Hey Sup Forumsacks. If I were to want to enlist in any of the world's militaries (excluding US) I really don't want to join here. But I want to cuck Islam and help make a glass-skating rink out of the middle East where should I go?
Hey Sup Forumsacks...
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Well if you don't want to join your own cunt's army (tho i don't see why you wouldnt), you can try to join the French Foreign Legion.
Keep in mind we reject a lot of Americans actually, it will not be a guaranteed entry, far from it.
What is entrance based on. Because I'm a college swimmer studying get my masters in Linguistics and I hear that linguists are a valuable asset to a lot of military units. Especially in Europe I would assume, figuring out if a phone call is a threat or a joke based on tonnage and other basic indicators
Swimmer part just proves training won't be as hard for me as it is some others
It is based on psycho-technical tests (which 70% of appliers fail at) and physical tests.
Pull ups (minimum 3 to not get kicked out of the door, you should aim at 10+, 15 is awesome).
Endurance (i don't have the exact tests in mind but they are pretty challenging aswell, expect 2 months of running 4 times a week to be fit).
Your background is obviously checked, previous military experience is basically an automatic entry.
About linguistics it is appreciated, but they don't give a fuck about it since they can teach the most stupid mongol how to speak French, they have an efficient way.
Maybe I'll look into it. And Linguistics could still be relevant in French, I honestly have no idea I kinda floatedy way through and wrote most of my papers and essays on historic word usage. But hey, its good enough to make me 100k plus a year now I guess. Thanks
i realize you meant something else by linguistics, but they won't give you intelligency work before minimum 3 years of service, and that is if you are very talented.
>its good enough to make me 100k plus
Then why are you talking about joing the FFL
Glassing the middle East. I'm tired of sitting behind a desk checking papers for shitty Grammar or stiff that could make a company legally responsible for stupid claims like "red bull gives you wings". Plus I'd be totally fucking useless if the American public wasn't so fucking stupid
if you wana glass them bastards you need to become a ninja and steal their boom boom
You will not find happiness by moving out and fighting for a country you know nothing of (and probably don't even want to be a citizen of)
Its not that I want to fight for a country. Its that I want to be part of an elite group, not one that accepts everyone that can make it through some shit boot camp.
Just steal a plane and fly it into their precious cube. That'll show 'em
The Legion only accepts 1 out of 8 candidates, some people do thousands of kilometers to apply and get rejected, then they have to wait for a year to try again.
From what i see you are not the type of person who struggled in life, i don't know but i don't think you are serious about this.
Just stick to your everyday routine man
Stop shilling for Pissrael you filthy kike. Join the US military and serve YOUR country. You don't go to war out of hate you moron. You do it out of love for our people. Of course expecting a Jew to understand Das Volk is like expecting a dog to understand algebra
Maybe you're right Frenchie. But you always regret the things you don't do in life, as opposed to the things do
Join up with the Kurds. Though I'm of the opinion they're a few months away from getting gangbanged into oblivion by a Turk/Russian assault.
Here's an American that did it:
Man must be fun using half your countries bandwidth to shitpost at me.
The French need help now more than anyone. They are getting unfairly fucking by the EU and targeted by terrorists just for being on the right side of history. Go back to eatong dirt, you filthy third-worlder.
>the right side of history
The French have never been on the "right side of history" you stupid kike. Google Great Britain's wars. Thank God the UK voted leave. Let those frogs boil, the deserve it for being cucks and fucking the Reich over in ww2.
>The French have never been on the "right side of history" you stupid kike
Now this is just a blatant lie, France was always about conservative values when UK wanted to bring aggressive capitalism/globalism
UK won waterloo, see where we are now.
Being on the front lines would be an experience for sure. But I'm not sure I want all of my assets sitting in the middle of a mine field. In Europe I at least have some friends. In Kurd country I would have nothing but a mid shack and goat
Oh Boo Hoo ;_;
Sorry lass, we'll be gentler next time
Don't worry about him. His countries average IQ is under their average rainfall. Let him rot in the AIDS infested filth he resides in
tfw realize nazi germany built israel
Is that what the boko Haram soldier told you after he was done stealing your anal virginity
>His countries
*His country's* you filthy black coon
Learn how to spell properly before talking about IQ, you Nigger
No, It's what your wife said after Tyrone was done.
Oh fuck off. How do you even keep track. Its a one click difference to you chimps
You need a minute to check that.
Let me get this straight. My wife called Tyrone pit for being a bitch by say she'll be more gentle next time. Nice one. Maybe try a little harder next time
>implying Hitler and the Nazis weren't controlled opposition by the jews all along
you've been duped user.
Hilter was only 1/4 jooby
it's not such a bad thing, without it, no trust fund to keep him hanging out in cafes, making art, and writing manifestos. it also redpilled him.
how the fuck do you even have internet, I thought the CIA/MIB airborne aids wiped your country out into a fucking desert.