You can only post in this thread if your countries land-area exceeds 1 million square kilometers.
No nationlets.
>Endless resources
>Endless private land.
Feels good man.
You can only post in this thread if your countries land-area exceeds 1 million square kilometers.
No nationlets.
>Endless resources
>Endless private land.
Feels good man.
> tfw when nearest other living human is few kilometers away
best feeling desu
>tfw never seen a black person in real life.
7.6 million square km here
nearest person is 8 km away, sun's going to set soon and i'm comfy as fuck
One day, my country will stop being shit. One day...
>tfw 9% fresh water
>bunch of shit tiers between Russia and Canada
nice try
Heya folks
1.7 million square kilometers here
Russia knows what's up.
>be able to ride quads and shoot guns any time of day in my back yard
>never having to worry about a noise complaint
That's true freedom.
>mfw my state can post in this thread purely on its own but Texas has to subordinate itself to burgerstan
The order is wrong, China/US are both smaller than Canada area wise
>tfw living in overcrowded bureaucratistan
I want to leave
So do I.
>tfw living in tiny country
>no lake michigan or superior visible
>America's hat
>Calling anyone shit tier
But where?
Also, why the fuck do countries near the equator have so many fucking people? Does the heat make them hornier?
tfw im small country in big country
Het is hier veel beter heren. Alle levensruimte die je hartje begeert heb je hier.
But in Russia most areas are not suitable for life
We really have the most beautiful map ever
Waar in Amerika woon je? Hoe heb je het geregeld?
Ive literally seen 3 and one was half white and a band nerd
>free healthcare
>clean air
>sloots of all races
>no mass shootings/terrorist attacks
Stay jelly Amerifats