Why do atheists pretend the Christian Identity movement is based on lies?
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It is, kkk
Christian identity is not Christianity.
>libcucks constantly spam lies in the media about trump because they fear him
>christcucks constantly spam lies on Sup Forums about atheists
really makes you think
Christian itentity is heresy, if you want a good church go to the OPC
the truth is a matter of convention
just prove Christ did not resurrect or he did exist
it is also a convention that people put value into money
Jesus was not a Jew. The term Jew was created by the Jews of Christianity, Protestants, in constructing the KJV version of the Bible, at a time when the Ashkenazi had assumed control of the Hebrew faith and turned it into a tribalistic Satantic cult. Jesus was ethnically a Levantine (a white group, with a diversity of hair and eye colors) and an Israelite by birth. He preached against the Pharisees, who happened to be the exact group who turned the Israelite faith into post-Temple Rabbinic Judaism after Christ’s death and the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.
This faith eliminated the tenets of the original faith through historical revisionism, going so far as to create a new holy text, the Talmud. This evil manuscript was finalized only several centuries after the New Testament was well established in its entirety. Jews today attempt to “reclaim Jesus as a Jew” so labeling Christ as such is playing right into the cult’s hands. In reality, Judaism has nothing to do with the Temple faith, and that faith actually continues on in the altars of Catholic and Orthodox churches all over the world, as does the proper legacy of the Roman Empire in the sacred Christian priesthood.
Jews hated that Christ ushered in the Western ethos and connected it to the faith that they hoped to subvert and own. So they used academia to say Jesus was not white, and Jesus was a Jew, and Jesus did not preach anything related to Western civilization. These are all lies, and some of you stormniggers eat it up like pathetic goyim.
Never forget that Western civilization lies in the synthesis and transformation of the Israelite sacrifice with Roman authority, and that at the center of this transformation is the person and sacrifice of God-made-Man Jesus Christ.
Yes. He wants me to also prove aliens dont exist.
What the fuck is the Christian identity movement? I don't believe in any religion just want to be left alone.
Christian Identity claims that man was created to replenish the earth, as if to say, the earth was already inhabited by dark skin people. Man, is supposed to be white and a creation of God as being a divine being like god.
Problem is........ ARE YOU LISTENING?..........
The translation of that passage in the bible was taken from a KJV bible, not from the original Hebrew text. The KJV bible mistakes the word "plenish" or "to fill" with "replenish" or "to fill again"....
You see?
You don't believe in greys, Annunaki, reptilians and all?
Science is also a convention.
Underrated Jesus faggery
Christian Identity is a part of political and market-place tools.
What are you, like 9 years old?
Don't you have some little boys to fuck pablo?
If you do not believe in that all just
Dat Jewish boi from a small village born by adultery (which is pretty normal these days) becomes unironically worshiped by literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide, ready to die for him.
Romans kill him. Do you see Romans around?
If you kill your Jewish enemy you die. With Jews you loose.
I gotta go, have fun shitposting and G*d bless!
I've seen so many of these "atheists think" or "atheists believe" threads. And not once, not one damn time have the ideas applied to me. I mean I used to be a massive fedora anti-theist when I was like 13 but now I literally never get preachy with religious people and in fact I often defend them. Also, friendly reminder...
what do you think then?
>Christian Identity
(((god))) is a lie
Totally irrelevant. It's as if I had asked you about how your religion affects your driving. While atheists may be more likely to hold those beliefs, by definition, nothing about atheism binds people to holding those views.
Latest science says modern Jews are Greek/Iranian converts:
>New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.
>The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.
>According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.
Direct link to the study:
>Jews are getting btfo by their own Jew Science
>Israeli Jews btfo, you cant claim territories your ancestors never set foot on
>Evangelicals who support Ashkenazi Jews migration of Israel under the pretext that they are descendants of ancient Israelites btfo
>Jews can now claim they are whiter than Germans
>you cant claim territories your ancestors never set foot on
Like that's going to stop them.
Actually, there is no proof of a Jesus, and he was probably an Essene healer and had nothing to do with the collection of faiths called Christianity.
It is safe to say that i may ne well and good in knowing that my belief in god has nothing to do with a desert, a possible Jew healer, or a set of faiths handed down from one asiasiatic shaman to the next.
I am free of it!
Blah blah selective skepticism to avoid the discussion altogether. Why am I not surprised?
Can you prove that Levantines were a white group?
This is literally holding me back from becoming a Christian.
I don't want to keep guessing about Jesus's race. I want evidence.
Okay so what happened to the race of original Jews?
Where are they?
Is the race of Jesus, the Levantines, gone?
Why don't you just pick up a book or Google Levantines if you're so curious?
What books do you recommend for this topic?
I've been trying to figure this out for years, but it seems like everything that claims to know how Jesus looked turns out to be fake.
Like all things when dealing with the likes of you, it is 100% safe to assume it is a lie.
I'm not atheist.
I'm honest about my belief.
Which is the reason why I discard the doctrine of the bible.
Just like the bible tells you to do, and the bible tells you to do this more than once, it's all over the book.
it literally is based on lies. CI is for people smart enough to recognize the jewish menace, but too stupid to stop worshiping a jewgod. it's for a narrow band of people, all clustered around IQ 91.
>Which is the reason why I discard the doctrine of the bible.
Atheist are funny
Religion owns all of planet earth...Every inch
Religion does not operate outside of natural selection the religions that dominate the earth today do so because they gave the people who practiced the religion evolutionary advantages.
A strong tight knit communities which lead to high birth rates, good nutrition, an insular group that sucked resources out of non insular groups and then passed those resources around the group making them wealthier and wealthier.
Once money enters a religious group it stays there over time they become the wealthy and powerful people in an area
You can't argue against the evolutionary advantage religion gives a person
Yes goy the old Jews are nothing like new jews
I would say the same fucking thing about atheist
Smart enough to realize the bible is fiction but to stupid to say the magic words and go to the meetings every sunday.
Literally the original Jewish lie
Dispersed by the Romans
somebody post that "hardcore christfagging" pic
Atheism and Christianity are memes. I'll believe in whatever is the truth.
>discard paganism
>turn jews into an unwanted gypsy tribe for a millennium
>Christian memes must support the well being of communities becasue every gene supports the well being of humanity
Do you even meme brah?
Funfact, one of the guys who actually came up with this idea ended up cutting his own caratid with nail clippers after finding religion and giving all his shit away to hobos who used to rob him regularly.
Literally the ultimate christcuck, even if you do have to respect him in some way.
>Can you prove that Levantines were a white group?
>This is literally holding me back from becoming a Christian.
>I judge the truth and moral value of an ideology based on the ethnicity/race of the founder
>I'm retarded.
There, I've helped to clarify your muddled thoughts. You're welcome.