>racial discrimination >gender stereotypes >unequal pay >no money loss on workers calling in sick or on holidays >can work 24/7
Sounds like a win win to me
Liam Robinson
Zachary Gonzalez
>But muh $15 minimum wage
Same thing will eventually happen at fast food/takeout chains
Cameron Edwards
Anyone else notice he is pushing a lot of incomplete and financially ambiguous projects out as of late.
I don't trust this guys fresh water.
Hunter Young
What are your counter schematics ?
Luke Long
these are in nearly every McDonalds in Australia now
Leftist would defend needing robots to do things people don't want to whilst defending a $15 hour wage for a job that wont even exist
Brandon Allen
How is this a bad thing?
Christopher Clark
>Welcome to Tesla
what did she mean by this ?
Jace Harris
They said on the news it was the size of 250 football fields. That is NOT 250 football fields.
Mason Torres
Lmao white boy play with robots an shit while we fuck ur winmin
Jackson Howard
4:50 second video in op's post >all the machines are bought via catalog, a machine from this person and another machine from this person, to build the factory >you couldn't do this with designing the tesla model s, if you took pieces from different cars it wouldn't make any sense >so we applied that theory to the factory, to make batteries from the ground up do people think when they speak like what the fuck
Jacob Cooper
All paid for by the government
Next time you see someone in a Tesla and you are jelly
Just know your tax money went to making that car
William Murphy
oh yeah? tell me something you robot faggots, whatchoo gonna do when I toss an EMP grenade into your factory? Huh? Watchoo gonna do then faggot robots?
Tyler Parker
just wait until the hordes of unemployed masses show up at your door and bash your fucking skull in.
won't be so funny anymore, will it?
Luis Foster
>touching screen covered in grease by some hobo hands
Daniel Wright
The Jews are conditioning us to make us think were usless, so they can push this technology.
We become nothings, that can't earn money to buy money >Jew empire falls with no money
Brody Cruz
Wow, good thing we've been importing cheap labor since 1965
Bentley Evans
you'll be murdered or imprisoned by the state and then the factory will be rebuilt without much expense because it is insured.
Bentley Hughes
humans are cheaper, more efficient labor. providing robots with the energy necessary to do the same task as a human costs more and is less efficient than a human can convert that same energy from food.
as climate change gets worse, and energy costs go up, you are going to see a lot of homeless robots holding signs that read "will sort and stack plastic totes for electricity"
Andrew Perry
Good manufacturing has been stagnating for 30 years
Jack Perry
>Tesla Gigafactory 1 is a lithium-ion battery factory Now I know why afghan war will never ends, guess it the price to pay for all of this gloriousness
Ryder Torres
"they" don't need cheap labor for making more money. they already have all the money in the world.
Jack Wilson
then I will EMP the state and insurance companies too
Logan Ward
Sebastian Rivera
>that electric sub station
looks like meme man Elon "Rent seeker" Musk is at is again, selling champagne socialist liberals a (very expensive) way to pat themselves on the back for being good people
Ethan Hughes
So how long until these batteries they're producing becomes the next environmental epidemic?
Tyler Green
Fuck these things are horrible - We've started getting them in NZ and it takes for fucken ever to get a McChicken burger now because all the cooks are busy making some wankers special needs burger.
McDonalds needs to stop trying to become 'premium'
Jonathan Davis
I am scared of the future folks
Jason Ramirez
human workers will go the way of the horse
Liam Cooper
when did elon musk get so gay??
Connor Powell
humans will not be able to adjust to the robot takeover
Brandon Sullivan
>Good luck Joanna
Hudson Gonzalez
the invention of the tractor caused a massive genocide of the horse population
Jack Carter
Musk is a pathetic stock pump monkey
Fuck him
He belongs in jail
Easton Rodriguez
Elon Musk is very succesful and definitely smarter than me, but he invests in the craziest, dumbest shit, he's probably the kind of guy who would buy shipments of Snake Oil in a different time.
Luke Cox
Mr. Really Really Really and Michael MicroHead
Jaxon Perez
[spoiler]It's only 1/7th completed[/spoiler]
Noah Cook
Anthony Carter
They prioritise the drive thru lanes first
Then the customised menus, then everything else last.
It took 25mins last time I went to MakkyD's to get a crappy quarter pounder meal.
Oliver Nelson
What will humans do?
Carter Rogers
And thank fuck for that. More humans for thinking tasks instead of labour.
Xavier Mitchell
The Jews end goal
>Decimate the population
perhaps that stone tablet in the US somewhere was right. Create a sustainable population of 500,000,000.
Adam Rivera
clean shit.
all the automated shit in the world still needs to be cleaned.
Oliver Moore
That faggot has been creating companies producing overpriced shit-ass products and recording huge losses, and yet thriving off taxpayers' and investors' money. Despite that, the media has been promoting his every outrageous claim that would better suit a "futurologist" author of tinfoil books than a CEO like crazy. Meanwhile, lots of real research that has potential is being underfunded, because investing in marketing and lobbyists is way more profitable and surefire way to make money.
Stop this ride, I want off.
Hudson Bailey
Nevada tax money
1.4 billion, 200,000 per job is the bid nevada made
Also they don't pay taxes for 20 years. (state)
Brandon Gray
shit shit shits shit shit shit
Chase Jackson
Pretty sure it is built near a lithium mine in NV.
Nice tinfoil hat though.
John Bailey
You could buy a Tesla too if you weren't a bum NEET shitposting on Sup Forums. Model S is about the same price as your typical new car.
>muh superior German car >muh Tesla better not fair
Stfu German cuck.
Americans make the best cars now, deal with it.
Jace Foster
Only western white goyim will accept this. This factories will be burned to the ground by the angry unemployed mobs in countries like China.
Kevin Perry
Tesla has reported profit in the past
All of their cars individually make profit.
They just are expanding like crazy though and investing heavily into new ventures. So of course nothing is profitable yet. They want to be first movers in the electric vehicle / solar space.
Tomorrow they will probably merge with Solarcity.
Michael Cruz
It's 1/7 complete. Solar Panels aren't even on the roof yet. How do you think Solar Panels are even made? With magic?
I swear this board is full of morons.
Joshua Ortiz
Caleb Sanders
>>> > Anonymous (ID: 9MHsSYEg) 08/01/16(Mon)00:00:35 No.83693635▶ >File: 1.26.11 Horse Tractor.jpg (47 KB, 392x442) > >the invention of the tractor caused a massive genocide of the horse population
Brayden Nguyen
>Tomorrow they will probably merge with Solarcity. That's nice, I'll let you guys know if they actually decide to open up the damn factory.
Adam Martinez
>promise to make thousands of jobs >get billions in tax cuts from Nevada for opening factory >use robots
Musk is a fucking savage.
Chase Foster
the struggle at this point is to capture market share
it's not about turning a profit. nothing he makes ever can or ever will turn a profit
in fact he explicitly states that the most crucial technologies to advance humanity in history NEVER turned the original makers a profit
he just says that to comfort people
none of his shit will make a profit. ever.
the goal is to capture government pork, take it away from predatory industrialists, and turn it into something as productive as possible.
it's always been his explicitly stated goal
Carter Wood
Yeah, well, now it doesn't. And hasn't for as many years back as I bothered to look just a couple weeks ago.
WTF do you mean "their cars individually make a profit"? They need to sell a certain number of cars to make a profit. If they sell one car, it's not enough to turn up a profit on their venture, with all their infrastructure, factories, etc. They are not selling nearly enough cars to become profitable, and haven't been for years.
Cameron Murphy
>buying into the meme.
I worked a tesla factory.
this shit will get old and break in 2 weeks.
Carter Carter
What are the chances that musk might be a closet white nationalist? Last time I checked the oil business is a Jewish dominated business.
Cooper Ross
Well said.
They're going to kill off, billions of humans this century...
Asher Cook
When he realized everything he said dictated his stock price and, therefore, his ability to repay the massive loans he has taken from .gov and investors.
Daniel Miller
Right when he - got hair transplant for his balding head at around 30.. if you're balding, be alpha - shave it off and grow a beard
Parker Green
Who do you think is going to maintain that manufacturing monument?
Matthew Murphy
If the QA on his robots is as good as the QA on his cars, there will thousands of jobs. Fixing the damn robots daily.
Luis Collins
I meant, if Tesla isolated the model S, they would be profitable.
They are unprofitable because they are spending as much as possible on growth.
Jaxson Cook
>machines making machines
How peculiar
Jeremiah Carter
Ironically the EPA and Greenpeace have big problems with lithium extraction methods (fluid injection). Also, the big lithium field is far south across the border in California near 29 Palms.
Ian Martin
this. the only reason tesla is unprofitable is because it is putting all its money into expanding production
David Roberts
tesla hires TONS of mexicans and niggers. it's all run by machines anyway, so mexicans and niggers don't fuck up that badly. I know a few who work for tesla.
this is just another way that they can funnel money away from whites and grant it to 70 iq niggers who can't fucking read.
Gavin Flores
fairly high. some think people like him and thiel are pushing for the singularity, because the singularity wil basically have ZERO use for any niggers.
the problem is that he shields hmself with copius AA hires. being gov funded means his revenue stream is dependent on making niggers happy
Andrew Sullivan
>using robots >funneling money away from whites
I think you have it backwards.
Joshua Harris
Is this where the giganigga will emerge from? Do we have the technology?
Eli Wilson
you people don't have a very suble understanding of gaap accounting.
tesla lost money for 12 years straight with 2 bailouts. they turned a profitfor the first time last year. they haven't even BEGUN to dig themselves out of the hole they made, let alone be able to pay off the new loans they took for expansion
Ayden Ward
you are a fucking dumbass with no understanding of tesla's financials. I invested in tesla at $28 a share and have been listening to you retards all the way to over $200 a share where it is now. Some of you dumb shits who have shorted the stock have actually killed yourselves since my initial investment
Sebastian Sanders
naw man, you don't get it.
tesla takes tax money from whites to fund a factory that is beholden to affirmative action federal hiring policies, which means distributing high paying jobs to niggers.
it's smilar to high ranking niggers in the military it's just a redistribution scheme.
as a couple other posters have argued, musk, being a saffer, is 70% chance a closet natsoc. the problem is that if his singularity plan fails, he ends up distributing a lot of money to niggers.
actually if his singularity plan SUCCEEDS it still might end up giving a lot of niggers a better living standard than they deserve
imagine raising living standards SO HIGH that even niggers can't get away with murder, and so we end up vaulting all niggers into the middle class, where they don't become NICER of MORAL people, they just become richer
that's a BIG problem. tesla is exacerbating it
Carson Flores
this is so ridiculous "look at the size of my BIG factory! thats a BIG factory"
And Musk is supposed to be the savior of mankind ?
Connor Walker
Everything will be automated. Socialist utopia soon like Wall-E.
James Brown
I'd like to see some figures on that. They've been manufacturing lots of other products, including other models of cars. I'm pretty sure they've been using the designs, facilities and infrastructure for their other products to create and manufacture Model S, so there's no viable way to clearly separate it from the rest of their operations. I'm calling bullshit.
Benjamin Turner
Can't wait for this Scam Artist living on government subsidies to get fucked over by his wife in divorce court.
Alexander Campbell
must be nice to be riding the yellen put
I wish I could insider trade on stocks that got government funding
Sebastian Parker
Looking at Sup Forums I'm not sure that's a good thing
Ethan Foster
With the rise of automation, everyone can become a NEET posting on 4chin
Brody Perez
Tesla has literally never turned a profit. Just because you sell a car or two doesn't mean your net income is positive.
Brayden Brown
it's absolutely NOT a good thing
try reading one of nick land's posts about cosmic horror or stupid monkeys
we are necessarily the STUPIDEST our species can possibly be and still invent industrial society.
in fact, most of us are STUPIDER than the necessary intelligence to maintain industrial society. industrial society then distributes resources and allows them to reproduce, and undermines its own ability to maintain itself.
driving stupid people out of physical labor gives them time to muse on communism and have children with low iq fathers without fearing death.
death is what necessitates incremental iq increases.
in the absence of death, evil people come to rule the world. because evil isn't pure malevolence. evil is being too stupid to understand what causes people to die. and they cause people to die again.
Jaxson Gray
Do you not know how to do a google search
Ayden Peterson
Basic income or french Revolution 2.0. Cant lay off all the dumdums and not expect a backlash