Are weed strains an actual thing or just a marketing meme?
Are weed strains an actual thing or just a marketing meme?
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>Are weed strains an actual thing or just a marketing meme?
I don't know, is genetics real or is it just a meme?
They're an actual thing.
The weed store I go to has like 40 different kinds to choose from (sativas/hybrids/indicas)
>weed STORES
Leaves, everyone
Thc is still Thc though right? Is $20 a gram weed really that much better than $10 mall weed?
There are differences in the different chemical levels and colors but, it's pretty over hyped
As long as you just get good weed it doesn't matter
you can think of different strains of weed as different brands of beer, and sativa/indica being the equivalent of dark beer vs light beer although the difference is more in how you feel w/ weed vs how it tastes w/ beer.
here's the menu: