Why do black people hate trump? Literally every black person i possibly know hates trump, someone explain why.
Why blacks hate trump
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Collectivist brainwashing by Chaim and the electric Jew
Some of the dumber ones quite literally think he is going to ship them back to Africa. I've seen the things they say on social media and they are shaking in their boots. No welfare in that shithole you nogs.
I work with teenagers, many are black, hispanic, whatever.
Many of them honestly believe he wants to send them back to Africa. I'm not even kidding.
They are dumb as fuck barfing up the same dumb shit their peers/parents/rappers say.
Not to mention he is a threat to welfare
Jew media say so
Media Presidents and/or owners:
Jew - CBS - William S. Paley, Leslie Moonves
Jew - NBC - Jeffrey Zucker
Jew - ABC - Stuart Bloomberg and George W. Bodenheimer
Jew - ABC News - David Westin
Jew - CNN - Gerald Levin, Reese Schonfeld (co-founder)
Jew - Daily News - Maxwell, real name Hoch Jew - US News - Zuckerman.
Jew - New York Times - Sulzberger
Jew - MGM Chairman - Harry Sloan
Jew - BBC - Michael Ian Grade, Mark Thompson
Jew - Sirius Satellite Radio - Scott Greenstein
Jew - Sony Pictures Chairman - Michael Lynton
Jew - Paramount Pictures - Bradley Alan Grey
Jew - 20th Century Fox - Sherry Lansing
Jew - News Corporation - Peter Chernin
Jew - Columbia Pictures - Kaufman
Jew - Warner Brothers - Barry M. Meyer
Jew - Reuters - Rothschilds
Jew - Associated Press - Rothschilds
Jew - The Young Turks - One Turk and 2 Jews. Creators Cenk Uygur (Shabbos goy), Ben Mankiewicz, Dave Koller
Jew - Clear Channel - Andrew Levin
Jew - Warner Co - Martin S. Davis
Jew - Dreamworks - Spielberg
Jew - Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television - Micheal D. Eisner
Jew - VIACOM - Sumner Murray Redstone, real name Rothstein
Jew - MTV - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Nickelodeon - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Universal Pictures - Stacey Snider
Jew - Universal Studios - Ron Meyer
Google - Jewish-controlled, pro-TPP, openly censors news for Clinton
Yahoo - Jewish-controlled, uses Google search algorithm
Tumblr - Jewish-controlled, SJW hate vortex; owned by yahoo
Reddit - Jewish-controlled, censors viewpoints critical of Islam, Judaism, and anything SJWs object to. Users fight and force SJW CEO Ellen Pao to resign
Facebook - Jewish-controlled, censors conservative individuals and causes, caught red-handed doing so, pro-LGBT, pro-Israel, anti-free speech, pro-TPP
Instagram - owned by Facebook - no need for censorship, as thought has been eliminated in this online ghetto
Twitter - as far as I can tell, SJW Gentile controlled, censors conservatives, pro-BLM, pro-TPP, basically a marketing agency for celebrities for the most part
The Onion - Jewish-controlled, recently purchased by Chaim Saban, leading Zionist sugar daddy for Hillary Clinton
because blacks are too feeble minded to research linden b johnson
t. tried red pilling a nice black guy on the bus last week.
Because the left twisted his message of stricter immigration from high risk areas into "He gon send yo family back to Africa nigguh he fuckin rayciss as hell dawg I'm tellin you". Him supporting cops over BLM doesn't help either (not that he should support segregationist terrorists over the police mind just saying).
Black Life Matter (BLM) - The organization is funded by the Jewish Marxist terrorist George Soros and promotes Marxist-Bolshevik tactics to subvert America.
>Why do black people hate trump?
dey be waysis
literally, the most racist ethnic group in america
and anyone who doesn't kiss their collective asses will catch a shitstorm
fuck 'em, tired of their shit.
Blacks are loyal democrats.
They hate Trump because he's running as a Republican. No-one had a fucking problem with Trump before he was running.
They see the republican party, the party of the evil rich white men, whose oppressing them, and probably all racist.
If you are white, they hate you too.
Because gibs gibs gibs. Until the Democrats offer gibs and the Republicans offer 'jobs' which would require 'work,' the American black will vote to remain bums, like water flows downhill. The ironic thing about this is it keeps them in their shitty-chattel position. They're used to being slaves, and 'change' is scary. Shit is worse for them after Obama, because of his race-baiting and telling them that whitey's out to get them. The truth is that nobody owes anyone anything in America, and the sooner blacks realize this, the sooner they might break the chains.
Because, for the most part, they do what they're told.
They know how racist Trump's online supporters are.
Seriously, just fucking look at Sup Forums. This is not some secret club. Any potential black Trump supporter can be directed to this site to see the origin of the Trump memes and instantly be turned off from Trump.
Because whites like him. It's as simple as that. Blacks don't give a shit that Pedro is taking their job because niggers are lazy and would rather live on welfare anyway.
They didn't until the democrats told them to.
Pretty much the only non-meme answer.
Most don't believe that Trump himself is directly racist but a sizeable portion of his voter base are thumping their chests, screaming BUILD WALL, DEPORT SPICS AND MUDSLIMES.
If a candidate is supported by the same people who seem to hate you no matter what you do one tends to shy away from them.
Only legit answer in thread
This desu
the sad thing is trump is the only one looking to improve their opportunities by removing illegals but blacks don't care about low paying jobs being availible, you can't buy rims or $300 shoes on $11 an hour
It's 'crabs in a barrel' and the Democratic Plantation.
They're mentally inferior savages, user.
>Everyone ITT
You do all realize the man has been in and out of courts for 40 years over keeping black people out of his apartments, right? He's also in and out of courts for buying up property black people live in and then kicking them out with scumbag tactics.
His entrance on the national stage was him suing the government back after the government sued him in 1972 over housing discrimination. He lost. And then got hauled back in when he violated the order.
Woodie Guthrie wrote a fucking song about how racist him and his father was.
This is true, but I doubt the black kids that hate him today even know about this. They just do/feel whatever the mainstream culture wants them to.
Blacks hated Reagan because he cut welfare and goosed the economy creating jobs.
Work sucks, dontchaknow?
Same thing wrt Trump.
>Implying people want ghetto niggers living in their property
>Implying a white man is evil for buying up ghetto slums, investing money, and turning them into livable neighborhoods away from inner city NAPAs and savages.
Try harder, faggot.
'coz he comin for da food stambs monica
here's da statement for da Trump mane str8 from da hood nigga
Honestly I've run into several blacks who are ambivalent towards Trump and even a couple who are pro-Trump.
I don't doubt that the majority hate him, but it's not as universal as the jews would have you believe.
The black kids listen to their old black grandparents who know whats up.
Also, it doesn't take that much of a brain to realize the old white real estate mogul from New York who's family made their money in the 50s, before segregation, is racist.
Also, calling mexicans rapists and criminals is what's known as a dog whistle. And it might not be about blacks, but blacks don't like that in a candidate at all. It just turns them off. It's been ingrained in their community after 60 or so years of the Southern Strategy by the republicans.
You can hold that worldview, but don't question when those blacks don't vote for you, user.
It's not that hard.
Again, see pic. Why would you rent your properties to savages that have a long history of destroying properties?
You can call them savages and not rent for them, but they won't vote for you. It's pretty simple, desu.
Their enslavement goes so deep they don't even realie they never left the plantation
Protip: You've been talking to niggers.
Not all of them hate Trump. I know two in person who love Trump.
He's racist