So what do you Trump supporters think of Trump's policy on deportation? Do you any of you really think that it is economically, let alone ethically, possible to deport 11 million people, many of whom are doing jobs that Americans do not want to do. Do you have any idea of how strained our law enforcement already is and the cost and implication of hiring stormtroopers to enforce these ridiculous policies. What the implications of having the homes of tens of thousands of mothers with American citizen children broken into and ripped apart? I'm talking to those of you that actually understand that we aren't going to have a Reich movement in this country and that that sort of support of fascism is completely reprehensible and inconceivable in most parts of this country.
So what do you Trump supporters think of Trump's policy on deportation...
Other urls found in this thread:
Really disappointing!
ikr? why bother with laws that attempt to keep order and stability to our country.
It does make him literally Hitler to try and get a hold on this
No. At should just build catapults, and and them home that way.
Less paperwork.
Less immigrants, after catapult deportation becomes regular.
How can it lose?
>So what do you Trump supporters think of Trump's policy on deportation?
I think he'll probably disappoint us by not going through with it. I remember him saying something to the effect of "Deportations are not negotiable AT THIS TIME" during a press conference. This was shortly after he flip-flopped on H-1B visas.
>So what do you Trump supporters think of Trump's policy on deportation?
It's gonna create a lot of jobs. It's gonna be yuge !
ikr? why both with reality and attempt to understand the implication that that new law and order would have on a group of people, most of whom already follow the law. Those damn mexicans trimming my hedges and cleaning my house are destroying this country and only if we just rooted them all out by the droves would all my problems disappear.
Wow! What an interesting argument! I cannot wait to hear more about your unique, well thought out, ideas and opinions!
Wow! What an interesting argument! I cannot wait to hear more about your unique, well thought out, ideas and opinions!
a fucking leaf
So fucking get a work visa and do things the legal way. It's an insult to all immigrants who follow the law.
It costs more to keep them here than to deport them.
All we have to do is start actually enforcing immigration laws.
>let alone ethically
Who fucking cares about "ethics"? I want shitskins gone.
>doing jobs that Americans do not want to do
This fucking meme again. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before we allowed massive non-white immigration? Gnomes? No, before we started devaluing our labor (white) people could raise a family, own a home, etc on the salary of even the lowest jobs.
>homes of tens of thousands...ripped apart
Appeal to emotion, not an argument. Also, they will not be ripped apart. Anchor babies must go back too.
>reprehensible and inconceivable
Opinion. Also not an argument.
>most of whome follow the law
>ILLEGAL immigrants
>jobs Americans don't want to do
This is the easiest way to spot the soft handed ivory tower leftist. You people are so out or touch it's amazing
They have to go back. The ones who dont want to do the jobs are unemployed niggers who are leeching off the state and by extension you, the taxpayer. I want these bums off the dole and in the workforce. These lazy fucks have to work one way or another.
>jobs Americans dont want to do
You mean cant do because illegals do them for a third the price when you take out taxes, workers comp, unemployment insurance, etc. Its all about price point. Will Americans pick strawberries for $5/hr? No, but kick out the illegals and the market finds a fair price.
Yes, but that isn't the question. The question isn't about holding all these people accountable on a personal level, it's about what we do with them.
>All we have to do is start actually enforcing immigration laws.
Which would cost BILLIONS you have to understand.... to deport housekeepers and the like
> I want shitskins gone.
sounds like you need to get a hot piece of latina ass cuck! So what do you want? The new Reich? You think that is feasible today? You think that your wishes will come true? Sure, be stalwart and unmovable in your ways but realize that these people are already here and that it's inconceivable to remove them all.
Aside from that one ;)
I'm just worried for the deportation police. If blacks are willing to blast away at cops and bait them with 911 calls just because black lives matter what will the mexicans do?
But the question now is how do you remove them? Do you seriously think that this is a simple and easy task? Do you understand the magnitude of what you are asking. The reality is here. The mexicans are here to fucking stay and we have to build our policies around that reality. Sure, build the fucking wall, sure put a big ole beautiful gate in it, but you can't forcibly remove all these hard working people whose lives are rooted here.
>stop welfare
>every employer demands to see proof of citizenship before hiring
>watch them scurry out to canada without lifting a finger
Possible, but it would take a shit load of cooperation from Congress and the States.
So it's never going to happen.
Yes you actually can just remove them, load them into buses and drop them off at their home country(countries?)
>but you can't forcibly remove all these hard working people whose lives are rooted here.
You know plenty of people get hauled off to prison every day in your country right?
Like every other policy, it will go nowhere in Congress and the US Supreme Court.
Trump would be the least effective president since Carter, if the people are stupid enoug to elect him.
But hey /// memes!
We can and we will. By force if need be, but we have dug that hole deep enough through negligence and complacency and now we must implement a harsh and difficult solution because we refused to prevent the spot we are in. By whatever means are deemed sufficient to uproot these illegals we shall send them back. If you are not prepared for struggle dont vote it into office. I am certainly prepared for struggle and am willing to go through it to see a tangible and beneficial difference in the long term health and stability of America
Yes. You can. It's actually the law. We arent talking about passing new laws. It's already the law.
You posted this sit in another thread already. What a no-life faggot.
>He doesn't know about Operation Wetback
There were 5 million illegals in the U.S. in the mid 1950s, and the total U.S. population was about half of what it is today. Dwight Eisenhower initiated "Operation Wetback" to deport them, and I think he got maybe 20 or 30,000 of them before the rest got the message and deported themselves.
11 million illegals, if it is what you say it is, is proportional to the population as a whole, the same amount as what Operation Wetback succeeded in getting rid of. It worked before, and there is no reason to think that it won't work again.
>it's never going to happen
>thinking that if you say it over and over again enough times, it will make it true
this isn't magic. These people do not have grounds to be here, and the will to expel them exists and is growing stronger by the day. Only an act of god can prevent them from being removed now.
Don't enable them.
Find the companies that hire them, fine the fuck out the companies that hire illegals or break them a deal to not be fined if they hire legal citizens.
Once the illegals realize they can't find work because businesses don't want to take the risk, they'll eventually go back home.
The only way this plan won't work is if there is a lack of vigilance in the investigation of the businesses.
How did you fare in matematicas Pedro???
>every employer demands to see proof of citizenship before hiring
spoken like a TRUE NEET who has never dipped his toes into being a part of a business.
Yes, but many of those people deserve to be taken by police. You are now asking for millions of hardworking and decent people to be FORCIBLY removed from their households by these authorities (WHO SHOULD BE DOING ACTUAL WORK BTW). It is unfeasible and I claim completely unethical to ever put into policy a deportation of this scale, unless you are of course a brown-shirt wannabe fascist.
Of course it's possible, ever hear of the holocaust, japanese interment camps, operation wetback?
Don't give a shit about that shit, I would kick every wetback and their anchor babies back to taco land myself.
>Yes, but many of those people deserve to be taken by police.
Just like the illegal immigrants who are breaking the law, what's the difference?
Yeah well law enforcement certainly is doing a good job on enforcing that law huh! Maybe we should just give them A LOTTT more tax dollars, oh wait, you oppose that right?
a fucking leaf!
>decent people
Decent people obey the law. It is required of them right now that they remove themselves back to their nation of origin. Every day they linger here the more offensive and odious their presence becomes to the law abiding citizens who created and maintain the system they abuse.
We start with the obvious criminals. By the time we get done with them, the rest of your "hard workers" will have vanished like a thief in the night. You act like this is anything other than routine. It isn't. This is a normal eviction procedure for people who are squatting. These people know the deal. They are ready to hit the bricks when the lights come on, with no hard feelings, for they will want the opportunity to immigrate legally at another time, an opportunity they will be denied if we catch them here illegally.
>a fucking leaf!
go to sleep pedro, you'll be deported soon enough
How many shekels do you get for every (You)?
What's your opinion on limited amnesty?
Maybe some Mexicans can stay?
You're living in a fantasy land if you think Congress is going to deport a big chuck of their money train.
And 'Operation Wetback' was largely unenforced and relied on 'self-deportation' which was never verified.
after we deport them, we will put landmines in front of the wall and booby trap the rio grande with spikes. problem solved. oh, and plastic mines, not detectable.
it really isn't much harder than loading trucks full of illegal scum and dropping them overseas
>the status quo never changes
I guess you haven't read much history. It happens from time to time that people wake up one day and their entire world has changed. Don't think it won't happen again, because change is the only thing that is certain.
wtf I hate borders now?
Lol you stupid shils dont even know trumps policies on deportation and immigration other than the lies washed into your brain you stupid drone
Alright. We remove them. Period. Load em on buses, planes, motherfucking trains, and send them the fuck back. If NATO goes the way of the dodo and we stop protecting all these ingrates for nothing, we should have more than enough capitol to take care of our own. Cold and efficient, locate and deport. Easier than getting a (you)
It will keep them away from remigrating if they survive the fall
Decent people break the law all the fucking time. Have you ever broken the speed limit? Give me a break Hitler. It's not a normal eviction process when many of these illegals are a part of businesses already and who have AMERICAN children. You break up the families, you create more problems. What should we do with all the kids huh? Renounce their citizenship? Utter bollocks.
I just don't agree that these measures. I think it a fantasy to imagine that such a militaristic operation could succeed today without incredible backlash and repercussions. I think that giving the people who have been established here a path to citizenship is the right thing to do.
You got shit on by a leaf, how pathedic you might as well kill yourself shill
I think the government should round up all illegals and execute them one by one tbhfam, the anchor babies too.
Wow! What an interesting argument! I cannot wait to hear more about your unique, well thought out, ideas and opinions!
>many of whom are doing jobs that Americans do not want to do.
Stopped reading there. Blow it straight out your ass and neck yourself with a rope.
You know what else cost billions if not trillions destabilizing the middleast in the name of israel you kike
Sounds like you never dipped your dick into some sweet Latina pussy huh?
how rich are you you fuck? you have modern day slaves (thats what they are, they work at slave wages) doing your chores for you? you should be fucking ashamed that you don't do it yourself. and no I don't support illegal immigration so wal-mart can hire shit handlers at a cheaper price, fuck them and fuck you.
I did and got the clap from it
What point are you trying to make here? That we shouldn't deport them because you can stick your peepee inside them?
>many of whom are doing jobs that Americans do not want to do.
We'll make the niggers do it again, make it a condition of their government cheese or something. Or make the young do it: they need job experience. Or maybe give idiots who majored in Gender Studies or Liberal Arts something to do with their time besides constantly bitching about the latest social issue or writing for Gawker Media.
>What the implications of having the homes of tens of thousands of mothers with American citizen children broken into and ripped apart? Don't care. We already break apart the families of criminals who ARE citizens whose children haven't done anything. We'll likely find the closest legal relative and drop them off there, or give them to child protective services.
>I'm talking to those of you that actually understand that we aren't going to have a Reich movement in this country and that that sort of support of fascism is completely reprehensible and inconceivable in most parts of this country.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with actually enforcing the laws as they exist. The laws aren't racist or sexist or whatever meaningless insult you want to fling at me. Just because there's a lot of criminals doesn't mean they should be allowed to profit from their crime. Plenty of immigrants enter the US legally, and most people don't have any problem with them.
on another note, has no one noticed that the democrats are still on the same platform as 1850?
>we need dem slaves fo' aww cotton fields udderwise we gon go outta bidness
>we need dem mexicans for our wal-marts and landscapers, udderwise da 'conomy gun go outta 'bidness
they're not even arguing for fair labor wages they are arguing for a new slave class of people.
Understand that I acknowledge that you and many others would like to do back breaking work for little money under the sun or other menial jobs but realize these people are already here doing these jobs and sure you can revel in the fantasy of ejecting them all so you can earn $12/hr picking berries, but that isn't going to fucking happen and no one in their right mind is going to hire you at that level nor should they be expected to.
I am not rich at all...
I work a day job and co-own a business on the side that I work very hard on. I do all my chores and don't hire anyone to do them. I garden on hot blistering days during my weekends for old ladies for extra cash. You're just full of hate. Fuck off loser.
>Decent people break the law all the time
But decent people don't break the law continually. Decent people are not content to live in perpetual lawlessness. These people are a cancer that enable all kinds of collateral lawlessness besides that they have to commit themselves. An illegal is constantly in violation of the law, an illegal violates the law every time they drive somewhere, every time they use a financial device obtained with a false social security number, every time they sign a contract. With that lawlessness comes a willingness to look the other way when people commit crimes, and that leads to increased disorder in society. Cartel activities, murder, you name it - all facilitated by your 'decent' people.
>I think it a fantasy to imagine that such a militaristic operation could succeed today without incredible backlash and repercussions
Yet I've provided concrete examples where equivalent actions have taken place in this same nation under this same constitution. You may find the vision disagreeable to your stomach, but it is far from being a fantasy, I can assure you of that.
>I think that giving the people who have been established here a path to citizenship is the right thing to do
We already have a path to citizenship for foreign nationals. It involves immigrating to the United States through our established immigration procedure. If these people want to become U.S. citizens, they need to return to their nation of origin and start the process. There are many people in these illegals' home nations that have been waiting for years to immigrate legally. Should we give the line jumpers preference over those who have been patient and followed the rules? I think not.
>Americans are lazy meme
>This festering cancer is too big to even bother enforcing the law over
>too many people commit murder let's not do anything about it just like how we do nothing about too many people illegally invading the nation
Literally kill yourself. You don't deserve freedom. I wish I could kill you and take your place as a citizen. I'd remove taco for minimum wage making America great again just for a taste of Liberty.
>uses memes from ifunny
OUCH! Looks like you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed huh? Use a fucking condom moron until you can verify a girl's sexual history in SOME manner.
>12 sexual partners
>never contracted an STD
It's called a cheeky response my fellow cheeky poster!
Their crime is fleeing to our country to do menial labor. The punishment of deporting these people, many of whom have families and children here, is excessive and the implications of how the deportations would take place are nasty and cruel and i wouldn't wish that upon every single illegal immigrant here. What don't you get about this?
kek never fucked a Hispanic, nor do i have a std just trying my hand at Aussie level shitposting, not very good at it
it's possible. logically calculated. ready to go, in place now. not sharing how; strategy.
This is a great argument but please stop riding on the fact that I called them decent. I meant to describe that group of people by that that they were fulfilling some role in society without being aggressors on other parts of the law. The solution I don't think is to deport these people. Your example is very interesting and I must admit I didn't know it happened, but 11 million people 70 years later is a different story and you can't just say that that's that and it's equivalent. Also realize that many of these line jumpers had desperate reasons to come here so perhaps we should show some sympathy and I know that's not a very appealing argument but when we're talking about this scale of people I just can't condone a policy like this
you are good at it as I took the bait.
>remove illegals reee
>make robot workers
>become first techno dominant society
>america brings the irl matrix onto the planet
do it
>The punishment of deporting these people, many of whom have families and children here, is excessive
The punishment of returning people to their home country? How is that excessive in any way? How is it cruel in any way? They shouldn't be in this country in the first place, let alone trying to set down roots. Any of the children born here are American citizens and are afforded a certain degree of dignity: they no longer have to be raised by criminals. Do you think that we shouldn't break up the family of a serial killer? Do you honestly think "But I had a kid!" is in any way a defense to committing a crime?
Of course its ethical, they're criminals.
>that Americans do not want to do
*that Americans historically did and with jobs that used to go to young people
> I'm talking to those of you that actually understand that we aren't going to have a Reich movement in this country
Bill Clinton deported TWELVE MILLION you dumb sack of shit. The country is still here.
Honestly, if you so much but remove the incentives for coming here illegally and make life fucking miserable for illegals here, they will self deport.
Once the gravy train is gone and coming legally becomes a more favorable alternative, they'll gonback on their own
>Understand that I acknowledge that you and many others would like to do back breaking work for little money under the sun or other menial jobs but realize these people are already here doing these jobs and sure you can revel in the fantasy of ejecting them all so you can earn $12/hr picking berries, but that isn't going to fucking happen and no one in their right mind is going to hire you at that level nor should they be expected to.
You can understand the raw end of a hemorrhoid for all I care. You know what happens when you have a bunch of shitskins happy to do back breaking menial labor? You don't have a drive to automate. You don't have an entire market opening up for people to create or invent solutions to the problems of shitty labor nobody wants to do that has existed since the fucking Renaissance. Nope, fuck inventing automated farming equipment, let's just exploit illegal immigrants.
That not good enough reasoning for you? After taxes, you're not making much more than mexicans do if you're working for the federal minimum wage. You do nothing but appeal to a status quo constructed to house these fucking people and pretend like it's a legitimate argument.
Blow it out your fucking ass.
>Do you any of you really think that it is economically, let alone ethically, possible to deport 11 million people,
Deporting these people back to their home countries is the ethical thing to do. Letting them stay is what's unethical.
>hot piece of latina ass
Suggesting miscegenation, huh? Spotted the kike. I have never been aroused by any non-white woman. Not even a flinch.
>The new Reich
No, I want the preservation of a white-majority America while there is still a sliver of hope for such.
>it's inconceivable to remove them
>I cannot conceive it, therefore it is impossible
You don't have much of an imagination, do you?
>many of these line jumpers had desperate reasons to come here
Yes, I'm sure they do. I know an abogado who has a labor union filled with illegals in Houston, Texas. His grandfather was a Marxist that Franco kicked out of Spain over to Honduras. Most, if not all, of the illegals he runs here in the U.S. follow his Marxist philosophies. We don't want these people here. They have to go back. Marxists and other miscreants who invade our nation will be returned to their containment zones until they can sort themselves out. Our nation is a life boat with limited carrying capacity, and we will not allow it to be overrun by people who will tip it over, no matter how wholesome their intentions may be.
>But the question now is how do you remove them?
I'm fine with gassing them. Firing squads in a pinch.
you mean your illegal, tax-dodging hedges?
We've deported 2,878,672 in the past 8 years, under a president who supports amnesty. 11 million isn't a stretch if we actually try.
Praise kek
Shitposting +1
>jobs that Americans do not want to do.
Hate this Meme. Plenty of working class young people would love some of those jobs. Besides people not wanting those jobs is a good thing, it drives up wages.
Man, people are shilling super hard the past couple days.
Hello Sup Forums, I was just testing you and testing myself. I am a lurker for 2 years who is currently tripping heavily on LSD and I have again been convinced of the Trump train. The reason for bringing up this discussion was this video by (((Sam Harris))) who I respect as a writer and thinker and so I found his criticism of Trump worth listening to:
Again, I am a lost young soul on the political compass looking for salvation and am literally obsessed with this board and I thank this poster in particular for swaying me:
Go shill somewhere else, shithead
time stamp w/tracers or its fake and gay
Yes, send their mestizip kids back. What are you, a woman with all this what about the kids emotional bullshit.
Echoes weren't necessary around Sam's name, anyone can tell it by his nose.
It's unethical for them to be there illegally, wether they're doing jobs Americans want to do or not. Do you have any idea how strained the police are right now and how much better it will be in the long run without them there? And what of the mothers? Or the fathers that you probably don't give a shit about because it's not as emotive? You can't break into someone's property and rely on the fact that one of the children is either an idiot or a pussy and convinces the family to let you stay
so what you're saying is
>illegal immigrants aren't breaking any laws
>they're taking all your unskilled labor positions and forcing everyone to learn Spanish or stay unemployed
>why all the hate?
that's it im #hilldoggin now
Might as well just let everyone come in then. If we're going to just let people come in from Mexico. No more waiting lines, everybody get in here. Dumb fuck OP says it's ok.
The problem is not that we cannot deport them. The problem is that they just come right back in when we do. They broke in the first time. They can break in the same way again. And they do. Barry Hussein crows about how he deports more illegals than Bush did. What he does not mention is that he actively hamstrings the border guard to prevent them from keeping them out. That is why we need to build the wall, and make Mexico pay for it.