Name one reason why I should vote for this man?
Name one reason why I should vote for this man?
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He's got a big penis.
yuge penis
big benis :DDD
kek really does will it tho
big benis fug :DDD
he hasn't had a stroke like hillary has.
He truly does.
because WALL
For some reason i thought he was gonna dab
The only legitimate reason is this.
What a fucking circus we're living in.
He represents a break from the existing order.
The global economic system was created in response to WWII and to the cold war. The US needed to create an economic hegemony to bind nations together. Using our tax code we forced companies to invest in foreign nations in order to gain sway over the decisions of their governments. Also by creating a single world order we have less of a chance of another world war.
These were great ideas, and worked well, but those solutions created the problems of today.
The current leadership left & right being sociapaths (like all government leaders ever) believe in themselves and mindlessly repeat the mantras of yesterday like "Russia BAD", "America GOOD", "Keynes SMART", "Globalism GOOD". They think they alone hold the keys to the future. They think they are smart, but they are just shadows of the men that came before (like Ike, Reagan, etc) that saw real problems and implemented real solutions (that lead to the problems of today)
But the time for the ideas above is in the past. We need to find solutions to the problems that these (successful) ideas created. Voters have figured this out. Politicians have not.
Trump has figured it out. That is why you should vote for him.
Prove it.
>Protect 2nd amendment
>Fix economy/trade
>Get money out of politics
Only concerns himself with what government should.
Is there any way to convince women to vote for Stein instead of Shillary?
Hear he has a great big cock. So for that.
Should've been the first post.
Because our society has been in a general decline for several decades and he represents a reactionary response to this.
that's lot of words for saying "I'm a kissless NEET with shitty life prospects, maybe everything will change for the better if the Donald becomes president"
Because America must live on
So you can save us again after a couple of years of isolation
Because the alternative, Shillary, is guilty of multiple felonies, massive incompetence, and deep-rooted corruption.
Good dubs, good dubs
His foreign policy seeks to strengthen ties with russia during a time of heightened tensions in both the middle east and south china seas.
I could give a fuck about walls and trade deals, I wan't an alliance with Russia.
Hes the only one that stands a chance against the insane corruption of the government.
>The government has already buried America's grave, nobody can stop what is next
Might as well have fun with it and vote for the guy the politicians hate.
Well, if you are an average american, the president will affect your life in very indirect and minimalistic ways that honestly, are negligible.
So knowing that either Trump or Clinton won't affect your life deeply with their policies, who should you vote for?
I say vote for the one that will bring more to your personal life. I would vote for Trump because a Clinton presidency would be incredibly boring and lame, while a meme president like Trump would guarantee that the next 4 years of politics will be entertaining and funny.
Holy shit checked
>he's a reactionary
>reason to vote for him
quintessence of a \pol\-tier sentiment in one post, honestly.
Frog gets it.
Classic shilling.
Attack his character, and not his argument.
Because you hate your own country and want to watch it burn for some reason
Donald Trump will make hating the government cool again.
Think about it. Every single 24-hour news outlet and b-list celebrity will be shitting on him nonstop and everything he does. So with this public attention on the executive branch thus enhanced, maybe the Fed will get some of its shit together.
Burn in a pile of leafs, my fellow dub dubbs.
praise dubs
Ummm, no. Project much?
Holy shit, the Canadian flag really does have a leaf on it. I never noticed that before
No way...
When trump calls people little, crooked, liars etc all the time he must be projecting
Now what are the odds of that.
Every fucking time...Praise Kek...
dank memes
bless these dubs kek
Pretty much this
He will make Russia great again.
Because I don't want another war.