>be me 3 months ago
>on vacation in America
>see fat dude with a huge burger in his hand walking across the street
>approach him from behind
>bitch slap him
>his burger falls on the ground and the contents spill everywhere
>tries to chase me but fails pathetically
>tfw he will thank me later
Be me 3 months ago
>a literal subhuman vermin
Cut your wrists vertically cockroach, it's the most useful thing you can do with your miserable life
that is considered rude here in the United States. You don't drop someone's burger and expect to get away with it, and it doesn't matter if you are back in Romania. The hegemon of the universe will get you for slapping one of it's fine burgers on the ground.
Good luck
You ever seen a wedding bombed from a drone in the sky? Have you ever seen a half a million civilians wiped out? Have you ever seen the effects of depleted uranium shells on the genetics of a city? We will bring peace to your country if they don't extradite you to our immense and proud prison system. All paid for by debt that unborn babies will have to pay.
You will suck my dick!
This is why people don't like Belgians
Tell me some good shitstralian rap
It's another episode of things that never happened
I'll have to bitch slap you into reality too nigger faggot
Bitch slapping someone... fine
Fucking up a tasty defenseless burger.... come on thats low.
You're lucky I can't drive my ford truck over to Romania right now and give you a good beating for disrespecting me like that.
>Be Romanian
>Walk down the street
>At least 12 gypsies asking each other for money
>Walk into the middle of them and begin asking for money
>Get stabbed
Hahahaha I'd love to see you try silly cunt ill put you in the fucking ground
So you say. You Romanians always talk big. I ought to talk back to someone like you. But I must go. Don't think you've the last of me, Romanian scum. We American's aren't quite out of money yet. Goodbye.
Lmao fuck off with your jigaboo shit nigger
How aroused does this get you
it is customary in romania to eat food off of the ground. He was merely trying to help the burger properly eat his food
Listen up, I am not a jigaboo. I am also not a nigger. I am a white man. And you messed with the wrong burger on that day three months ago. I just said goodbye, and you'll pay for that burger. Bye, don't bother replying.
How aroused does this get you?
You'll thank me later
What is it I will be thanking you for?
>hourly reminder to ignore gypsieposters
Respect the dubs you rumuneshty fuck
Kek he thinks you are the fatass he talked about in op
>tfw Romanian qt3.14 pure gf
Feels good man.
But christ Romanian men are living Picasso paintings.
Ever consider a career in insult comedy? (Srs), I'd pay to watch you shit-talk a bunch of gypsies