinks might not take too kindly to the US invading their "buffer zone".

>blitzkrieg the DMZ
>most heavily mine no-man's land in history

If we attack N. Korea all that's going to happen is we're going to have a weaker military and give Russia a better chance of attacking us and WW3ing it

just why?
what is there to win from that?
if NK could be a threat they would have already attaked

They would use mass aerial and artillery bombardment to clear a highway.

>mines everywhere
>brainwashed starved chinks

No thanks.

>you better clap mofos

A. Enemy Forces. Undetermined number of batteries, some in hardened structures, of M-1978 and M-1989 artillery pieces are currently conducting fire missions on Seoul and surrounding environs. These batteries are aligned along the north side of the DMZ from Kyonggi Bay to Pyonggang. six divisions of Chonma-Ho MBTs supported by six divisions of KPA Infantry of the 2nd and 4th Corps (including KPA-SOF support) have been reported conducting offensive operations as far as 18 miles south of the DMZ, IVO Soyang-si, Ujeongbu-si, Hwacheon, Chuncheon and the Pukhangang River. The KPAAF operates 8 airbases within 30 miles of the DMZ, and another 11 airbases throught DPRK territory. These bases operate multiple platforms including Mig-17F, Mig-19, Mig-21 clones and a total of 30 Mig-29 F/W aircraft. These bases also support Mi-14 and Mi-24 R/W aircraft. Multiple S-3a SAM sites form a defensive parameter around Pyongyang. Total KPA manpower is estimated to be 9,495,000 active and reserve personnel, including 1,500,000 KPA personnel stationed at the DMZ.
KPA has multiple sites of Nodong-2 and SS-21a SSM in operation throughout the DPRK with maximum range of 20 miles, several of which are within range of northern ROK urban centers. These SSM sites, along with M-1978 and M-1989 artillery batteries, have the capacity to cause massive losses to forces within 20 miles range of the DMZ. These batteries also present an addional NBC risk considering the KPA's extensive chemical and biological arsenal.

KPAAF and KPAN assets are obsolete platforms compared to ROK and US platforms. The KPA operates 3rd generation SAM and AAA platforms throughout DPRK airspace that are incapable of damaging most ROK and US air assets in theater. KPA installation utilize commercial ASR and is highly susceptible to ECM attack. KPA armor is inferior in design to ROK and US analogues, but constitute a larger force numerically.
If US forces do not intervene KPA forces have the capability of taking and controlling about 50% of ROK territory. KPA intends to continue attacks southward along the Korean peninsula most likely in two fronts advancing along the east and west coasts respectively along the same axis. KPA may use NBC assault on US-ROK forces if they feel that DPRK territory come under threat of occupation. If operation parity shifts against KPA forces, they are expected to defend and delay against invading units with fanatical dedication among active forces and with less zeal among reserve forces. Most reserve units will be tasked with internal distribution, security and logistical tasks detracting from their defensive potential. Nuclear attack by No-Dong 2 platforms are a possibility despite no confirmation of operational capability.

China backs NK and literally allows them to eat. You cannot really solve the NK problem. Any hostile action will piss China off. You can't embargo them either because the chinks have their backs. The good thing is that NK just serves as a sort of neutral buffer between China and the West. It's actually harmless.

It worked so well the first time :^)

Given these considerations.

Best to use our greatest asset:

Uncontested aerial superiority to demolish their infrastructure from air.

Once their units are depleted of resources and stalled in place from fuel shortages, conduct sustained ground operations.

Should be a wrap within 4 weeks of operations.

Note: that timeline doesn't include post regime change stability and support operations.
Which would most likely include Chinese forces.

Our military was developing and Cuba was backed by the USSR

What if we could obliterate North Korea like, without sending troops on the ground? Like... a super big bomb that kills lots of people.

Yeah and nk is Allied with China, it's a stupid idea. Why would the US even want in there? They don't even grow their own food. If they get too yappy China will just cut them off to avoid war

n korea is irrelevant to our goals
s korea reads the talmud
fuck em

With the mindset drilled into all the people in North Korea, #1 is probably the best solution for everyone.