Daily Canada hate thread

Say one thing you hate about Canada or Canadians.
Hardmode: no meme answer.
I'll start: they have a huge inferiority complex.

Other urls found in this thread:


We've been infused with Marxist beliefs (because of papa Trudeau) since the 70s

I hate Tim Hortons

The coffee sucks, the food sucks, the service sucks. The only redeeming quality is the Timbits.

Iced Capp is GOAT.

Tim Hortons > Dunkin Donuts

I will never get to spunk little, happy, fat, white babies in to Lauren Southern.

This. McDicks coffee is better but goddamn are those little bastard Timbits tasty.

Ok fine ill concede the Ice cap is the only other thing which redeems it.

>only country that doesn't smoke marlboros
Don't ruin it


I never understood the appeal either. If I wanted McDick tier food from a mexican woman, I would have went to the US.

Also, another thing I hate: there's no nationalism outside of Quebec and no foundation for any.

>dark brown roots

Fake blonds are disgusting looking. She would look much better if she didn't dye her hair

We have no real identity.
We still pay natives thousands of dollars just to watch them spend it all on booze
Vancouver is Hongcouver
Edmonton is full of rednecks
Toronto is tumblr
70% of our land is uninhabitable
We got children playing hockey on our money
We treat foreigners nice to live up to the Canadian niceness reputation but couldn't give 2 shits for the people around us.

>Canada hate thread
>mostly Canadians comments.

you really hate yourself.

I don't know if you really want that though. I live in Quebec and the nationalists are cancer. Somehow they have managed to fuse hipster edginess with nationalism and made it a movement. I have never met a Quebec Libre fanatic that I didn't instantly dislike.

But having a seperate identity that you can be kind of proud of is nice.


littering and...
littering and...
littering and...
littering and...
littering and...
littering and...
littering and...

>We treat foreigners nice to live up to the Canadian niceness reputation but couldn't give 2 shits for the people around us.
I genuinely can't help being polite to strangers though. I also unintentionally say sorry instead of excuse me.
Yeah road maintenance is an issue for sure.
>inb4 libertarian private road suggestion
fuck off

In their pursuit to surpass us they often forget the true meaning of shitposting.

You canucks are so passive aggressive.

Also fuck the GTA

Timbits are shit as well. They literally can't get anything right at that place

Our military is a fucking joke, and has been treated as such by both the cons and libs for decades. The libs under Jean "dis an dat" Chrétien closed CFB Chilliwack, which not only turned my hometown into a massive shithole but also left CFB Edmonton as the most western Army base, which is pretty fucking far from the west coast. Better hope nothing attacks us from the west, then.

>You canucks are so passive aggressive.

Thats a meme. Canadians aren't any different from americans

McDonalds bought the brand/company when Tim Hortons tried to start their own shit based on memes. McDonalds coffee > Tims coffee. Every 5 times I went out with friends there I've bought food it was absolutely disgusting gas station tier bullshit. I never go there. Tim Hortons is a canada meme.

Hipsters hijacked the nationalist movement by claiming it was purely based around French. While it plays a major part of our national idendity, simply going by the fact we speak French is dumb.

Basically, the intellectual elite is shilling hard for a French Quebec while ignoring the rest of what makes us a nation.

Even if nationalists are dumb, you shouldn't just step away from it for these reasons.

preddy much

Are you in the CF? I was actually thinking of joining since I have a meme degree and I've always been interested in the military

>Our military is a fucking joke
No it isn't you proxy fag. We don't need a top 10 military because we have no one to fight. NATO has our back. No one will ever dare to invade Canada.

Quebec thinking its relevant is something I hate

Don't we have a more specialized and trained military? If we went up against quantity we'd be fucked but were perfect for support roles.

We have multiculturalism

I liked you before I came to pol

Cucked to the MAX!

"You're sure spending a lot of time with this Dan!"
I will have a double double with a little WHITE GENOCIDE ON THE SIDE! m.youtube.com/watch?v=r-uEfcdmcqQ

I use Canada to pick up 19-20 year old drunk American girls. I say I'm Canadian, fuck them, and hop back across the river. Works on you leaf fucks too. God bless Detroit.

Its a hate thread not a love thread dumbass.

Why would you want aids, user?

Pizza Pizza sucks black cock and how do you let Montreal be a thing.

Fucking leaf.

Canada is a blue pilled to the max, social justice warrior paradise. The best part is Canadians are so smug about how "informed" and " educated" they are. This place is a fucking joke.

>let people with criminal records for burglary and murder into country
>not people with DUIs or decriminalized pot smoking tickets
lol Canada and it's prioroties

If you're planning on being an officer, go for it.

If we have a more "specialized" or "trained" military, I never saw any evidence of that at CFB Edmonton. My brother was a sapper at 1CR for 4 years, and hated every moment of it. Beyond BMQ and SQ, the sappers just sat around doing jack shit for weeks on end. Not for the lack of trying, they tried getting LAV training, parachute training, and various kinds of weapons training but there was never any money or officers available to do it.

The only shit they ever got to do, beyond pissing away time at the base picking at tables with their knives, was to go to Gagetown and do "field exercises" like digging ditches and setting up tents, and practice sleep deprivation.

Their equipment really is a joke. You'd think a base full of bored sappers would at least be able to keep 1 LAV in working order, but every single time I was there every LAV was inoperable and gathering dust. The trucks are almost from WW2, the only helicopter there was a Vietnam-era huey (which I never saw in operation), and for the entire 4 years my brother was there he never once got a working red dot sight for his rifle. He had to do all of his rifle qualifications with the C7's iron sight.

When it comes to the Army, the CF is in really bad shape and is getting progressively worse. All the good soldiers are putting in for Voluntary Release forms, and all the shitpumps stick around and pray for a contract renewal because they're literally too stupid to get jobs elsewhere.

Montreal needs to be nuked.
40% aren't even white.
The rest are globalist unnationalistic puppets.
Nothing of value would be lost.

the quiet revolution destroyed 90% of what actually made Quebec distinct and all you've got left is hipster liberalism. So that isn't surprising

Indians are the worst. Every time I see one I have to hold back my puke. Even worse is you usually smell them before you see them.

To be fair though, millenials are mostly pro-Canada and anti-Quebec the same way they were Bremain instead of Brexit.

It's a cucked generation with no sense of pride whatsoever.

all the immigrants I know are pro-trump, funnily enough, even though our media hates him. The Chinese are also very conservative. The numale whites and SJW trash are the festering tumors of our society.

Immigrants aren't Quebec nationalists though, so why should they even be here?
I'd add them to your plague list.

They're more culturally degenerate than even we are

Yeah I once had a teacher who was Indian. She left a lingering smelly armpit odour wherever she went. The classroom smelled like nasty curry even we she wasnt there.

I fucking love curry but man did that kind of sour my opinion of it for a while.

all the race mixers and liberal cucks

Kek needs to preserve his energy retards.

He'll be facing off against Hillary and Moloch in November.

How dare you

>the shitposting is over the top obvious
>even worse then hillary shills
>maple syrup is shit
>a fucking leaf in the flag when there should be a moose fucking Trudeau in the ass
>said Trudeau is a cuck
>more and more gibes me dat going there so it can be murrica 2.0
>opening borders to rapefugees

Only redeeming quality about Cucknada is the ice hockey.

Also, why the fuck does 2e coin look like canadian 2 dollar coin. Got hustled this morning when i went shopping. Pic related

They spawned Justin Beber and refuse to keep him contained.

Fucking leafs every time.

Comedians get punished for making jokes.

Forgot to mention these videos. It's a nice window into a Platoon Warrant's life at what I suspect is CFB Edmonton. Great for getting a feel on what the Army is like, too.


Are you talking about that guy who got sued and lost for making fun of a retard?
Meme answers are boring man. Also, the Canadian currency is older than thw European's.

Littering and... smokin the reefer

Didnt mean to meme, those are my problems. Dont know about the gun laws there but i guess owning a hunting rifle is pretty common? Isnt the land like 50% of woods and hills so i bet people hunt quite a lot.

And yeah, i phrased it a bit wrong the coin thing, i wonder why EMU had to mimic something existing, i mean they could have made it completely different looking. I think the old farts deciding all the shit in EMU are senile and forgot that boats and planes exist now and that people actually travel outside of europe


90% of the land doesn't have anybody on it. Hunting is quite common, but last time I checked, they were trying to restrict gun laws even for hunting rifles. Or at least there was some kind of shilling going on. I am not up to date on that matter, as I am not a hunter, nor do I feel the need of protection.

our internet plans and cellphone plans are basically Australia tier, not quite but it's getting there.

There's no excuse for having this shit of internet service when you're only a few hundred thousand meters away from ALL of the servers in the States.


Fucking telecomm companies raping us is the thing I hate the most about Canada by a long shot.

trailer park boys started to suck from season 8 onward



/cum/ is here, so its time to choose the worst