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Who gives a fuck? Gas yourself.
Yawn. I hope Marxists get bored of promoting psychotic faggots and move on to some other way of trying to destroy Western Civilization.
Is this that angry ginger kid? I thought he was a fucking troll what the hell is this shit?
This fag doesn't need to reproduce.
Metaphysically who?
If that's really him then it's over for me cause I'd fuck that hard
holy shit i'm fucking dying, coppercab is a tranny now
what the fuck is this year
for those unfamiliar:
Yeah it is. The account is coppercab. That'd be awesome if this is a troll
Wait, what the fuck? When I saw him on Gavin's show I thought he was just joking because he was so over the top.
Surely he's trolling?
>ITT I feel like a loser so my solution is to suck dicks and chop mine off. Validate me please
I'm hoping he's trying to build up to a massive redpilling of the normies
Boy if he thought he caught a lot of shit for being a ginger he is in for a surprise.
Inb4 suicide a week after surgery.
It doesn't get more mentally ill than that.
Damn how the Marxists take people away so easily.
Too bad we are strong in will.
I used to believe he was some of the best satire I've ever seen, now I'm not so sure.
I hope he streams his own death.
I guess gingers really don't have souls.
His new name will be Reek.
Didn't he grow up with his "mema" as the caretaker? Does this mean we can end the "single women are good parents" meme?
Digits are out of control
I thought he was a troll
Legitimately makes me think.
He still very well could be. This might just be a temporary thing to garner attention to his youtube account. He could just be lying about hrt.
He himself doesnt know whether he is trolling or nor or this is some next level shit.
Thanks, liberals.
Who's that? She's cute
hrt =! penisectomy
hrt = grow boobs & acquire female shaped body. lose facial muscles and look feminine.
Fuck off to your favela, degenerate hue nigger
Nah, fuck it, he's still trolling. There's way too much photoshop in that pic for him to be serious.
Plus I remember all those vids of him being normal on his gf's channel.
WTF Kroc is a tranny now?!?!
What the fuck is going on in this world.
The angry ginger kid is actually getting a sex change.
Was he genuinely crazy this entire time?
My head hurts.
This is when Gavin shines, when he's on attack mode and unhinged instead of butthurt and defensive.
Has been for a decade
He got outed in 08 but kept it hidden until a few years back
They won't. They just add something else like they always have
If this is true then he wasnt trolling all these years
He really is just some retard
>mfw I watched his first video when it had 100 views
hipster nation stand up
Hes a troll you fucks. Look at his instagram. There are pictures from a few days ago with his shirt off. He doesn't even have fat man breasts.
I've had similar things happen
I remember when Pewdiepie had like 15k scrubscrubbers and I wathced his video and was like "wow this is shit" now he has millions
I wish you young people would stop making posts about youtubers.
Natural selection at work.
The mainstream news media is dead. New media is the only chance at rebuilding the fourth estate. Simultaneously new media is under siege by anti-free speech groups. Posts about youtube are entirely appropriate here.
trannies should be shot
So stunning and brave.
He is and always has been. People are being retarded.
I can't decide if he's trolling or not. This would explain why he has been such a massive white night. He has just been a stealth tranny the whole time.
Does this mean he wasn't trolling Gavin, or is this an epic long troll? Either way, I want to fuck him now
Is this the actual retarded chubby ginger from a few years ago?
From bitching about Runescape to chopping off his dick.
2016 fucking sucks.
wait a minute
isn't this that gingers don't have souls homo?
>people keep becoming trannies
end it
He made a thread on Sup Forums with a timestamp years ago. I'm still convinced it's just satire. I hope.
ITT: Retards proving yet again how gullible people on Sup Forums are
I refuse to believe he's actually going through plastic surgery. He has to be trolling. There's no fucking way. Especially that video with Gavin. No way.