Okay Sup Forums my 15 year old son says he's an anarchist. How do I fix him?
Okay Sup Forums my 15 year old son says he's an anarchist. How do I fix him?
Drop him off in detroit if he wants real anarchy
Being an anarchist isn't really that ridiculous of a thing, as long as they have morals and they know it's an idealistic position and not a realistic one.
Take him to Oakland Ca. At 1am.
Make sure hotel is at least 5 miles away. Drop him off.
become an anarchist.
He's only 15, he'll grow out of it. Don't try to sway him the other way yet because he's in the rebellion stage and will only go further left just to be edgy.
Fuck his ass into submission, tell him it's just anarchy bro.
He will die if op does that.
He told me that he "wants to drink booze, smoke weed, drive fast cars, shoot big guns, and fuck bitches without anyone stopping him"
detroitfag here, only do this if you are comfortable with the possibility of never seeing him again. its a fucking jungle out here
Tell him to stop reading Proudhon and to start reading Marx.
that's literally all i do + Sup Forums.
tell him to get a job programming and move to eastern washington state.
Wait until next week to see what other stupid shit he picks up from his friends.
You should tell him that he can do all that if he waits until he's 18 to join the muhreenz
He can literally do all that as long as he learns how to fake a drug test
u know all that shit is just to get high on andrenaline.
OP, take your son sky diving. no drug, car, or gun will compare to the rush. he will be hooked. and it's expensive enough that he will save his work money (=
Take all his possessions from him and then kick him out. Tell him you are also an anarchist.
Sorta this.
Ask him why he wants to be an anarchist. Post response. Anarchy when viewed in the libertarian sense can be pretty redpilled. But most fags just want the purge.
Get really into it so he'll think it's uncool and not edgy.
Acknowledge the fact that anarchy isn't based on immaturity and that your son might actually have thought about his beliefs. Just because they disagree with your beliefs doesn't mean he's wrong.
Sounds more like a hedonist than an anarchist. Typical teenage/leftist behavior. All the fun with none of the consequence.
I never thought I would ask this after I got my first dictionary....
What kind of Anarchist?
He says "if it doesn't harm anyone, or if it can harm someone but they're fine with it then it should be legal. If you want to snort a line of coke then go ahead, no one should stop you."
1. Declare anarchy in your house.
2. Stop feeding him - it's basically welfare. Can't have that. Stop doing literally anything for him.
3. Take all his stuff away, by force if you must. You can because anarchy.
4. Show him your trips.
Or you could just wait a year or two and he'll grow out of it. If you think a naive edgy teenager getting into anarchism is annoying just wait til his first year of uni.
That's what literally EVERY SINGLE 15 year old wants
Nice... Little fag will be so pissed, he'll rebel himself right into law school.
Just let him grow up
When I was `13-14 I was an anarchist punk who just rolled around breaking into places and vandalizing with my stupid friends.
Now I'm everything liberals hate. White cis male married good job homeowner voting red.
He's 15 man he's gonna say and do a lot of dumb shit. Just show him (don't just tell him) that you love him and will be there for him.
The only thing I wish from my dad is that he would have been there (and not buried in his work ignoring hs family).
Chop his balls off.
stop paying for his internet, gas, car and health insurance, phone, cable and food.
Show him pictures and clips of Somalia
this is my life, except replace fucking bitches with fucking my sister
Depends on what kind of anarchist.
Right anarchist? Be proud that your son values personal responsibility and self-sufficiency.
Left anarchist? Purge the commie scum.
You don't. Anarchism is for alpha males and he's not submitting to your authoritay. You should encourage this behavior so you don't have a submissive little cuck for a son.
Just tell him you love him
Nothing a good old beating can't fix.
Don't worry about it
I was the same when I was his age.
I eventually grew up.
Of course I went through a good 4 years of heroin addiction I grew out of that too.
If you're really worried about it just logically explain to him they pretty much have Anarchy in some shit holes in Africa. Then ask him if he wants his home town to turn into some shit hole like in Africa where only the strong survive
Also explain to him people aren't inherently good, and government isn't inherently bad.
you let me fuck your daughter
>except replace fucking bitches with fucking my sister
Go on and tell us the details
Oh wait nvm if he really said that to you, you have failed as a father.
Even when I was 18 I would have never thought of saying that to my Dad. I actually have respect for him.
Idk how to tell left from right anarchy, but he said something about not needing police if you can own a rocket launcher. Also made comments that there shouldn't be so many rules about child labor and he should be able to get a job like his older friends. So I'll assume right.
Mention that if he lives in society and not inna woods every action he takes effects more people than he even knows.
Snorting coke brings crime and violence into your locality not to mention all of the people who are abused in the drug trade and all other illegal organizations they control like human trafficking and guns.
There has to be a set code of behavior for society to function anywhere near well. Take a look at the middle east. They basically have anarchy on the individual level and I bet he doesn't wanna live there.
Probably. Unfortunately his understanding of the utility of policing is not very developed, and he sounds a bit of a moron, but maybe that's because he's only 15. He might become less retarded as he reads more economics and anarchist theory. If he doesn't, he's probably going to drop anarchism and become more moderate in a few years.
>Take a look at the middle east. They basically have anarchy on the individual level
No they don't, not even close.
He will grow out of it
Kick his ass and take all of his stuff. Kick him out of the house and lock the door. If he says anything just tell him you're an anarchist too. Stand in the yard and watch him, drinking your water, eating your food, playing on your phone that you are able to keep because you're stronger than him. If he tries to leave the yard on foot, take his shoes and shirt and put them on. Chain him up and tell him he is now your slave. Make him do constant, meaningless busywork. If any of his friends come by to try to help him, chase them away and explain you are now an anarchist family. When he's completely broken and begging for death give him his stuff back and let him come back inside like normal.
Have him write an essay on anarchy and what he has learned are the flaws from first hand experience.
Make sure to document it all for posterity.
Don't you mean your wife's son?
that sad feel when stuck in portland. i want out of this hippie craphole so bad...do you live in spokane?
mom gonna freak
thats every edgy cringe teenager
he'll grow out of it
They have their little religious laws, but when you're riding on a camel with an AK-47 on your back I'd say that's pretty fucking lawless by most people's standards.
Idk about that. My kid is kinda a swoll Chad. Plays wrestling, water polo, and throws shot put and javelin, and considering I can barely walk without a cane because of my hip he'd probably end up kicking my ass.
Beat him up then ass-rape him.
Tell him it's perfectly legal if there's anarchy.
Oh, so you're either a troll or a weak, pathetic, faggot of a father.
Either way, kill yourself and give your wife to him.
7/10 for tricking me into giving a serious, well thought out response.
They have governments. They are subject to taxation. They are subject to both religious and governmental laws. It is by definition not anarchy.
Also, you're conflating a 3rd world shithole society with a completely separate political ideology. It is not because of deregulation (or rather, relatively lower enforcement of regulations as compared to the West) that they are shitholes, any more than full-on authoritarianism makes North Korea a paradise. Anarchism will have vastly different results depending on geopolitical and societal factors. An anarchist Liechtenstein would look a lot different than an anarchist Sudan.
It's not my fault I was in a car crash that permanently fucked my hips and legs
Ask your son if he knows who Rothbard, Spooner, Nozick, Friedman, or Huemer is. This will inform you whether he is a serious anarchist or an edgy teenage meme """anarchist""".
You're right, that's not your fault.
But it is your fault that you didn't whip him when he was younger and earn his respect.
Assuming he can even read, that is, given
> My kid is kinda a swoll Chad
Damn son, look at them quads.
Tell him about libertarianism.
It's never late for an abortion.
I'm not whiping my child. I was beaten as a kid, not just spanked, but genuinely physically abused. Not fun, I hated spanking him when he was really little because it brought back too many memories.
Actually, here's a serious reply. Do everything I said in the first post, but pay a couple of big guys (for you) to keep him in line.
Set him on fire and scream "Crazy" over and over
>It's never late for an abortion.
He told me he supports Gary Johnson in the election, so he probably already knows about it.
You're a pussy.
You're the reason my generation and the next one have zero respect for authority and live hedonistic, selfish lives. You never should have had children.
Yeah, they do.
>Be rich saudi
>make private army
>corner opium production in golden crescent
>bribe taliban warlords
>meet men who brag about cia and fbi connections
>plot, finance and execute largest terror attack ever
>fbi and cia bury the lead for you
Decade and a half later, plus or minus 28 pages...
Everyone's already an anarchist, this is what the revolution looks like- people are forever forming groupings about all kinds of insanity and intangibles for fear of their will not being overdetermined.
you know no one except pol has taught me that.
i mean sure my family guilt trips me over their love, but pol articulates so well.
indian rez in yakima. i shoot my glock all day, shoot the shotgun at whatever the fuck birds are eatin muh crops.
in the winter i drive in circles and spin the car, while shootin out the window
growing 15 weed plants, i dont buy drugs from the cartels
Option a) Beat the living fuck out of him everyday until the faggot is beaten out of him
Option b) convert him to kekism with your digits
Option c) drop him off in the south side of chicago and tell him to enjoy the anarchy
At 15 he should be an anarchist.
At 18 he should be a commie socialist bleeding heart leftist.
By 30 he should be a conservative.
Were you beaten. Let me tell you first hand it is not fun. I don't want my child or anyone else to expirience it.
>Everyone's already an anarchist
What sort of bizarro definition of anarchist are you using m8? Because it's not the same as everyone else uses.
The only active anarchy going on right now is on the international stage, wherein every country is considered sovereign and interact in (generally) nonviolent ways
agree and become an anarchist with him.
there is NOTHING on god's green earth that will change a kids mind faster than agreement with old people.
they want to rebel at that age.
start wearing a skirt and talking democrat talking points,admire blacks for their shooty hoops skills and ability to bust mad rhymes.
Tell them how awesome the usury israel uses to promote world stability is.
reverse psychology
Children should be beaten, not heard.
Speak roughly, and carry a solid cane to beat his fucking ass with.
I was spanked, but only when I deserved it. And I'm glad I was, sometimes it's the only way to get through when taking the PlayStation away isn't enough. Man up. You should be ashamed of yourself, and your faggot son.
Maybe if I had grown up differently then yes, but I still have scars from what my father did to me. The one or two times I did spank him all the memories rushed back to me. Should parents have the right to spank their kids? Yes. Do I have the heart to do it? No.
i got a black friend, his mom told me once, around the age he was hitting puberty, like 12, he challenged her, and she knew right then if she didn't beat the piss outa him he would never respect her.
probably illegal by todays laws.
he now owns his own business and employs other people. married with children all to the same woman.
The same way you fix your dog.
18 y/o here; I was exactly the same when I was 15 and 16. Make him get a job. Then, he'll have to interact with the public. Most anarchists believe that people are naturally born good but government makes them do bad things. After he gets cussed out by a customer for the first time he'll learn that people are just fucking shitty and most racial stereotypes are true (It's not a thing perpetuated by a racist white supremacist culture.) Hope this helps.
Declare anarchy in the house next weekend. Don't provide anything to him. No food, water, and take everything you ever paid for and make it off limits. When he throws a fit about it, slap the shit out of him while yelling "anarchy bitch!".
Yeah this. Specifically get him a job at a gas station in the crappier part of town. Cured me of any communist sympathies I ever had right quick.
This desu. Went through the same phase until I realised that people are born bad.
barge into his room screaming "anarchy" and proceed to destroy every last thing in his room and be really fucking terrifying about it too, then continue to do that every single day until he caves
German Shit Porn
No, very few are truly BORN bad.
Most are raised by shitty parents, who come from a long line of shitty parents.
>That pic
Inform him of Libertarianism and introduce him to Stefan Molyneux on YouTube. He hasn't discussed anarchism under a libertarian lense in a while, as it's a philosophical ideal and not a realistic position, however, it's really the most moral form of existence.
If it causes no physical harm to others it morally should be legal.
Tell him to burp loud in class. And have his ass arrested. Problem solved
an Ass whoopin
Ahh, he's a confused libertarian kid. Many don't grow out of it. I strongly suggest introducing him to Stefan Molyneux as well as McAfee. Johnson is a liar and rides on a similar popularity that Obama did.
Google "Gary Johnson cake video" and show your kid. Also inform him that it isn't a stab at libertarians but instead shows that Johnson is a liar, like all politicians.
based straya
also checked them trips
That's not really anarchism.
The point is OP, not disciplining their children is what leads to shit children who become shit adultchildren who subscribe to meme political ideologies like communism and anarchy, and this is why our nation has fallen to such degeneracy.
>Get him either Bakunin or Kropotkin
>ask him how anarchists would stop consolidation of power without a state to keep everyone on equal grounds
>ask him if he believes "no gods no masters"
>if yes, ask him why murder is wrong
Kids fall into that kind of radicalism as both a rebellion and also as self assurance, the fedora type shit where "oh my views are nuanced and radically different from the bluepill sheeple" and if you push him to think farther than what he already did to "become an anarchist" then he ought to pull himself out of it. I was an anarchist at 16 but by 19 I was a mainstream conservative fugg
>have to interact with the public. Most anarchists believe that people are naturally born good but government makes them do bad things
Most anarchists don't give a flying fuck about others, so long as they're left alone and not aggressed upon. Even if others are inherently saints, they don't want their hard earned money going to support them.
Just turn him into an ancap. Left wing anarchists are degenerate trash. But ancaps are mostly just entrepreneurial austists
Make him watch "The Bomb in The Brain part 5" by Stefan Molyneux and read "Fate of Empires" by Sir Johnn Glubb. The first teaches him about logic and reason while the second is an analysis of 4000 years of history that basically is a slap in the face of anarchy as an effective means of government.